

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Semone Christian Harris, Charged In 2011 Vehicular Homicide In North Minneapolis, Currently Sitting In Jail...

Forward Operating Base Gardez, Afghanistan, (a/k/a FOB Goode) photo and blog post by John Hoff. The children in the photo are chasing a trash truck, trying to grab bags of American trash. 

The photo above only explains why this blogger would have missed a story in June of 2011 about a vehicular homicide in North Minneapolis, click here for news article. I was busy and I was elsewhere. There are whole months which are mostly blank as far as events in North Minneapolis are concerned. 

So this story is a bit of a "catch up" for me. Incredibly, I can still update the story and contribute some public knowledge. 

According to KARE 11, three people were injured when their car slammed into a tree near 21st and Upton around midnight on June 14. Here's the people KARE 11 identified as injured in the car crash...

22-year-old Deandre Kris Leroy Jordan, 21-year-old Italea Kashenia House, and 19-year-old Semone Christian Harris.

The car was so mangled that photos on the KARE 11 site show two separate pieces. Authorities at that time were trying to determine if alcohol was involved and one witness thought she heard gunshots right before the accident. 

Now the jail roster is showing one of the victims of the crash, Semone Christian Harris, charged with criminal vehicular homicide while under the influence of alcohol. So it would appear one of the other victims died, but this blog does not know which one. If it were both victims who died, however, presumably I would see two charges...and I don't. 

Semone was arrested June 25th (of THIS year) and booked at three in the morning, interestingly. I guess she's a night owl, or maybe that's when police came knocking. She is held without bail.

Harris is listed on the jail roster as a resident of 1310 Lowry Ave. N. The owner of the property is PPL, "Project Pride In Living." This entity used to be considered very helpful by many North Minneapolis residents back in, say, 2008 but some longtime residents were always opposed to PPL as a nonprofit whose sacred self-appointed task it was to fill our neighborhood with crime and poverty while putting a happy face on their task. 

Over time, this blogger (once a fan of PPL) has gradually been swinging around to a more miserly and conservative viewpoint where PPL is concerned, though my personal jury is still out.

This new piece of evidence, however...

Isn't helping their case. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, the name of that guy is Semone Harris and he lives in Minneapolis, but how do I know it's the SAME Semone Harris? My gut says you are probably right, but we're not yet at the "confirmed factual error" stage.

    I am going to request the criminal complaint and see what pronoun is used. If a correction is warranted, I will make it, and I do thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    Semone. A DUDE'S name! I swear, what is the world coming to? I was in court watching a proceeding some years ago, and a female named Xavier appeared before the court, seeking a name change. And no wonder! How am I, at first glance, supposed to know what sex the name is if there's such MUDDLEMENT and CONFUSION?


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