Tonight marks National Night Out, a great time to celebrate our community and meet new and old neighbors. After the jump is a list of all the officially registered NNO events in NoMi, although it should be noted that there are plenty of other informal gatherings happening tonight as well. If you're going to try and make it to multiple festivities, I recommend bringing a friend who can push you around in a wheelbarrow, because the food our neighbors offer is that good.
Here's where you can find NNO gatherings in NoMi...
...The list is grouped by neighborhood, then the location, number of people, activities and time.
Cleveland Neighborhood
36XX QUEEN AVE N 50 BBQ, Games/Prizes, Drawings & Prizes, Music 6-9pm
34XX RUSSELL AVE N 40 pot luck supper-drawings for gifts-some games 6-10pm
35XX SHERIDAN AVE N 30 BBQ, socializing. 5-10pm
36XX SHERIDAN AVE N 60 Potluck-Drawing for plants-neighborhood news-Photo session-Games 6-10pm
37XX UPTON AVE N 100 Socializing,potluck,dessert,games and prizes. 6-10pm
33XX VINCENT AVE N 50 Potluck, music, games-meet & greet-landscaping tour. 6-10pm
35XX VINCENT AVE N 35 potluck type of event, take photographs and talk to neighbors 6-10pm
36XX VINCENT AVE N 30 Pot luck, cookout. 6-10pm
35XX WASHBURN AVE N 40 BBQ, kids' games, socializing 5-9pm
32XX XERXES AVE N 25 Potluck, greeting neighbors, neighborhood updates, scavenger hunt 6-8pm
34XX XERXES AVE N 10 Ice Cream Social 6-8pm
Folwell Neighborhood
36XX EMERSON AVE N 25 Ice cream social with bouncy castle and balloons. 6-8pm
34XX HUMBOLDT AVE N 40 Grill, drinks... games for adults and children. 5-10pm
35XX HUMBOLDT AVE N 75 Kids races,prizes,barbcue,jumper,music ect... 5-10pm
33XX IRVING AVE N 35 Ice cream social and children's activities. 5-9pm
36XX KNOX AVE N 75 free food, live music, free prize drawings, free give aways 4-10pm
33XX LOGAN AVE N 70 Potluck supper-Games for the children 4-9pm
37XX NEWTON AVE N 10 Gather in middle of block. Everybody bring a dish to share. 6-8pm
35XX OLIVER AVE N 50 Pot luck, raffle and possible plant/DVD swap 6-9pm
37XX OLIVER AVE N 25 Meet the neighbors old and new... 6-9pm
32XX PENN AVE N 150 Kareokee, song, drum group, music, BBQ, games, face painting
Harrison Neighborhood
18XX 3RD AVE N 20 Food, Potluck, Meet and greet new neighbors 6-10pm
18XX CHESTNUT AVE W 80 We will have a potluck dinner with games for the kids. 5-10pm
23XX GLENWOOD AVE 30 Water slide for kids, coloring contest, treasure hunt. 6-8pm
23XX GLENWOOD AVE 25 Harrison Treasure Hunt, Ice cream, waterplay... 5-7pm
24XX Glenwood Ave, 40, EATING is the main event! 5-9 pm
3XX GRAMERCY AVE N 20 food, music, hopefully the firetruck games for kids 5-9pm
24XX INGLEWOOD AVE 25 socializing, eating, etc. 4-10pm
2XX IRVING AVE N 20 Hotdogs, Rootbeer Floats, Games 6-8pm
5XX PENN AVE N 60 Unity in the Community, Youth speakers, potluck 4-8pm
5XX QUEEN AVE N 30 potluck, kids games 6-9pm
4XX UPTON AVE S 60 Potluck dinner 6-9pm
3XX VINCENT AVE N 75 Slip-slide/inflatible jumpy for kids, potluck, conversation... 6-9pm
Hawthorne Neighborhood
22XX DUPONT AVE N 100 picnic-hay ride-concert 6-9pm
