Saturday, July 5, 2008

"Pushback" From The Prostitutes And Drug Dealers On 6th Street North (Photo Three)

Photo by Peter or Joy Teachout
This photo reveals a lot.

I'm guessing the driver's side window was broken, and some kind of accelerant like gasoline was dumped in the front seat. That's why the door is warped and the paint is scorched off that area right below the window: because the fire burned the longest right in that area and/or some of the gas spilled on the door as it was dumped inside.

(Do not click "Read More")


Anonymous said...

Accelerant? Watch that jargon, Johnny!

- a former student

Johnny Northside said...

But note how the meaning of "accelerant" becomes obvious from the remainder of the same sentence; thus basically defining the word for the reader.

Watch and learn, my former student.