In addition to what I reported previously, that no signs of forced entry were found at the JACC Office break-in, here is another piece of info: word is the office has an alarm system, but it was not tripped.
Therefore, either the alarm was left off during the time of the break-in, or the person(s) who broke in had a door code.
It is NOT confirmed a fax machine was taken, in addition to a photocopier, however one member of the Jordan community was heard to comment "photocopiers as well as fax machines have memories."
More info is in the hopper and will hit this blog in what has been dubbed "the Jordan soap opera" by one frequent reader of this blog.
This I will say: everybody loves a drama, whether they admit it or not. The intensity of this struggle is in proportion to the love individuals have in Jordan for their neighborhood and the hope they have for its future. One person told me, "Foundations are already getting in line to help Jordan, now that we have a new board." This may be hopeful hyperbole, but it shows the unquenched spirit of this neighborhood.
Jordan is not down. Jordan is fighting for its future.
ADDENDUM: This information by email: "There is so much other stuff going on out of that office that it's hard to tell what is missing. Jerry had recently started renting out rooms/space to other individuals or organizations."
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the copy machine was a large fax/copy/scan combo. For sure it had storage capacity. I think you are right about property being taken in attempt to remain in power/control. They will probablly try to set up shop somewhere and continue as the JACC organization. Recently some folks, won't name names, where tring to illegal and inconsiderately break the lease at the office and move in to a shared office with NRRC. Perhaps the JACC propert will show up at the NRRC office?