Some questions are impossible to answer, like "where is the end of pi" or "why should Peter Rickmyer not be held in contempt before Judge Blaeser for filing pretend lawsuits against blogger Johnny Northside after Rickmyer was declared a frivolous litigant under Rule 9?"
On March 23, 2011, at 9 a.m. in Room C-659, Hennepin County Government Center, Judge Robert A. Blaeser will see if Rickmyer can spuh-spuh-spit out some kind of answer as well as Rickmyer can spank minors for sexual gratification or expose his penis. As documented in two postings on this blog, Rickmyer...
...served purported legal paper on me, and then (some days later) purported to serve my attorney, Paul Godfread, increasingly famous champion of the First Amendment. (Though intellectual property issues surrounding software are his real forte, click here for Godfread's website)
For the record, this blogger and this blog DO NOT CONCEDE JURISDICTION or proper filing. A pretend lawsuit is a legal nullity, no matter how attempts are made to serve it. A legal nullity EXCEPT (that is to say) as hard, irrefutable evidence that an individual who has been declared a frivolous litigant under Rule 9 violated a judge's order and should now be held in contempt and, furthermore, his probation revoked and he should be sent back to prison.
But let's just see what kind of flotsam and jetsam show up in court to watch Rickmyer and cheer or even advocate on his spanky behalf. Based on remarks Don "Shake Down Blogger" Allen of IBNN made in the corridor outside Room 655C of the Hennepin County Government Center--it would appear that Don "Poopgate" Allen is a supporter of Level Three sex offender Peter Rickmyer.
Hmmm. This is indeed odd, since Allen testified in court--loudly, and shouting the phrase "by any means necessary" like he was Malcolm X reborn as a blogger with terrible writing skills--that he (Don Allen) is expecting a child by his wife.
HELL OF A FATHER DON ALLEN WILL MAKE, advocating for a piece of human filth who spanks minors for sexual gratification. I may not be the world's most perfect father--I know I'm not--sometimes making my kid open a can of Spagetti-0's instead of ordering pizza, for example--but I sure do draw the line at being friendly with sex offenders. It may be the job or duty of some people--their criminal defense lawyers, their counselors, their mothers--to be friendly to a sex offender. I don't see how it's Don Allen's job or duty. I don't see why Allen--who loudly declares his fatherhood on the stand--would advocate for a sex offender who targets minors. I pity the spouse of Don Allen, whose name I will refrain from mentioning nor will I allow it to be mentioned in comments on this blog.
But back to Spanky Pete! (Though it's always a bad idea to turn your BACK on Spanky Pete)
I have a copy of the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE in my hot little hand--muchas gracias, helpful law clerk--and it reads as follows:
(Filing stamp: 2011 Mar-8 9:02 By SN
Peter Rickmyer, Plaintiff
Robert Hodson, Jeff Hoff aka jns aka
Johnnynorthside, The Adventures of Johnny
Northside, David Arnold Schooler, Jordan Area
Community Council, et. al., Defendants
Judge Robert A. Blaeser
Court File No. 27CV10-3378
WHEREAS the above-named plaintiff attempted to serve a Notice of Motion for Temporary Injunction on a party in a courtroom on the Sixth Floor of the Hennepin County Government Center on March 7, 2011.
WHEREAS the above-named plaintiff attempted to file an affidavit of service of the motion on the Public Service Level of Hennepin County Government Center on March 7, 2011.
WHEREAS the above-named plaintiff is prohibited from making any filings unless an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Minnesota has signed it and the Chief Judge or Presiding Judge of Civil has approved it.
WHEREAS the above-named plaintiff's motion paperwork was not signed by an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Minnesota nor approved by the Chief Judge or Presiding Judge of Civil. Now therefore,
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above-named plaintiff shall appear before this Court on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom C-659 Hennepin County Government Center, 300 South Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota to show cause why he should not be held in contempt for attempting to file motion paperwork without meeting the requirements of the Court's order dated May 17, 2010 imposing the aforementioned pre-filing conditions on the above-named plaintiff pursuant to Rule 9.
Dated 3/8/11
(Signature of Robert A. Blaeser, Presiding Judge of Civil Division)
On another note: just because this hearing is intensely important and interesting to this blog DOES NOT MEAN THAT I WILL MANAGE TO ATTEND THE HEARING.
Grassroots journalists, mainstream journalists, other bloggers, interested parties who post comments on blogs, I would encourage you to attend. I have no claim on this story. It is not mine alone.
But the sordid, epic tale of Peter "Spanky Pete" Rickmyer appears to be reaching a "twilight of the gods" moment, (musical homage, click here) and what happens should be witnessed and documented.
You should check out the blog, Wonkette. They have an excellent post about you! I read this blog everyday and was thrilled to see that people are taking note of what has happened here. Good luck in your appeal!
I caught a post on Slashdot.org about your case. What happened to you is deplorable and, in my opinion, against our basic rights as Americans as defined in the Constitution. If I had the money to fund your defense, it would be yours, but I don't. I just don't see how you can be liable in any way presenting factual information. Your 1st amendment rights to free speech and laws to protect journalist should take precedence. Hopefully your appeal will vindicate you.
