This "stand alone" page will serve as a permanent "thank you" to those who have contributed money or "in kind" resources to help this blog and this blogger. Donations can be sent via the PayPal button on the site or mail to John Hoff 2226 Bryant Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55411
If you gave me a contribution and you don't see it up here, yet, either send me an email reminder or be patient, I will get it up there. Also, some friends are so close they help me almost daily, their stories and photos woven into the fabric of the blog, which is the only way I can acknowledge such help, since tracking all that help would be overwhelming. But here are the beginnings of some attempt to acknowledge donations.
* $100 donation, from a fine neighborhood activist in the Willard-Homewood neighborhood, via PayPal button.
* $5 donation, from a neighbor on Hillside Ave. N., who asked me to blog about Mahmood Khan's "house of poop."
* $20 cash, handed over from a working man whose hands were full of paint. You know who you are.
* Work on the transmission of my vehicle at a reduced rate, thank you.
* Loaded up my weed wacker with string, thanks.
* Various PayPal donations, to be ennumerated later, thank you thank you.
Donations that came in after the Moore v. Hoff free speech court case, "The Price Of Truth."
$110, four donations via PayPal.
$21.70 in the form of a "photocopy card."
$100 donation, November 2013.