29XX EMERSON AVE N 40 Potluck, Prizes, drawingsand children activities. 6-9pm
20XX FREMONT AVE N 45 Food, dancing, singing, meeting our neighbors. 5-10pm
3XX LOWRY AVE N 300 Two inflatables, DJ, food 3-8
Heritage Park
8XX 5TH AVE N 50 Information hand-outs. Food provided, games for kids, door prizes... 6-9pm
10XX OLSON MEM HWY 500 Talent show,carft tables, ice cream, food, and game for the kids 6-9pm
Jordan Neighborhood
19XX 24TH AVE N 20 Potluck, kids activities, face painting 6-8pm
23XX 26TH AVE N 200 JACC/St. Anne's Senior Housing. Duck Pond, Cake Walk, Band 3-8pm
34XX FREMONT AVE N 100 food,inflatiables,games,music 2-10pm
15XX HILLSIDE AVE N 75 Grilling, games, chalk painting sidewalks & street, face painting, mus 6-8pm
23XX ILION AVE N 75 Games, prizes, food from different culture...Face/sidewalk painting... 4-8pm
24XX IRVING AVE N 300 Outdoor games, music, food, and fellowship. 3-6pm
26XX JAMES AVE N 40 Kids games in street, food service, congregation amongst neighbors. 6-8pm
31XX OLIVER AVE N 100 Games for kids, bingo. Hotdogs, brats, burgers and pops. 4-8pm
34XX SHERIDAN AVE N 30 BBQ, meet neighbors, raffle 6-10pm
29XX THOMAS AVE N 20 Games, Potluck, Safety Info, projects needing input 6-8pm
19XX WILLOW AVE N 75 Pot Luck-Bike Parade and Decoration-Soccer-Free Raffle 6-9pm
Lind-Bohanon Neighborhood
9XX 49TH AVE N 300 Food, fun for the whole family. LBNA Action Plan vote this night too! 6-8pm
52XX 4TH ST N 30 Pot Luck, Kids Games, getting to know the neighbors. 6-9pm
47XX ALDRICH AVE N 50 Grilling..potluck..beverages,games & possible bike parade for kids... 6-8pm
51XX ALDRICH AVE N 15 the Lind-Bohanan neighborhood association puts on the event 7-9pm
49XX CAMDEN AVE N 40 Games, Pot luck, Water Balloons, etc 3-10pm
47XX COLFAX AVE N 40 Barbeque and kids games 5-7pm
51XX COLFAX AVE N 50 Kids robotics team, step team, pinatas, celebrity appearances 5-10pm
52XX GIRARD AVE N 25 H'ors dourves party! 6-9pm
52XX GIRARD AVE N 35 Pot luck 6-10pm
47XX HUMBOLDT AVE N 20 Potluck for homeowners to gather together. 6-10pm
McKinley Neighborhood
32XX 6th St N, 4, eating and talking with neighbors, 6-10 pm
42XX Aldrich Ave N, 50, potluck, grill, raffle?, kids games, music, 6-9 pm
35XX ALDRICH AVE N 50 grill out, chat, games for kids, outdoor movie 4-8pm
32XX BRYANT AVE N 25 talk and meet the new neighbors eat 5-9pm
33XX COLFAX AVE N 30 Block dinner and door prizes. 6-9pm
37XX COLFAX AVE N 60 Picnic meal, activities for kids, get to know neighbors, share info... 6-9pm
32XX DUPONT AVE N 10 barbecue 5-7pm
Near North Neighborhood
12XX 11TH AVE N 20 Neighbors will share food and children will play in the Alley. 4-10pm
12XX 12TH AVE N 200 Soccer, vollleyball,b-b-que,get to know new people 4-9pm
14XX 15TH AVE N 60 Story Telling, Music, Food, Dancing, Games, Meet and Greet 6-9pm
18TH AVE N 50 Grill out, games for kids, Family Friendly Music. 1-10pm
8XX ELWOOD AVE N 30 Socializing, music, food and games. 4-8pm
14XX GIRARD AVE N 50 Bible verses, balloons, cake walk, fish pond, basketball, food 5-9pm
17XX GIRARD AVE N 50 BBQ and games for kids. 10am-8pm
17XX JAMES AVE N 35 Neighborhood Potluck, Children's activities 6-9pm
