Several mainstream media outlets recently reported on the wounding of three individuals at a party inside a warehouse in North Minneapolis. First of all, it should be noted this represents an odd sort of progress in North Minneapolis, the fact the party took place inside a warehouse instead of in the middle of a residential area.
Second, none of the mainstream media attempted to dig into the backgrounds of the victims in this shooting. Why is that important? Because decent people are surprisingly safe in North Minneapolis while criminal no-accounts prey on each other, a fact this blog constantly emphasizes in the course of reporting on revitalization topics.
Here's the record for Teesha Shantel Churcher, 35, a St. Paul resident who was wounded by a bullet at the party...
Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Moving - Misdemeanor
Converted Closed
NO DL [120.00]
Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Converted Closed
Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Moving - Misdemeanor
Converted Closed
Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Moving - Misdemeanor
Converted Closed
Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Drivers' Licenses - No Drivers License in Possession or Fail to Display Upon Request
Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Small, Robert M.
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Assault-2nd Degree
Some of these may represent charges, not convictions. I have not yet had an opportunity to look up any records for the other two victims at the party.
You are truly a miserable person who get rises and thrills on others shortcomings. When in fact you must have had some horrible life experiences which made you’re the inhumane person that you are.
Maybe it is the fact that you were left to raise your son by yourself? Or maybe it came along with the shortcomings of your relationships’ with you parents, wife siblings, etc.
I’m wondering what Teesha Shantel Churcher’s criminal record has to do with her going to an after hour party and being shot amongst the mist of maybe 200-250 people? It could not be enough that she is paralyzed. What could be worse than that? Don’t you think her and her family suffered enough? Have you ever heard of wrong place at the wrong time? How do you make the victim into the villian?
Anyone who was there could have been shot. If she did not have a criminal record and was not BLACK what have you said then? There were white women amongst the crowd as well. How would you have handled the situation if it was one of your own kind?
I’m sure then you’re true racial colors would have stayed hidden amongst the many of shortcomings that you are hiding behind. I will still include you in my prayers and I honestly hope and PRAY that GOD will have mercy on your JUDGEMENTAL PREJUDICE soul.
Why oh why did you not post my comment? Was it too much truth to to it or what? you need to remove information on anyone who has not commited a crime. I understand that this is public information.
But you have no lack of sensitivity for anyone which is scary!! I sure hope that spawn of a son of your's. Never wonders off track.
Ease up, there, Thug Defender. I was just busy all day and didn't get around to publishing your comments until tonight.
As for being in the wrong place...
Yeah. The wrong place, the wrong people, and the wrong life decisions.
Hmmm, so do all these folks comment to city hall when they post a police record? Do they comment to the S&T when they post their death notice. What is really clear, is none of these folks grew up in small town America, "ok white America" where if you let a fart the entire town knows what you had for breakfast by lunch! Folks get out of you shell and off the racists kick, this stuff makes front page headlines in 1000's of small town American papers every week! Have you never been outside the beltway? Nomi is 40-50K people, 40-50 times the size of most small town Americas.
Funny how some people just can't seem to stay out of trouble and then try to blame others for their shortcomings.
Anon 1:42
Looks to me like this gal was "judged" on at least 6 occasions and found to have broken the laws.
Yet, she still doesn't have the capacity to learn from her mistakes and ends up in another illegal situation with 200-250 other thugs and gets herself shot.
BTW...STUPID is not a color. No one said anything here about race and nobody cares.
Everyone who attended this "Party" knew it was illegal and that it had the potential to get out of hand. The reason night club establishments are licensed is because liquor makes people stupid and crap like this can happen. Mix in drugs and it's a probability.
These idiots don't need divine intervention, they need people like you to stop making excuses for them.
Obliviously she has made some the wrong life decisions. So have you; I’m sure. But again what kind of person are you to point out or look for flaws and judge people,GOD i think not? When you want to name call, know you definitions. A thug = A brutal person: somebody, especially a criminal, who is brutal and violent. Indian robber: a member of a former secret organization of robbers in India, worshipers of the goddess Kali, who strangled their victims. Does Teesha Shantel Churcher’s criminal record show any signs of the above?
A defender = A defensive player: in sports, somebody whose role is to try to prevent the opposition from scoring or getting into a scoring position supporter: somebody who supports or justifies something or somebody protector: a protector of a person or place against attack holder of title: the holder of a title that is challenged recurrently. I’m neither defending her nor justifying the situation. Nor am I glorifying it. I’m simply stating that you go too far.
You have a voice in our community use it for the good not to exploit a certain class creed to uplift who you are. The way you use your blog makes you part of the problem not the solution!!
You have way too much time on your hands to help shatter and destroy people’s/victims lives for their own wrong decisions and choices that they have to live with not you. GET A LIFE!!!! Use your blog to uplift the community that you live and stay in.
