Of Sammie Burch
By means I don't want to reveal, I was given an opportunity to view the private MySpace profile of Sammie Burch and confirm he has a picture of Annshalike Hamilton in a file marked "friends." The photo...
...is an image from Annshalike's "Photo Bucket" account, one where she is posing and smiling next to a bathroom sink.
The information I am getting from an unnamed source is that Burch was in jail as of late August, right about the time of his last login of August 22. HOWEVER, here is the concern articulated by my source: sometimes jail prisoners are granted 8-hour "job hunting furloughs" by judges. It is unknown whether Burch received any kind of furlough from late August to December 24, when he was imprisoned in St. Cloud for trying to strangle his girlfriend.
I can confirm this: the fact Burch had a photo of Annshalike in his MySpace page did cause one high-ranking police officer to sit up and take note, and fire off an email to the detectives working the case. Beyond that, I don't know much. I get persistent rumors on the back channel, but in my opinion if the police had any "persons of interest" they'd be publicizing the names so as to apprehend and/or question those individuals.
Another interesting aspect of the Burch profile is the context of the photo of Annshalike Hamilton. Her image appears with a handful of other friends, all women, some of which are striking sultry poses. Annshalike looks like the baby of the bunch, and yet there is her picture, and this 15-year-old is trying to strike a sexy pose, too.
Sammie's collection of all-female "friend" photos look--to put it bluntly--like a pictorial "booty call" collection. I'm publishing one of the photos as an example, a red-headed woman called "Rachel."
I feel like I've seen this photo somewhere before...hmmmm.....but where?
The profile of Sammie Burch has a lovely leaf pattern for wall paper; marijuana leaves, that is. A banner advises the friend or casual profile browser to "Smoke Weed Every Day." Some of his friends include "Jigga My Nigga" (above, with silver teeth) and this charming fellow with the assault rifle, called "SleepG." The profile photo of Burch shows him throwing a gang sign. One of the people included in his photos is identified as his "baby's mama," but Burch apparently has children by more than one woman.
Whether Burch is the father of Annshalike's baby or NOT...whether Burch was involved in her death or NOT...convicted felon Sammie Burch is an example of the type of person Annshalike was friendly with prior to her death.
YIKES! those dudes look down right menacing.
I'm sure their mamas will tell you they are "good boys."
johnny u got contact info?
da comments about those guys moms is not cool at all. u do not know them or there family to make a statement like that. u need to get your info correct before u start posting pictures up. did u ever think of the risk u have put theses guys in? u have threw them under the bus without no solid info and now they have to look over there backs now due to your mis-leading blog.
They are flaunting their thug status. Can they expect nobody will talk about them when they broadcast their thug info on the internet; gang signs, posing with an assault rifle and--let us not forget--a 15-year-old girl's pic tossed in with a bunch of sultry "booty call" pics.
The girl named "Rachel." I know where I've seen her before. She (or somebody using that same pic) advertises under escort services on Craigs List. So what does that make Burch? Her pimp?
She hasn't advertised lately but she was up there some months ago. Some pic. She's got it all wrong about who should pay who money for companionship.
u r talking about 2 out of three people now. what did the guy nwith the grill do to get his picture up there? i guess since he has a grill that means gang and drugs right? it would be nice if u can take there pictures down now before u cause harm to come there way about something they know nothing of. u have connected them to a murder of a young lady and that's not cool at all.
to the guy who know who rachel is u must b on there looking for action if u know her on a first name bacis. lol! shouldn't put yourself out there like that.
mr. hoff can u get facts straight before u go posting innocence people pictures up. true enough there r pictures from sammie page but what in the world do they have to do with the murder of the young lady? u have in-dangered my life as well of the life of others. what dat being said can u please take my picture down. u have done enough damage to me and my family. thank u.
the comment u said about our mothers is not cool at all.
Thing number one: just about any mother in the world will say their son is a "good boy.' Such a comment is not specific to any particular person's mother.
