Everybody and their mother should read this article, click here, which is THE BEST CITY PAGES ARTICLE EVER!!!!
Beyond that, I have no comment at the present time.
(Do not click "Read More" but do read all about Jerry Moore)
Beyond that, I have no comment at the present time.
(Do not click "Read More" but do read all about Jerry Moore)
Rock. On.
Wow. That's very thought provoking.
That guy is a scum bag. He used to goto the bean scene when I worked there... I wonder if he wrote his grande latte enema off as a prostate exam.
He's currently working as a personal banker at Wells Fargo. OMG.
Gee, most guys won't admit when they get a prostate exam at a bar late at night, let alone expense it. Didn't know there was so much DL action going on at Gabby's.
btw, pretty sure he's no longer at Wells Fargo.
Great journalism! And unlike Terry Yza..... they actually did at least attempt to interview their subject.
So he just gets off scott free? That is a bunch of crap.
MCullen NE
Fuck you, P.J., I'll kick your ass!" Moore replied, and landed a right hook to Hubbard's forehead.
hmmmm. reading the end of that city pages story, with JM backpedaling and evading as quick as he can... it reminded me of your own blog story of the courthouse encounter you had with JM, in which he disappeared on you when you ran to get a notebook.
It's all right here http://adventuresofjohnnynorthside.blogspot.com/2009/05/true-jacc-lawsuit-in-jordan_25.html
And it's highly entertaining! I love the references to the 'white pants'! they make me LMAO! (ooops, better not wear white pants while I read it!)
You need a new post. I'm sick of clicking the site and the first thing i see is this douchebags face
Yes it is!
Bring on the light sheading and truth telling!!!
Someone on somewhere says he lost his job at the bank, can anyone confirm this rumor.
Capt. Jack
Capt Jack city pages has posted a follow up blurb saying they received word from a rep at wells fargo that he is no longer working there.
Damn that was, quick they must do shit faster out by the big lake burbs. The canned Jerry like Tuna. That dude really needs to move out of state/country, whatever.
Are they missing any computers ,printers , cell phones, laptops, file cabnets or I.D's? How about 90,000+ dollers? Then they got off easy. Jerry sucks!
Wells Fargo would be well-advised to perform a full forensic audit of anything Jerry Moore touched while he was employed there.
Glad to see that you were vindicated for this expose, at long lass. First amendment still means something in America, and that is a relief.
A comment has been rejected making a comment about Jerry Moore. I'm rejecting the comment because I doubt it is sincere or factual, rather I think it's just a troll trying to stir up trouble.
o.m.g. all of the continuous slander and you are now being sincere? This gentleman might be thinking about taking other measures to even up with you since you have muddied his life.
This gentleman might be thinking about taking other measures to even up with you since you have muddied his life.
Whadda you some kinda stoopid or r u a buttpuppet?
Help me to understand what your problem is.
I followed the link to the article, and there is some guy referred to in the article, well, to quote the linked article:
"In Spring 2008, Moore applied for a grant from the American Cancer Society on behalf of JACC. Called "Let's Talk About," the money was intended to raise awareness of prostate cancer among black men. The research non-profit was impressed with Moore's pitch. In April, it cut the council a check for $10,000.
Moore seems to have treated the cancer awareness grant like a personal piggy bank. One night in late September, Moore charged $22.75 at 11:21 p.m. at Gabby's Saloon and Eatery in northeast Minneapolis. Moore wrote the charge off as a "Prostate screening." That same night, less than an hour before bar close, Moore charged another $24.20 at Gabby's—another late-night prostate screening at the bar. Two hours later, Moore charged a $14.59 bill for an order of mini chimichangas, a club turkey deluxe sandwich, and a cup of hot tea at a Perkins in Eagan.
This roused the suspicion of the council's bookkeeper. "I am unable to verify neither the data nor the applicable funding source," reads a note next to each expense."
I think anyone who is caught expensing two prostate exams given in a place with a liquor license, better yet two prostate exams in the same 24 hours (is that two just to be sure, or is there some other reason for the tingly twofer) has already done that to themself.
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