A helpful person provided me info about what appear to be all the properties of Mahmood K. Khan, who owns the crappy, run-down duplex where the body of Annshalike Hamilton was found in the garage...
Without further ado, here is Khan's slumlord empire, such as it is:
2222 4th St. N., where Annshalike Hamilton's body was found in the detached garage, which is actually an old "carriage house." This property was purchased June 25, 2008, for $21,000. It was condemned in 2007. There is a "director's order" on it. And yet it stands, dragging down the neighborhood.
3414 Emerson Ave. N., purchased July 15, 2008 for $21,000. This place has an open/provisional rental license. It also has a list of "Truth In Housing" repairs as long as my forearm, none of which is listed as resolved. As many folks know, "Truth In Housing" comes into play more so when a property owner tries to resell a property...however, many of the things on this list make the property sound less-than-livable as a rental.
1714 Oliver Ave. N., purchased May 28, 2008 for $30,000. The situation with this property is exactly the same as 3414 Emerson Ave. N., above, except the list is somewhat shorter...not by very much, though.
2007 Russell Ave. N., purchased October 17, 2008, for $14,000. SAME EXACT DEAL AS ABOVE. Open/Provisional rental license and a list of repairs as long as my forearm.
Can you say "modus operandi," kids?
Oh, thanks. I knew you could.
1621 22nd Ave. N, purchased July 16, 2008 for $15,750. As usual, an "open/provisional" rental license, and long list of repairs. One of the items on the list? "Exposed wiring."
2008 21st Ave. N, purchased October 10, 2008 for $17,000. "Open/provisional" rental license. List of unresolved repairs as long as my arm, including damaged gas piping.
2714 Emerson Ave. N., purchased August 12, 2008, for $21,000. This one does not have an open/provisional rental license. This one is actually condemned.
315 Buchanan St. NE. Unknown what Khan paid for this property. It has an open/provisional rental license. Khan has also been associated with this property for a number of years, according to the rental license history.
818 44th Ave. N. This was purchased September 24, 2008 for $26,000. It has an "open/provisional" rental license and long list of "Truth In Housing" repairs, none resolved, including "inoperable smoke detectors."
321 24th Ave. N. This was purchased June 16, 2008 for $23,625. (Ooooh, somebody was dickering) Despite unresolved "cut electrical lines" and "cut gas lines" on a "Truth In Housing" report, this structure has an "open/provisional" rental license.
2135 4th St. N. This was purchased June 10, 2008 for $28,000. It has an "open/provisional" rental license and a short but worrisome list of "Truth In Housing" repairs, including "excessive rust" and "deferred maintenance" on the heater.
2223 Emerson Ave. N. It has extensive lists of missing water pipes, documented as "not resolved." It also has an "open/provisional" rental license.
2123 Oliver Ave. N. This was purchased August 12, 2008 for $23,000. It has an "open/provisional" rental license and the usual long list of unresolved "Truth In Housing" repairs. These include missing/inoperable smoke detectors and exposed wires.
1001 Logan Ave. N. This was purchased October 10, 2008 for a mere $15,000. This property is condemned.
1800 Lasalle Ave. #104. This property proves not everything owned by Khan is cheap and run down. This property is apparently a condo, as evidenced by the property description which includes "1800 Lasalle Condo." This property was purchased July 18, 2006 for $120,000.
Khan's overall pattern is pretty clear: he bought a bunch of properties in 2008. Most have extensive "Truth in Housing" repairs listed, but he has obtained provisional rental licenses on all these properties. Not a single "Truth In Housing" item--not even one item--has been listed as resolved as of today's date. And, yes, Khan is indeed renting these properties or at least currently ATTEMPTING to rent these properties. Click here to read about his ads on Craigs List seeking renters.
Khan also owns a couple properties that are condemned, and these DO NOT have "Truth In Housing" lists, because a stricter standard of "Code Compliance" is required with condemned properties.
You really have to wonder what life is like living in one of Mahmood Khan's houses. By and by, I'll probably get around to standing on the sidewalks and taking a few pictures. Of course...readers can feel free to send images.
I'd like to close with this: without great folks who make information available to this blog...sometimes with a degree of personal risk...this blog would not be possible.
You know who you are. Thank you, and keep it up!
Hey, John.
My name is Aly Van Dyke. I'm a reporter in Kansas, and I read your blog about the 'shoe patrol unit,' and would like to ask you a few questions. I've seen a lot of shoes hanging around the town I work in and am working on a story about what they might mean. I'd really like to get your perspective.
If you're interested, you can e-mail me at avandyke@ljworld.com.
Thank you so much, and I hope everything is going well for you in Minnesota.
I don't get it. Minneapolis rental licensing is ruthless. They will fail you just for missing a light bulb in the basement.
