Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jeff Brought A List Of Shelters--They Tore It Up In His Face

Photo by John Hoff

Breaking news about the Apartment Complex of Anarchy. HACC Housing Director Jeff Skrenes went over there AGAIN with a list of shelters and housing resources. One guy took the paper and tore it up in Jeff's face.

Above, another picture of little children playing across the street for the first time in memory as the scary criminal elements get THROWN THE HECK OUT of the Apartment Complex Of Anarchy.

(Do not click "Read More")


vechello said...

thanks for all the inspiration. just spent an hour looking over your blogs and i'm so inspired to get out and do more for our community. i've been living over at 32nd & emerson ave n for about 5 years and love the community. being an avid 311/911 caller i can relate to everything you're bloggin about and your concerns for the neighborhood. i just got rid of some tenants from hell that were renting out a property with no rental license. nice! drugs, gunshots, gangs, and someone was even shot in the house.(which had kids in it mind you!) anyways...they have moved and my crusade to clean up the northside continues. please let me know if there's anything i can do to help and let me know of any thing going on that i can be a part of. this is a beautiful neighborhood..let it shine! :) (

peace and love
fellow northsider!

Johnny Northside said...

I'll send you an email to say the same thing, but for the record...what you can do? Hmmmm. When stuff happens, if you have time to pull this off, get on my blog and tell your stories in posts on the comment section, so others will be inspired.

Or you can send me an email, with pictures, even, and I'll try to get YOUR stories on MY blog.

If my blog actually has some ability to inspire, well then, send a few more folks this way to read it. Thanks for all you've done. You've apparently been doing it a lot longer than me, I'm just rather prolific when it comes to writing about it!