18XX NEW YORK AVE 15 Just serving sodas & snacks 7-9pm
11XX NEWTON AVE N 100 Award winning story teller, Zusi/Nothanda Zulu, music, games 5-10pm
17XX OAK PARK AVE N 125 Face painting, info., music, games, new block members drive. 4-7pm
Shingle Creek Neighborhood
52XX IRVING AVE N 50 pot luck, bounce house, face painting, games and dj 4-10pm
51XX LOGAN AVE N 40 Potluck, games, info on neighborhood started as military homes 5-9pm
51XX PENN AVE N 25 Food, beginning stages of planning... 6-9pm
50XX SHERIDAN AVE N 25 Still planning. Games, food, music. 4-10pm
49XX THOMAS AVE N 30 Potluck, games, fun. 4-10pm
49XX WASHBURN AVE N 30 Potluck, yard games, talk about the neighborhood. 4-10pm
51XX WASHBURN AVE N 150 Potluck, bike decorating, music, collect food shelf, balloon animals.. 6-9pm
Victory Neighborhood
19XX 44TH AVE N 32 Potluck, games to build familiarity and mutual respect. 6-9pm
43XX OLIVER AVE N 15 Appetizers and drinks... 6-9pm
45XX OLIVER AVE N 27 pot luck, games for kids, food dirve for donating 6-9pm
46XX OLIVER AVE N 30 Activities for the kids, cookout, brief on neighborhood events... 6-9pm
40XX PENN AVE N 20 Potluck and ice cream. 6-8pm
46XX PENN AVE N 30 Pot luck dinner, kids bike paraide, collect for food shelf 5-10pm
38XX QUEEN AVE N 50 Potluck supper, raffle, games for kids 5-10pm
40XX Queen Ave N, 40, Potluck, games, 4-10 pm
41XX QUEEN AVE N 15 games for the kids (bike races, etc) 5-10pm
42XX QUEEN AVE N 48 Grill food, take pictures, activities for children 6-9pm
44XX QUEEN AVE N 30 potluck, games for kids 5-10pm
38XX RUSSELL AVE N 60 moon jumper, chalk drawings, bike riding, etc. 5-10pm
39XX RUSSELL AVE N 50 Block meeting, cookout/picnic spread,some games for kids 6-10pm
41XX RUSSELL AVE N 35 Potluck, discuss safety issues, visit with neighbors. 6-9pm
38XX SHERIDAN AVE N 25 Potluck, Book exchange, Forming a Block Club. Start Block email list. 5-9pm
39XX SHERIDAN AVE N 50 BBQ/Pot luck 6-10pm
41XX SHERIDAN AVE N 30 potluck-sidewalk chalk-area for children to use toys 6-8pm
42XX SHERIDAN AVE N 60 Pot Luck, games and prizes, Food shelf collection, pictures 5-10pm
43XX SHERIDAN AVE N 30 pot luck dinner, kids games, sign up sheet for telephone tree 6-9pm
38XX UPTON AVE N 25 Potluck, BBQ, sidewalk chalk, games, and food drive. 6-8pm
41XX UPTON AVE N 25 potluck 6-8pm
29XX VICTORY MEM DR 50 Potluck, music by neighbors, kids games, prize drawings. Bocce ball. 6-10pm
37XX VINCENT AVE N 20 Potluck 6-8pm
38XX VINCENT AVE N 25 Potluck, neighbors spend time with each other. 6-9pm
40XX VINCENT AVE N 50 Potluck dinner and kid's bike parade. 6-10pm
45XX VINCENT AVE N 40 Potluck Dinner, games for kids and raffle. 6-8pm
39XX WASHBURN AVE N 30 Games, food and learn about issues in our community. 6-9pm
40XX WASHBURN AVE N 35 Potluck 5-9pm
42XX WASHBURN AVE N 100 Icebreaker, drawing, plant swap, collect for Salvation Army 4-9pm
39XX XERXES AVE N 30 Potluck-meet and greet neighbors-kid activities 6-9pm
41XX XERXES AVE N 40 Neighbors, meet & greet and eat 6-10pm
47XX XERXES AVE N 50 Potluck, Kids ride bikes and play games 4-10pm
Webber-Camden Neighborhood