Thing number two, there are no facts stated wrongly about the photos. These are photos from Sammie Burch's page, and that's precisely what is said about the photos.
The comments are open and there is an opportunity to say...whatever. Information about Sammie Burch and Annshalike Hamilton is particularly relevant.
once again u r avoiding the main issue here. u have put our lives at risk because u went to his myspace page which is friends only and u r not one of them. u took them and put them on this site as if we had involvement with this matter. mr. hoff all i'm asking u to do is take my picture off of here. again u have put my life and family life at risk due to this posting. u had no right to put our pictures up here anyways. thank u very much.
as far as the mother comments u said "there mothers" meaning our mothers. not the whole world mr. hoff
So I will address what you call the "main issue."
I got the information from his page fairly and squarely. It's information on the internet, and anybody who can get to that information can read it. The pictures are up here under the First Amendment. They are used under "fair comment and criticism" to comment on issues, in this case Sammie Burch (a felon who associated with Annshalike Hamilton) and who his friends are. I have a perfect legal right to put the pictures up there and keep them there.
You complain about me "putting you at risk" and yet this is one of YOUR friends, a felon. In any case, there is no "clear and present danger" in my First Amendment expression, like "shouting fire in a crowded theater."
It would actually be "their mothers" not "there mothers." Note spelling.
Nothing BAD was said about "their mothers."
This jigga has been nothing but polite to you and all you can say is 'go f**k yourself' in return. Time to humble yourself down. What if people started putting pics of you on the internet and eluded to info on your life? Very not cool stuff, huh? I could never do it, no matter my disagreements with you. Fortunately most people have a respect for other people's life problems. NONE of us are perfect, and just because people lead different lives than you doesn't give you the right to belittle them. That's what is called intolerance. To demean someone is to insinuate they are less than human; do not have hopes, dreams, and feelings. Its what humans have done throughout history to justify horrible actions against them (e.g. calling Native Americans "savages" because their lives were so very different). What you are doing is just that, in order to justify slandering them on your website. You know very well what people will think when they see pictures like this on your website. But people around the world live very different lives than you and its what makes other cultures so fascinating and beautiful, that we are DIFFERENT. Difference should be celebrated, not persecuted. So much hate in our history boils down to just that. You have only been on the north side for a year, and its understandable you don't "get" north side culture. You aren't going to change that culture, its been around before you got here and will stay after you're gone. (like G.W. Bush thinking he could turn Iraq into a mid-east America). Try to keep an open mind, I'm begging you, before your actions hurt others. Hate only breeds hate.
First of all, I did not tell the person purported to be "Jigga My Nigga" to go f*** himself. I told him I have a right to publish what I published.
Secondly, I have PLENTY of critics on the internet who have gone so far as to put up pictures of me along with their criticisms.
So before you reach for a made up, hypothetical example off the top of your head...or wherever else one might reach and find such a thing...be sure it's HYPOTHETICAL example and not something that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I throw around my facts, my criticisms and others do the same. "Jigga" has an open forum here to discuss this, air his own facts, whatever.
All the other blah blah blah you're writing has nothing to do with anything and doesn't merit an answer. Try to stick to the point instead of going off on wild rhetorical tangents about all the suffering and injustice in the whole wide world, or you'll never get anything specific accomplished and you will sound like a shrill loon.
If the person purporting to be Jigga Himself wants to continue the conversation, he is welcome. In fact, I'd consider taking down the photo (which I have a right to post) in exchange for...some information.
Specifically, I'd like information about whether his good friend, his homeboy, his MySpace buddy Sammie Burch had (to Jigga's knowledge) any sexual contact with Annshalike Hamilton, whether Burch received any furloughs from jail between late August and December 24 and, oh yes, I'd like current contact information for Mr. Jigga so I can pass it on to my favorite high-ranking police buddy, who I talk to frequently, just in case the police would like to talk to Mr. Jigga, at length, about Sammie Burch.
If I get this stuff...I'll take the photo down, and substitute a different image, and add an addendum explaining what happened. Until then...the photo stays. It's not the first time somebody has griped about me publishing a photo and I'm sure it won't be the last.