Where’s your article on how the police that you love to turn people in to were mishandling, misplacing and not documenting DRUGS, MONEY, CARS, ETC. Where the whole drug task force full of CRIMINALS & LEGITIMENT THUGS had to be shut down?
So, where in this post did JNS say Ms. Churcher DESERVED to be shot? Oh wait, he didn't. What he said was essentially that if you put yourself in high risk situations (say, for example, going to a non-licensed after hours party in the warehouse district that is filled with over 200 people who are likely already drunk an rowdy from partying at bars and clubs, you're bound to run into at least a few assholes. And around here, there's a pretty good chance that at least a couple of those assholes possess a firearm, extremely poor judgement and an almost total lack of self control.
Of course she didn't bring it on herself, but by putting herself in that situation, she helped put in motion the wheels of fate that ultimately resulted in this regrettable and tragic outcome. She's a grown woman who, from the information in her record posted here, has a pattern of using poor judgement herself, so it's not shocking to see this type of thing befall her. You don't have to stick around Northside long at all to see this same story play out time and time again, so don't act like its so shocking and horrible when somebody merely points out the pattern that has been echoing through this side of town like a skipping cd blasting from a boom car's stereo at 3 in the morning on a weeknight. That doesn't mean anybody feels good about it or wanted it to happen, it's just acknowledging the how of the situation.
I think the point of this post is that 99% of the time, if a person uses common sense and avoids associating themselves with illegal activities and people who like to engage in such activities, the likelihood that they will find themselves in situations like this one is minuscule.
I think everyone should just shut the fuck up and mind their own business. That's the problem, people worry and talk about the wrong shit. Get your life on track and worry about your life and everyone will be fine. I don't care if she was at the wrong place at the wrong time, or that she even had a not so perfect past no one deserves it...NO ONE....there isn't one person that can say they didn't make bad decisions in life so how can you throw stones. Who takes a victim (regardless of their past) and post it on the internet? someone without a life thats who. Now with that being said, shut the FUCK up and get a life. Thanks!!!
this blog owner is printing these criminal records from the PUBLIC viewer of MNCIS. It states on here that it is NOT an accurate and full criminal record. IF he ever printed my personal infromation on here that is conflicting with how the system is to be used. I would SUE. Hopefully some of the people who he has ILLEGALLY used the public information to print on his blog view this post and SUE him also.
Well said "Anonymous"!! I agree Johnny the Northside needs to get a life, find something constructive to do with his time. Hey should be more careful when passing judgement, you never know what your future holds. She is a mother that is now paralyzed! what about the kids?
To the person scolding JNS for being judgmental: It's ironic that you judge JNS to be racist, etc. in the same comment in which you scold him for being judgmental. JNS looked at the OBJECTIVE facts surrounding one of the shooting victims and drew conclusions based on these OBJECTIVE facts. I suggest you do the same.
- Laura
I received the folllowing comment:
The number of pardons granted in NYS is so low and has been for decades. These pardons are exceptional and demonstrate that justice must also be merciful. If you look at the history of clemency in NY, governors have granted hundreds of pardons to keep families together that would otherwise be separated. I believe the Gov did the right thing. These are certainly more appropriate than Pataki’s posthumous pardon of Lenny Bruce.
The commenter has a link to a blog profile which concerns services to procure pardons in, oh my word, frigging CANADA. This spam comment has been reported.
In response to Anonymous at 10:43
Right. It's not the whole record and, indeed, I have pointed out how some of the information doesn't seem to be correct because no-account criminal scum bags give fake addresses.
But it's a public record and I will post it, and if you happen to be in the jail and your address is listed, well, you will end up there, too, your empty threat to sue notwithstanding.
Anonymous posters are saying she is paralyzed, but is there any reliable information as to the extent of Ms. Churcher's injuries?
It's weird that nobody wants to think critically and acknowledge that guns seem to magically go off at these parties full of people with lengthy criminal histories.
Anyway there's nothing in the papers about the extent of her injuries, so I would assume the anonymous outrage is from her friends/family in the know or someone who just feels like making things up and being angry.
John posts information that is readily available to any individual who cares to look it up on any Minnesota Department of Corrections web sites. Offender Locater will tell you any inmate incarcerated in the state prison system.Nothing new. the best free site. Everyone realizes that you can pay to find out anything about anybody so i am trying to figure out what is so unique about what John is doing when anyone can do it by starting their own blog. So get on it all of you intellectuals with all of the answers. The difference is merely that you won't and he will continue to. P.S. Anonameass 10:43 needs to read up on the Freedom of Information act. Good Day.
Boathead, the sites you mention post as a public service. John posts the info to harass and intimidate people, and so the Google bots can have the info. John is a parasite with a malicious personality that feeds off the misery he inflicts on others. He is a sick individual.
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