How can he get away with (or even expect to get away with) having such run down properties and rental licenses?
I've heard...and I don't know how true this is...there is a huge backlog in doing these rental property inspections.
This is absolutely true. I purchased a duplex in July 2007, which I owner occupy and maintain, repair, and rehab very nicely. However, I STILL have yet to have an inspector come for the rental license. It's been provisional since the start. Unless you are trying to rent to Section 8 tenants, the rules are a bit more slack, and the inspections are held off. I would be interested to know if the city will take suggestions based on articles such as this. It seems to me this is a great way to get the City moving. As someone who works in the foreclosed real estate business it makes me sick to think of people and children living in some of these disgusting places with no intervention from the city. Thank you for your dedication Johnny!
Ya know people move into mahmoods properties knowin what the places look like n what if nething is needed.they say its well n fine but as soon as its time 2 pay rent its this gotta be done.or the people call him a slumlord but most of the tenants r nasty n destructive.they trash a perfectly good property cause mahmood gives chance after chance n after not gettin rent 4 months he files evictions n tenants get mad at him n destroy the place like he evicted them 4 no reason.i have been his tenant for 10 yrs. N have never considered him a slumlord but him n his family as good people n my friends.pay your rent keep it real stop livin nasty stop destroyin not only his properties but your homes n people wont have so much 2 say about this man.also if every1 would pay theqe rent n he wouldnt have 2 pay all this money 2 evict maybe hed have more money 2 fix the properties that r new n need it or the ones tenanats destroy cause they get mad they cant keep gettin over on this man from tina
I was wondering when sum1 was goin 2 say sumthin good about mahmood khan.i was a tenant wit my daughter n her man*i was stayin wit them*.we were evicted after my daughter was 4 months bhind in rent.when we went 2 court we begged him 2 stay he lowered the rent 250.00 n said just make sure we pay from now on.people say hes money hungry.i dont c how thats possible,doin what he did 4 us.when we moved in the property was fine.the yr we were in his property my daughter n her man n my 2 yr olD grandchild trashed the place.they would fight put holes in the walls,break windows,when he hit her shed call 911 all the time n keep takin him back.n even after he gave them another chance n lowered the rent they still took advantage n did not pay.so when we were evicted my daughter n her man cut the plugs on appliances,busted all windows tore down doors kept the keys n left garbage all over.this man is nothin people make him out 2b.its all hearsay or tenants who were evicted n tryin 2 hurt him. Always pinky
Tina are you a tenant of Khan's? Are you an employee of Khan's?
I'm curious, why the sudden interest in Khan posts that are almost 2 years old?
Yeah, what's the deal? All of a sudden I've got people commenting on old Khan posts.
If Khan lowered the rent to $250 for a tenant facing eviction, I sure hope he offers the same deal to everyone that he tries to evict, otherwise it's discrimination via treating others differently.
I think I'll do some checking into the folks that have been evicted by Khan and see if they were offered to stay and lower their rent to $250/month.
Some crap never gets old!
Pinky, I can't tell who the bigger idiot is - You and your Neanderthal relatives for moving into a slumlords home you can't afford, fighting and trashing the place
Khan the poverty pimp who allowed this to continue and even lowered your rent to keep you in that neighborhood.
Recently commentary on the North Talk FB page suggests he owns 42 properties in North Minneapolis. If I can get a list, I will publish it.
Johnny, Here is your list:
2008 21st Av N
1614 22nd Av N
1621 22nd Av N
321 24th Av N
2116 25Th Av N
313 26th Av N
1604 27th Av N
410 30th Av N
2714 35th Av N
818 44th Av N
2813 Aldrich Av N
4425 Aldrich Av N
2414 Bryant Av N
3223 Bryant Av N
3238 Bryant Av N
3557 Dupont Av N
4000 Dupont Av N
4011 Dupont Av N
2223 Emerson Av N
2714 Emerson Av N
2906 Emerson Av N
3414 Emerson Av N
1607 Hillside Av N
2401 Ilion Av N - needs roof
2325 James Av N
1204 Knox Av N
1237 Knox Av N
1001 Logan Av N
2135 N 4th Av N
2222 N 4th Av N
2631 Newton Av N
1714 Oliver Av N
1827 Oliver Av N
2123 Oliver Av N
2600 Oliver Av N
2639 Oliver Av N - demo order
2722 Oliver Av N
3406 penn Av N
2126 Queen Av N - vacant - back to back sex offenders at this address
2007 Russel Av N
819 Sheridan Av N
1611 Sheridan Av N
How about a list for all the properties Howie Gangster (Gangestad) owns & illegally rents out? The City of Minneapolis needs to get their shit together about rental licensing & inspections on these properties. Bad for our neighborhoods. Thanks Johnny!
Also, 310 Pierce St. NE
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