

Thursday, July 17, 2014

GUEST AUTHOR EDITORIAL: The Killers Of Steve Martin Are Still On the Street! Nomi Residents Stand By And Let This Injustice Continue! Heartbreaking Words From His Daughter Sa'sha Martin, Wayzata High School Senior Who Wanted Him To Be At Her Prom And Graduation...

Blog post by Jordan North

Finding the words to say to a young girl you have seen grow from an adorable child into a beautiful women, about the senseless murder of her Father, is something one doesn’t prepare for. The last time I saw Sa’sha was at a baby shower, in my home, there were eight perfectly decorated tables and she sat quietly, sweetly and shyly in the corner. Two years later she is telling me that they have made TWO arrests, in the murder of her Father and...

...had to let them go. This time the sweet innocence seems gone. I somehow feel guilt that MY neighborhood seemed to cause that. This is my neighborhood and for the first time in many years I’m starting to feel the bad outweighs the good. When did that happen? What ugly tide has swept through my area and is anyone really doing anything about it? 

One thing that strikes anyone who meets Sa'sha is her zany and joyful personality. Why was that stolen from her on a crowded street in North Minneapolis? All of those people standing around Penn avenue the night Steve Martin was shot, speak up! SOMEONE is keeping the information that would give this child closure, give her a sense of security back. What kind of community keeps this kind of secret? These are the photos that Sa'sha used to post.....

Every young girl wants her Father to be there when she leaves for Prom or marries the man of her dreams. Every girl NEEDS her Father...

This is the photo Sa'sha has posted now...

We as a community need to help bring these killers to justice. If you know something go to the police (preferably) or send us a message directly to this blog (if you're completely unwilling to go to the police, we will forward your info). This is not the time to be a coward. This is the time to stand up for Sa'sha and Mr. Martin's other children.
Also please make any donation you can afford to help the future of this family. We must pull together to take back this community from those who continue to steal, kill and destroy. Please click on the link below to donate.

I will let Sa'sha Martin end this post with words she has chosen to share........

''IN LOVING MEMORY "Dying is easy. Living is a challenge. Are you living right? Or dying wrong?" - Steven Martin

It's been three weeks and still till this day I can't believe my dad was killed, and I'm trying to prepare myself for the day it hits me the hardest. My dad was shot in the neck, on June 23 trying to break up a fight, just an innocent bystander, trying to keep peace. We still aren't quite sure who did it, but we will NEVER stop searching until they're behind bars.

He was a father of 9, the oldest of 3 children, and an adorned family/friend by many. No matter what obstacles he was facing in life my dad always kept a smile on his face and his head held high. He was somebody anyone could rely on when times got tough; he was the type of person to put his self in another man’s shoes, or even take the shirt off his back to help others. My dad was my best friend, though we did have ups and downs, he knew exactly how to make me laugh or help me view things in a different perspective. I could run to him about anything and he'd give me advice on life and its curve balls. I'll never forget his smile, his love, or his wisdom... 

My heart stops when I think about everything, then I get the lump in my throat, and try to fight back the tears I don't want to see roll down my brothers and sisters faces, because I'm supposed to be strong for them. It's scary to think about how close gunshots reach home but It's even more scary to realize tomorrow is never promised. My dad was on his way to the top, continuing in school, working towards his construction license, and starting his own company. 

I wish he knew how proud of him we all are to call him dad. As his first daughter it breaks my heart to know he'll never be able to walk me, or any of my siblings, down the aisle, or give my sisters and me away at our weddings or even attend our proms. I know he's in a better place watching over us, and I also know, as one of the oldest, it's my responsibility to be a role model to my younger siblings and make sure they get what they need. I wish it wasn't his life that was taken but I know God was calling his angel home and I won't question him why. We're all going to make him proud and I promise you that!!

 If anybody knows anything please come forward so we can fight for justice and possibly save another life. Never take the ones you love for granted, in the blink of an eye any life can be taken. Cherish your family and friends because tomorrow is never promised. Rest In Paradise Daddy.. GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN January 03, 1977 - June 23, 2014''

 We don't snitch. We just die.


  1. Steve Martin is dead? He was hilarious in "The Jerk".
    "I'm picking out a thermos for you..."

    1. How cruel are you ....burn in hell ass wipe, because you're day is coming believe that. LORD HAVE MARCEY ON YOU'RE SOUL

    2. Im not supposed this seems to be a joke to some people I guess only because it wasn't their love one who lost there life

  2. My heart goes out to Sa'sha and her family. Truly senseless. I feel so helpless and wish I could offer some advice on how to remedy this situation in our beloved NoMi.

  3. Hoffen,
    You should remove the anonymous comment made on July 17, 2014 at 11:57 PM.
    It doesn't contribute anything and it would sicken any sane person.
    WTF is wrong with you?

  4. There are many solutions but our elected officials do not have the courage to initiate them.

  5. Please remove request for donations on this site. That's absolutely inappropriate.

  6. I hope and pray that they find the cold blooded killer of this fine man. Whoever uses a gun to hurt, maim or kill another person is a PUSSY. How easy is it to pull a trigger? How hard it is to TALK it out.

  7. That is sad. People step up to the plate. A person is walking arround that killed someone. Take action. NOW

  8. The VILLIAN GEORGE WATKINS finally goes to jail for beating the hell out of his girlfriend but got away, along with KEITH HEMPHILL(who is waiting his turn to go to the big house for not reporting his sexual predatory ways to his P.O.) with killing Jami Marks in a home invasion.
    I pray that they both get bludgeoned to death slowly...along with the mannish looking bitch-dog named HOLDEN who looks like death warmed over.

  9. First of all, your comment is abhorrent and only because it may contain some kind of useful information and/or be an attempt at substantive discussion am I approving it.

    Second, your comment isn't even related to this topic. Couldn't you at least search the blog and find someplace where one of these characters are discussed and comment THERE?

  10. I have told the guest author not to attempt to solicit donations anymore on this blog, however, I hadn't told the guest author that BEFORE and I didn't really want to break her spirit. There will be no more solicitations of that nature on this blog. However, I think this particular victim--unlike so many others who are actually up to their eyeballs in criminal lifestyle choices--was truly a victim and the family is deserving of donations.

    But such solicitations will NOT take place on this blog by guest authors in the future. I will note there is a PayPal button where donations can be made to this blog for the work we do, have done, and TRY to do.

  11. What are those "solutions" you are referencing?

  12. "Your soul" (possessive) not "you're soul" (contraction) is the correct usage.

    Please take note and try to do better in the future.

  13. Every major news outlet in this city has posted this donation link. What's inappropriate is that some troll has a problem with raising money for children or telling you what to put on your blog.

    Thank you for all the other comments. My heart and prayers go out to the family too.

  14. Simple and common sense solutions which have been perennial favorites of this blog and its readers for some time John.

  15. It is known that these young alleged fang members of 10s gang were involved


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