

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mother Of Shooting Victim "Baby Isaac" Calls For Fugitive James Early To Turn Himself In, While Early Continues To Live Large And Post Frequently On Facebook From, Apparently, Brooklyn Park...

Facebook photo used under First Amendment Fair Comment and Criticism
and (JNS blog asserts) a sensible public safety exception to copyright and (this
one is new, folks) fugitive with an active warrant posting a recent photo of
himself to social media exception to copyright, blog post by John Hoff

As reported a little while ago on this blog, James Early (click here for his Facebook page) is still a fugitive after skipping out on his probation after being in possession of a weapon and accidentally shooting his baby nephew, Isaac Early, in the head. 

Baby Isaac, who miraculously lived, still has a bullet in his body from the shooting. While a fugitive and announcing he is in "BP" (Brooklyn Park) James Early continues to live large on Facebook, posting such items as...

(July 25) You will never see a one on one fuck niggah the whole squad gone getcha

(July 26) Ugh on me I really hate lame bitches

Here's the one which takes the prize, though perhaps not the prize for anatomical knowledge: 

(July 24) I'm throwing dick inside her stomach ! 

Meanwhile, the mother of Baby Isaac has posted a heart-rending plea for James Early to turn himself in. On July 27 James Early posted the following words: 

"Doing all that trusting get you dead"

And he also posted an "emoticon" of a sad face with the words "Feeling alone." A Facebook user named Hayley TooCool Jackson responded, "Your (sic) not alone bro just pray." 

This was followed by a longer plea from Petra AlwaysgunnaBe Ross, mother to Baby Isaac:

turn urself in u still did what you did and it still look dumb don't follow isaac footsteps thats why yall all fucked up cuz he poor ass big brother and father. the only people that deal wit my kids is they grandma on his dad side. but yet mfs walkin around sellin drugs gettin high nd shootin my baby but nobody wana grow up and c they own kids nd nephews.

JNS blog feels this epistle is clear enough and requires no attempt to translate any Facebook slang. The reference to "Isaac" apparently means Isaac Early, who is the father and namesake of Baby Isaac Early and the brother to James Early. 

With James Early posting a recent picture of himself with his distinctive red hooded sweatshirt, and posting his phone number, and talking frequently about his location and activities, and now this recent "feeling alone" post, I believe Early WANTS to turn himself in at some psychological level but he can't quite make himself do it. 

This blogger will add only the following, and hope it gets to James Early, somehow.

You shot your baby nephew in the head by accident. Yet God was merciful and allowed the baby to live and achieve almost a full recovery. This was a miracle. 

How many miracles do you think God owes you? How many amazing heavenly signs to get your life in order? Every day you are a fugitive you are outside the will of God, outside of the life God wants for you. 

I don't write these words as though I am righteous. I am not. But I recognize a miracle when I see one, and I know they don't happen very often. 

You were the recipient of a MIRACLE, James Early. Your nephew LIVED after YOU SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD BY ACCIDENT. Why would God Almighty do something so special for YOU, James "BD'dis BD'dat" Early? 

I don't know, but you are the recipient of A Miracle From God and that should make you tremble before The Almighty. God wants something from you. I don't know what it is, but it's obvious God is paying special attention to you. 

Live the way God commands you to live, James Early. Which is not the way you are living now, a drug-using fugitive from the law. 

With calm and peace of mind, with faith in The Mercy Of God turn yourself in to the authorities. 


  1. Turn yourself in baby! You're making it worst! I follow this blog from Detroit. All bad here.

  2. "White Lightning" comment rejected. It is just a troll trying to make trouble. You are not "hunting" anybody, troll.

  3. And per his facebook page, he's been caught. Currently sitting in jail.

  4. If the Facebook information can be confirmed, I am not writing about it (though I normally would) because I am chilled in my First Amendment expression. Guest blogger Jordan North is still free to cover the issue. Until HER blogging becomes a problem and I have to CUT HER OFF AT THE BAR.

  5. well, he's on the jail roster with an MNDOC hold.

  6. That is the kind of thing I would normally be writing about this red hot second but currently I feel I am chilled from doing so.

  7. this nigga has been caught again and will be dealt with...30 days in jail really ought to hurt.

  8. Publishing the comment above only because I assume the word "nigga" is not being used as a racial pejorative but in the common urban way of expression.


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