Photo by John Hoff
I'd never seen anything like the vehicle which drove past me on Washington Ave. SE. It was some kind of heavy duty tow truck, converted into a cartoony "missile launcher" carrying a "mega-missile."
At first I thought these were fanatical red-white-and-blue Republican war supporters, but then I realized it was...
...a parody of some sort.
Yes, indeed, it was the "Missile D*** Chicks," an outrageous theatrical anti-war group which had just recently attended DNC 2008. They were, like me, an equal opportunity offender.
They crowded around me and wanted their pictures taken because, as it turned out, I was wearing a "Dixie Chicks" t-shirt.
"People get us confused with the Dixie Chicks all the time!" said one of the Missile D*** Chicks, a claim which seemed, well, extravagant. But what ISN'T extravagant about this group? This is the kind of spectacle I was seeking; uber-spectacle, a spectacle BEYOND mere protest. Spectacle that bends your mind and it doesn't snap back the same way.
One of them made me touch her missile. I (shudder) liked it.