Correcting grammatical 'there' and 'their'? Really? I had a sister who in grade school used to like correcting grammar, then realized by middle school it made her sound like a pompous know-it-all with a stick up her butt. Your ego is childishly immature. You revel in attention, very like a drunk who needs a drink. Whoever gets caught in the cross-fire is a victim of fame-coholicism. Hmm, I wonder why REAL media people don't bring out all your "exclusive JNS info"? As for the Perspective post its all legitimate stuff that clearly goes way beyond your maturity level. Instead of saying 'Huh that's a grill in that guys teeth, is that how some black youth try to differentiate themselves from other youth or even from a white American society that has shit on them for 200 years?', you say 'AH HA! He's a THUG!! He must be a BADDD person!' God knows how you would act in another country with another culture. To say he (jigga) has info on the murder is ridiculous, 1. because he's only one person out of god knows how many friends on sammie's myspace and many people's friends are causal or even strangers that like each other's pages and 2. because the snoop in question has a tattoo on his neck. Her family and parent think you are sick and disgusting and wish you would knock it off. You never knew this person and don't give a damn about avenging her. Oh and don't try saying you do, its so obvious by now you're just riding on the adrenaline of 'the story broke on JNS!! I'm special!!' The only reason that happened was that the family thought you were a caring person and confided in you. ALL of them now know you were just USING THEM for your own selfish reasons and they feel very betrayed. You continue to add insult to injury. Its all about you, you don't represent the north side in any morally righteous way. But knowing your ego, you will dismiss all this without thought.
"Jigga" is not just somebody who liked Sammie's page. The photo comes from Sammie's very small and select collection of friends' photos. One collection is a handful of females, including Annshalike, and another is a collection of males, including Jigga and SleepG, the guy with the assault rifle.
As for what you're saying about the family, you're an anonymous poster who can say WHATEVER.
I also never said I was going to "avenge" her death. I've said I'll print the info and keep the story alive.
As for why the mainstream media chooses to print what it does...the Star Tribune has also ignored the JACC controversy, a legitimate neighborhood story that I'm covering extensively. The STrib is very close to bankruptcy, by the way. Who knows why they cover what they cover? The blogosphere often covers a level of detail that the mainstream media ignores.
"JNS EXCLUSIVE" sets apart certain info as more pressing and notes it can't be found elsewhere. It is for the convenience of the reader who may want to prioritize.
In regard to your sister who cared about grammar, I'm sure she's STILL smarter than you and oh, how that must goad you.
First of all let me tell you all something. You all have Sammie and "Jigga" Fucked up I grew up with them , in fact i dated both of them. They are some of the sweetest guys you would want to meet in life. I am so surpised you are representing them in such a matter!! My name is Teena, to put it all out there. I dated Sammie for 5 years off and on til my married my husband. Sammie helped me with every aspect of my life and was a great friend when i needed one. I am appauled that you would make him look like such a bad person. I am sure that this not true. I can not see htis happening at all. If it did I am sorry for her family. I didnt know her , but i will say that in the five years i dated Sammie he NEVER once put his hands on me. In fact he was one of the most loving people i have ever met. You need to get you facts straight before you accuse people of such crimes!!
No, let me tell YOU something. I haven't accused anybody of any crime. I've asked questions and I've aired such facts as I have, with caveats like "reportedly" and "allegedly." And I'll continue to do that.
Your former boyfriend Sammie Burch (who had a picture of Annshalike in his little collection of female pics on his profile) is now sitting in prison for trying to strangle his girlfriend. And here you are defending him and calling him "sweet."
And, by the way, this comments function has spell check. I'm "appalled" you don't bother to use it.
u want to interview me then let's set a time and place and please bring your " high ranking police friends " with u just in case u don't feel safe talking with a college student.
Note: One comment from "Jigga" rejected. I will not be wrongly accused of a crime on my own blog. By the way, SLANDER is SPOKEN and LIBEL is WRITTEN. It's best to know the distinction before throwing around words you don't understand.
