On March 16, I was leaving the Hennepin County Government Center after putting some work into the never-ending saga of Jerry Moore v. John Hoff, a/k/a Johnny Northside, a case which has caused national commentary. Most of the commentary is along these lines: Why should there be financial penalties for bloggers TELLING THE TRUTH? Even if the truth upsets people and has consequences?
In this case the truth was:
Walking out of the government building, I was thinking my own deep, intense, abstract thoughts about the topic of free speech when...
I suddenly found myself in the middle of a chanting crowd. They were yelling slogans like, "Union busting is DISGUSTING!" They had signs, banners, flyers, and one was even dressed like the Statue of Liberty. One after another, they stood at the microphone and expressed thoughts about the situation with public employee unions in Wisconsin, how it was troubling to them, and how there was no way they'd allow something similar to happen in Minnesota. Most of the people in the crowd were members of public unions, such as the folks who work right there at the Hennepin County Government Building. I recognized one or two faces.
In my own subjective reality, it was as though my own private thoughts--"Free speech! How can it be wrong to loudly tell the truth about a matter of public concern?"--had solidified, manifested, and become a chanting mob with signs, a crowd that highly valued its free speech rights. There are times when I ask God, I ask the universe if I am on the right track, if I am doing the right thing...
And then sometimes you get a sign. Or many signs, clutched by the hands of union members. And you know, you just know...there is a purpose to what happens in our lives, and everything will turn out the way it should.
Shouldn't all those people be at work like everyone else?
I'm sure they are right where they are supposed to be, doing what they're allowed.
Maybe YOU are the one at work right now, and maybe YOU are not supposed to be surfing the web.
Good for them! I've never understood this spiteful attitude some people have toward unions. The magnitude of their numbers is the only real power that lower and middle class people in this country have to wield, and to give that up by giving in to union busting is like trying to race with a car that you've torn the engine out of.
What happened is Wisconsin is disgusting, corporately connected politicians have essentially turned their common population into serfs. They're essentially telling their public that they don't need to have a say in their own livelihoods, that they should trust that they will be able to sustain themselves on the crumbs that fall from the mouths of the rich and well-connected. It's shameful.
I'm not saying unions are perfect, but I wish I was in one, because I wish my coworkers had that kind of one for all and all for one mentality. No matter how loyal I am to my company or how many sacrifices I make in terms of my personal time, I know that when it comes down to a dime or two to be saved, I simply can't trust my company to treat me like a human being who has a house and family to take care of. And because we're not organized, my employer knows they can shove me around and nobody will have my back.
You didn't get 'dinged' for telling the truth: technically, the jury found that your statement was not false (The difference is sorta like the difference between 'innocent' and 'not guilty' in the OJ case.)
Unless you prevail with an appeal, you were found to have interfered with an employment relationship and the jury set a monetary penalty for that action. It has nothing to do with truth or freedom of speech.
Who should I believe, here? (Weighing options with both hands)
My lawyer...anonymous commenter...my lawyer... anonymous commenter...
Yeah, I'll have to go with my lawyer on this one.
You merely made MORE public what was already a matter of law and fact by writing about the public record.
The person/people who should be held accountable for interference with a work contract are in significance order:
Person bringing the matter to the U of M's attention
U of M
John Hoff's name is not on that list because the public record is the public record and reporting on what is contained in the public record can not be deemed contract interference.
The next thing I am going to hear is that there was a successful suit against the child sex predator registry online that gives the registered names, aliases, and addresses of registered sex offenders followed by another successful sit against against the local paper for posting legal notices as required by law, but interferes with someone's "right to privacy" because they get fired from their CDL requiring job over a DUI that takes their CDL.
Only if F-ing America.
Lots of opinions floating around; none of them really mean that much: John Hoff has a judgment against him and until it is overturned in some appeal process, it trumps these opinions.
So let us know when the appeal is filed, John: assuming you actually go through with it. I've really "no dog in this fight;" I comment only because I don't see the verdict as a free speech issue. I'll wait to see if the jury's findings are upheld or over-turned. If I were betting, I'd bet that the jury is upheld.
Oh, we'll let you know, troll face. We'll let you know.
Also, the judgment isn't "entered" at all quite yet, is it?
"Troll face:" is that the best you can come up with? Weak! Bet your sycophants enjoy your rapier wit -- but we will see who has the last laugh.
Oh, yes, you and me and the Supreme Court.
It would go to the appellate court first and then to the Supreme Court, if they choose to hear it only!
Tr*ll says: "I've really 'no dog in this fight;' I comment only because I don't see the verdict as a free speech issue."
(Predicting the future):
Tr*ll says "...And I didn't stand up for the community blogger, because I had no real 'opinions' of my own to worry about, and the blogger lost. And then they came after me, and there was no one left to stand up with me, because they already took them all out".
No dog in the fight? Funny, I had just always assumed everyone had an opinion.
Verdict will be overturned on appeal. There's no way someone should incur financial penalties for bringing to light facts about a public employee. Jerry Moore worked for the U of MN, a public institution supported by tax money. If citizens can't gripe about (and write about) malefactors being put on the public payroll, then the First Amendment has no meaning. One would hope that John Hoff could prevail in a countersuit against Moore AND HIS ATTORNEY(S) (sued personally) seeking both legal fees and punitive damages for having brought forth against Hoff a case so lacking in merit.
We all need to tighten our belts so we can send John some money for his appeal. These things aren't cheap. A transcript for a multi day trial will cost hundreds of dollars. Filing fees add up to.
What's worse is that the successful plaintiff will soon be able to execute on John's funds and income if he doesn't figure out how to stay the judgment pending appeal. This is no joke, John's financial livelihood is in peril.
I know all be sending money in, let's see some of the other supporters of this site do the same.
I appreciate those sentiments (I think) but since I am in forma pauperis, there are no filing fees and I think the transcript will be at a reduced rate. I'm still hard pressed due to how this is sucking in my life, and all support will be appreciated.
I don't want readers to be demoralized. YES we really need help but NO they're not going to shut us down. In general, more support equals more blogging.
Speaking of which...
Gotta blog now.
If we make a donation is it tax deductable?
I wish. Maybe if I had some nice umbrella 501 (C)(3) organization that would disburse support to me, but that's not the case.
You believe in God? What a joke
whoa, my comments don't get posted unless it's approved by the blog owner? interesting...
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