You are famous-just so you know:
Jury Says Blogger Has To Pay For His Words Even Though He Did Not Lie
You could probably get on his show and talk about your case if you contacted him and reach all 50 states and be posted up all over the internet video engines like you-tube.
Alex Jones-although kind of a nut, could really draw a media spot light to your case and I would not be surprised to see because of the issues involved get national media attention in the dinosaur main stream media. I really am not kidding and the extra attention might also rouge judges focus on the issues.
Don't worry you got this one easy.
The word "lawsuits" changed to "lawsuit" in the headline. There is indeed confusion--because of the tangled up, messy way Rickmyer files his pseudo legal crap--about whether he tried to file one purported lawsuit, or two. The order to show cause--written the day after the FIRST attempt--addresses the first attempt. There was a SECOND attempt after.
More to follow, including exact wording of the order to show cause, on this blog post...still to be completed.
If any television shows, radio stations, etc want to talk to me, that's fine. Heck, I would even be willing to fly out to Los Angeles and be on their shows, or New York, or whatever.
This is a battle to protect the First Amendment--specifically the right to tell the truth, though the truth may hurt, it may have consequences, it may cause a PUBLIC FIGURE working at a TAXPAYER SUPPORTED INSTITUTION to be fired because, OH GEE, he was involved in a high-profile fraudulent mortgage and now the son-of-a-biscuit is working at some kind of mortgage research. WTF?!?!?!
But I would prefer to coordinate media interviews through my lawyer. He's very well spoken and would do a great job on interviews. If it was me or my lawyer doing interviews, I'd take my lawyer. Clearly, my ability to tell the truth is so incendiary that it somehow places me beyond the protection of the First Amendment!
But to get to NOT!! we will need to do more filings.
Have you contacted Electronic Frontier Foundation? Your appeal is right up their alley.
I will get you the contact information if you want just let me know. It really with the help of going through your lawyer would not be all that difficult to get on The Alex Jones Show, Jeff Rense, & Michael Rivero show.
Your case really is not small and insignificant. Blogging/writing about what is already a matter of public record and settled case law if now a suable offense?
Not in my America.
(Hey this is Deters from the Rosemount center-we are going to have fun latter this month talking I can hardly wait!)
e-Mail me if you want that contact information- your story is already on all 3 of the aforementioned peoples websites.
John Cole even wrote about you on Balloon Juice, yay!
Is this where we're leaving links to coverage of the verdict outcome?
The conservative law blog The Volokh Conspiracy had a legal discussion of it several days ago (the consensus is that it's unconstitutional)
I don't understand how this is pinned on you. You're just exposing the truth. Shouldn't the UofM be who he's dealing with? Above all, shouldn't he be going down for his role in the shady mortgages?
I am in the middle of a firestorm of publicity so intense I don't have time to contact these shows of which you speak. So feel free to act like an agent, call them up, explain the deal and make it happen.
I'm sure I can hop on the light rail and go right to the Minneapolis airport, get on a flight to Los Angeles and do whatever as long as they have some nice clothes for me once I hit LAX.
At this moment I have hot info about mortgage fraudster Tynessia Snoddy and I need to publish the snot out of it, immediately...
I live in New Jersey and read your story on a popular NYC blog. Good luck! Also, there is some weird person stalking people who comment on these stories - Is it the dude who sued you? He calls himself a hawk?
Holy Cow! Johnny Northside made the Consumerist.com!
@ New jersey, that hawk stalker is an anti-johnny coalition of mortgage fraudsters, child molesters, thug-huggers, slumlords, prostate-examiners (inside joke) and all-around other misfit malcontents who are determined to make the lives of Johnny Northside and friends as difficult as possible in an attempt to deflect the spotlight of shame from the northside blogosphere.
Where is he comment stalking you or others?
To the guy in New Jersey:
This blog has made many enemies. Slumlords. Level Three sex offenders. Mortgage fraudsters. Poverty pimps like Don Allen who ruthlessly attack black community leaders and then cry "racism" if anybody turns a critique back their way...Don Allen whose company was raided by the Secret Service as part of a Ponzi scheme investigation, whose former boss (the owner of the company, Steve Renner) filed a restraining order against Don Allen and accused the man of "extortion."
Oh, there's just so many enemies this blog has made. And a man can be judged by his enemies. I'm proud of who considers themselves my enemy: the scumoidal scum-sucking scumbags of society.
But in the case of Peter Rickmyer, this particular enemy is sitting in jail right now. And it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he went back to prison, just for slapping his pseudo-lawsuit at me.
The enemies of this blog should look at Peter Rickmyer and shudder but they're crazy and desperate to stop what Charlie Sheen would call "my violent torpedo of truth." This blog is incendiary and gets reactions because we are committed to truth, truth, truth. And let the chips fall where they might.
Doesn't explain why Petey is in jail. This is a civil matter, not criminal.
If you have a better idea why he's in jail, let me know. Maybe he's in jail because the CIVIL stuff he did amounts to a VIOLATION OF HIS PAROLE?
Pete's not supposed to disobey a judge's order. He's on probation. What would be CIVIL stuff for other people is a potential PROBATION VIOLATION for Creepy Pete.
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