Jigga is, however, still welcome to continue the conversation.
I've already said what it is I'm willing to trade for taking down the picture in question, which I have a perfect right to publish under First Amendment "fair comment and criticism." Sammie Burch has a small number of male friends' pictures, and Jigga is among them, and that's a fact. Mothers will almost always defend their sons, and that's a fact, too.
Jigga can, if he likes, explain all about his association, if any, with Sammie Burch and what, if anything, he knows about Burch's relationship with Annshalike Hamilton.
Jigga: your previous comment came to my inbox while I was writing the comment below it.
I'm not interested in meeting you in person, seeing the people you are publicly associated with via Burch's blog.
I've asked the questions I want you to answer in exchange for taking down your picture. I also want your contact info to pass along to the police so they can ask you questions about Sammie Burch, if they so choose. That means email, real name, address, phone number. I don't intend to print it. I intend to pass it along to my (yes) high-ranking police buddy.
You can send your email to hoff_john@yahoo.com
Let me know via this blog when you have, as that is my secondary email address.
If I get a lot of bullshit that says, "I don't know anything, now take down my picture" I sure as hell won't. Burch considered you a close enough friend to display your picture, out of a rather limited number of pictures. So you tell me what you know about Burch and Annshalike Hamilton and you tell me where my police buddies can reach you, if they need that.
You might also go to the Book of Proverbs and read what it says about how bad companions will be the ruin of a man, Mr. "Community Leader."
Let me tell you something, I am not worried about spelling and grammar when you are publicly trying to lynch another one of our black men. I am not going to stand by and allow you to degrade people you don’t know anything about. Jigga is a college student, bettering his life, and has been for last 3 years. We grew up in an F***ed up society. Jigga is not on trial he does not have to explain any affiliation to the Sammie, The police have not contacted him and you have not authority to conduct an investigation at the magnitude. I will tell you this, we all grew up on the street, ho w we all met was through a local program that helps homeless children. We went through hell and high water together. Some of us made, some of us didn’t. I will tell you I have two college degrees, highly educated and I own several companies. I use to date these individuals as a teenager. I will still say that these people you are talking about are not the type of people you portray them as. I believe that you need watch what you say about people when you background is not so clean yourself! We have researched you and we know who you are. We know the things you have done. Let tell you this, you need to respect the girl that died and stop putting her name out there like this, Let the police do what they need to do; all you are doing is clouding the issue. There are a lot of things you don’t understand apparently. As a writer, I would do better research on your subjects, before publishing such nonsense. Your integrity appalls me, or should I say the lack there of!!!
You need to find a better hobby, Oh by the way it is illegal to publish anyone under the age of 18yrs old photo without written permission. You might want to think about that.
We believe that you have no morals, whether to Sammie Burch is or is not a suspect in this case will come to the light very soon, He has a lot of people that will support him through this, I will be commissioning some of our connections to get this brought to the light faster!!!
We want justice for all parties involved. We demand it and will get it.
i'll be the one to tell you that sammie was like family to annshalike her hole life. He has known her since she was a baby and he looks at her like a little sister and if the police realy have any questions about that then the homicide detective Ann who is working this case can contact the family and she knows how to reach all of us. We have all been working with her on this and sammie has never been a name in question. The police already know who their looking for and its not him.
Sammie is in prison for trying to strangle his girlfriend and that's all I need to know about Sammie. Jigga (whatever his real name may be) is listed by Sammie as a friend in his pic collection, and that tells me plenty.
As for that bullshit about needing permission to publish somebody's photo when that person is under 18, you are showing your ignorance. No such law exists that is applicable in this instance. Furthermore, the pictures are already published on the internet, published by Hamilton herself in an open forum accessible to everyone.
As for your assertions about it being a "fucked up society," some people are making it more fucked up than others, and that would include Sammie Burch and those who look out for people like Sammie Burch, and defend them.
That last comment of mine was directed at "Sweet Carmel" and not the poster right above the comment.
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