The little white brick house at the corner of Lowry and 4th Ave. N. used to be a home, of sorts, for a notorious no account public defecator who hung out in the Eco Village before forces of revitalization took that area back. He'd go in there to squat, (in more ways than one, I suspect) he'd get kicked out repeatedly, he'd vent his fury and shake his fist.
How well I remember the bad old days when this homeless pimp and the one girl in his stable-less stable would wander the streets of the Eco Village like a Satanic version of Joseph and Mary. I won't say his name here to avoid raising his ghost. Who wants HIM back?
The authorities slapped a geographic ban on him. And he disappeared. As for the house...
It finally met its doom a couple days ago. Before THAT happened, Joy The Kind Hearted Cat Lady of NoMi was out there daily, trying to lure the strays which made their home in proximity to the house, apparently under the porch. I ran into her at Cub Foods last weekend, as I went inside to purchase frozen cookie dough for my son, whose gourmet skills are improving with every weekend visit. French onion soup! Need I say more?
But anyway. Joy was wheeling a cart full of cat food into the parking lot (of course) and we stopped to chat for a moment just like we all live in a small town, and folks run into each other in NoMi and stop dead in their tracks to catch up. (One sees the thugs doing the same thing, and then small objects and money are exchanged with furtive quick hand gestures) Joy was very concerned about the cats at "3201," worried the house would go down and they'd still be inside like Haitian earthquake victims.
It was yesterday, I think, and I was at Cub Foods to use an ATM (I'm more of a So Low food buyer, myself) and there was Joy. I received joyful word the cats had been captured and were safe, though in rough condition and needing nursing back to health.
And so a house that stood a hundred years goes down and stray cats become its epitaph. This structure, arguably, couldn't be saved. But there's hope for other houses like 2939 Lyndale Ave. N. STEAL THIS HOUSE! More to follow.
Could Joy use a little cash to help with the costs of caring for these cats? I'd like to help out ... I don't have a lot but admire her heroism at saving these creatures!
As a matter of fact, I know Joy is grateful for donations. In fact, apparently a few helpful folks found Joy through stuff written on this blog and made donations.
So, yeah, get in touch with her.
Janet Joy Mattice
11200 Commerce Drive North
Champlin, Minnesota 55316-3166
Phone number 763-569-5661
This blog is withholding a comment about a certain Howie Gangestad and his alleged financial activities vis-a-vis Joy and her deceased husband. I'm withholding the comment for now and may publish it later.
Thank god my cats were indoors when she was saving them. I always feared she would some how get my white mainecoon
"Buzz" Mattice was a Minneapolis cop.
I thought Mattice was a real estate agent. John, didn't you once try to buy a house through her?
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