

Friday, June 18, 2010

JSPAN VIDEO COVERAGE! City Council Resolution Honoring Dr. William Green

Video by John Hoff, (using borrowed camera) blog post by John Hoff

Today I was in City Council Chambers, and I was fortunate to catch an awards ceremony for Dr. William Green, the outgoing superintendent of the Minneapolis Public School system. Jeff Skrenes (the Hawthorne Hawkman) had a video camera handy, and I captured this footage with Jeff's camera, which Jeff promptly posted to his YouTube profile.

(Do not click "Read More")


  1. Technically, John, I handed you my camera and you took the video. Not sure how you want to handle video credit for that.

  2. You're right. We had three cameras in the chamber--yours, mine, Megan's--and they were being handed back and forth so much, I plain forgot that I was the one who shot that video! I will correct accordingly.


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