

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Charges Of Violating A Protection Order For Hezekiah Hamilton, Who (As Far As This Blog Can Tell) Has Been A Suspect All This Time In The Murder Of Jody Patzner...

Mugshot, therefore public domain, blog post by John Hoff

Hezekiah Hamilton, who has (so near as this blog can determine) never NOT been a suspect in the murder of Jody Patzner since his questioning and release by police, (nor has he ever been convicted) has still walked a very hard road since that time. 

As this blog reported in November of 2013, he was convicted on drug charges and faced a probation violation hearing. Now Hamilton is sitting in jail, charged with...

...violating a protection order. When Hennepin County gets done with him, Anoka County wants Hamilton on a felony charge. And then Polk County wants him on a felony charge, too! His mug shot doesn't make him look like a very big guy. I doubt there's enough of him to go around. 

It is the general observation of JNS blog that once somebody is a suspect in a murder, and "walks" due to, for example, wisely invoking Fifth Amendment rights, at that point local police "have your number." You will not spit on the sidewalk without Minneapolis police issuing a charge, not a warning. 

To which JNS blog says...

God bless the Fourth Precinct.

Oh, by the way, Hamilton's address is listed on the jail roster as 3106 Newton Ave. N., a rental property owned by Wenrich Property and Development, LLC. 

Never heard of them. JNS blog finds itself not liking the new landlord characters in our neighborhood sitcom. I say bring back some of the old characters, like Keith "Not The Best, Not The Worst" Reitman and Bashir "There Are No Limits To My Humility" Moghul.  


  1. Wenrich is Wendy Sullivan, a longtime bit player in the northside slumlord game. Never been a good landlady but never quite bad enough to get much attention.

  2. Tell me more! List of properties, anything you can, tell me MORE!

  3. Try googling "2416 4th St N Stipulated Agreement & Conditions"

  4. there was a recent city agreement about conditions at a Wenrich property and the link was goofy, couldn't cut and paste it. That's why just google it and you will find it.



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