During National Night Out, I ran into Lt. Jim Heimerl, who is replacing Lt. Rugel at the Fourth Precinct. Jim seems like a really friendly guy, with an incredible amount of social connections in MPD. Jim said he was wearing the black band of mourning for Sgt. Bill Blake, a "Native American police officer" who died too young of health issues. (PIctured above, Hawthorne's Housing Director with Heimerl and Heimerl's badge, covered with black band of mourning)
In the middle of NNO and my interview with Heimerl, a youth came running up and said a police officer was needed at the park. (By "park" he apparently meant the basketball court behind St. Phillip's Catholic Church) Heimerl got in his squad car and went right to the scene of the problem, but whatever it was appeared to have broken up.
Before he had to run, Heimerl had nice things to say about Lt. Rugel; pointing out Rugel is incredibly good with computers.
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Welcome to Sector 2 Lt. Heimerl!
I love being a resident of Sector 2 and have really enjoyed working with awesome MPD personnel such as Lt Gwen Gunther, Officer Mark Klukow, Lee Edwards, Lt Rugel and now I look forward to working with you and your fabulous street cops.
Us Jordan Pond folks have really been supported by the MPD surrounding the problem properties at 2700 Morgan and 2651 Logan - so please give a big thanks to the street cops at roll call.
Please spread the word and remind your cops that our sector is full of great people who really appreciate what you guys do each and every day - we are here to support you guys so whatever you need - let the community know!
Jeez, I hope you people who are lucky enough to live in NOMI appreciate that all of your police officers are so darn good looking. Is it a requirement of the job there or something?
One more reason for people to move there. Active, community minded police force, good looking to boot.
To Anon 907pm - is there even such a thing as a cop who is NOT good looking???
Not in my world there's not.
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