13XX 44TH AVE N 200 Prizes/games for the children. music,pass out ticket for prizes... 5-9pm
38XX ALDRICH AVE N 40 Potluck-pinata-grill out-inflatable games for kids 5-9pm
39XX COLFAX AVE N 20 Potluck meal 6-8pm
42XX COLFAX AVE N 100 Meal, kid activities,live music, collect books Webber Park library... 6-8pm
41XX DUPONT AVE N 100 Activities for adults and children. Food and entertainment 6-10pm
38XX EMERSON AVE N 25 Kids games, face painting, food 5-9pm
42XX FREMONT AVE N 50 Cooking, Potluck, Games, cards, piniata... 6-10pm
41XX GIRARD AVE N 30 Food, fun, drama free, games, community dialogue 3-10pm
41XX HUMBOLDT AVE N 40 have fun 6-10pm
43XX IRVING AVE N 25 Inflatables, grilling, socializing, hopscotch, foursquare. 3-10pm
41XX JAMES AVE N 30 "Bring your own chair" potluck event. 5-8pm
44XX JAMES AVE N 20 BBQ, potluck dinner, yard games, safety information 5-10pm
43XX KNOX AVE N 100 Music, Games, food, blow up jumper for kids 5-9pm
44XX LOGAN AVE N 30 Potluck, grilling, games for kids, drawings for prizes 5-10pm
15XX MEMORIAL PKWY 40 BBQ-Over-eating-Gossip-Live Jazz Quintet 6-9pm
Willard-Hay Neighborhood
13XX RUSSELL AVE N 40 Potluck-BBQ-Kids/Lawn Games 5-10pm
13XX RUSSELL AVE N 15 i would like to cook something if my street is doing something. 10am-10pm
20XX THOMAS AVE N 80 Food, fun, games and entertainment from kids on the block 4-9pm
29XX 18TH AVE N 25 Grill, dish to pass and a dessert, drinks... 5-8pm
26XX MCNAIR AVE 25 Food, games, crime and safety conversations. 3-10pm
13XX PENN AVE N 300 Health educ., free health screenings, food, refreshments 4-6pm
17XX QUEEN AVE N 40 Grilling burgers/hotdogs, meet new neighbors, games 12-10pm
7XX QUEEN AVE N 50 Cook out, activities for kids and spend time talking with neighbors. 6-9pm
15XX RUSSELL AVE N 40 Food, conversation, door prizes, meet new neighbors, kids play 5-9pm 18XX SHERIDAN AVE N 30 Games for kids,bike riding,sidewalk chalking/coloring.Ice breakers. 5-10pm
8XX Sheridan Ave N, 75, Meet, greet, and dispense crime prevention flyers, 6-9 pm
13XX THOMAS AVE N 12 Pot luck, meet to build up neighborhood, kids activities, music. 10am-5pm
26XX UPTON AVE N 100 Firetruck, BBQ, Games, Potluck, neighborhood watch update 5-9pm
7XX UPTON AVE N 20 bbq, potluck, meet n greet, kids activities 4-6pm
13XX VINCENT AVE N 75 Water ballon toss & coloring contest for kids, pot luck supper 5-10pm
19XX WEST BROADWAY 100 W/The Link and Plymouth Christian Youth Center,etc. Food, games.. 5-7pm
15XX XERXES AVE N 30 grilling, music, chalk for kids 6-10pm
Thanks for the info. I'm really hoping that I feel well enough to hit up a couple of the Near North block parties tonight!
Thanks for posting these. It's great to see so many blocks getting out across the Northside.
I hit 12 of these! Great people out tonight. To bad that thug got shot on his national night out on 26th and Penn.
Good and timely info, Jeff. A job well done, and thank you.
Thanks for posting that info Jeff. Boy am I stuffed! I think I ate 8 hot dogs.
Trolls like hot dogs? Good to know, maybe a troll trap is in the works.
Cpt Jack
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