Word reaches me while I am on the road trucking of a sentencing hearing in the Susan Newell mortgage fraud matter, previously reported on this blog, click here and also here. The Judge in this matter is Judge Janish, (pronounced YAN-ish) and the hearing will be in Room 957, Monday, April 26, at 2:30. I'm very hopeful somebody affiliated with Johnny Northside Dot Com will manage to get notes on that hearing and I've been sending messages around. You know who you are.
Newell is the case which previously ended in a mistrial until Hennepin County Prosecutor Brad Johnson came in and cleaned up. Johnson is running for Anoka County Attorney, see previous story on this blog, and was recently the subject of coverage in the Star Tribune, click here. In contrast, Johnson's opponent is a sort of desk jockey, not somebody who constantly puts criminals in prison for a long, long time.
I guess while Johnson's "in the rear with the gear" opponent is shaking everybody's hands on Monday, Brad Johnson will be getting his hands dirty doing the actual job of a prosecutor, like his spectacular victory over Larry "Maximum" Maxwell. This was apparently the longest racketeering sentence EVER in a Minnesota State Court. (If anybody has contrary info, I'm still waiting to receive it)
Needless to say, I think folks in Anoka county deserve a prosecutor not a politician. But what does Susan Newell deserve? I guess the judge will tell us on Monday. I can hardly wait to find out.
(Blogging from Frankfort, KY. Do not click "
Don't text and drive. It is dangerous.
So, was the person on the other end of the text message agreeable?
Dyna notes: Anon, I agree that texting whilst driving is as dangerous as driving after drinking. Note the guages on the truck in the picture- the red light is, IIRC, the parking brake warning light. There's no indication on the speedometer. The tachometer shows 700 RPM- that's idle speed. The oil pressure guage shows 30 PSI, about what you'd expect at idle. It's obvious that John is reading his texts with the truck safely parked and he's setting an excellent example. And John, my condolences on having to drive a late model International medium truck- the freaking things are lemons!
Seriously, how would I drive with one hand on the phone and the other on the camera? I was pulled the hell over to the side of the road, as the gauges indicate. I agree texting while driving is dangerous. In fact, it is 26 times more dangerous than drinking and driving, which is why nobody should do it.
But the DOT only keeps TRUCK DRIVERS from doing it. The feds should pass a law to keep EVERYBODY from doing it.
To Anonymous at 2:42
If you must know, the answer is generally "Yes, but it doesn't matter." My schedule changed yet again due to another trucking run. This photo--used for stock photo purposes--is from my previous trucking run, not this one I'm currently on.
(Commenting from Frankford, Kentucky)
To Dyna: you rock.
Yes, we must constantly fix those trucks. We have two trucks in that model, and they require CONSTANT fixes. But I still love my trucks!
Minneapolis woman receives three-year sentence in mortgage fraud case: Susan Newell was immediately taken into custody in Hennepin County.
pr. 26--A 40-year-old Minneapolis woman was jailed immediately on Monday after receiving a three-year sentence for her role in a $2.8 million Twin Cities mortgage fraud ring.
Susan E. Newell was convicted in January of 12 counts of theft by swindle and one count of racketeering in Hennepin County District Court. A 2008 trial on the same counts ended in a mistrial.
Her partner, Edward L. Boler, pleaded guilty in May to one count of racketeering and one count of theft by swindle. Prosecutors said Boler and his U.S. Mortgage Investments Richfield fraudulently obtained loans for $2.8 million on 12 properties.
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said his office wanted Newell to serve more time. "We're a bit disappointed, but we have the ultimate respect for Judge (Thomas) Sipkins," Freeman said.
The prosecution stemmed from an arson investigation at a Brooklyn Center house in 2007. The property was one of six in foreclosure and one of seven that had been purchased in a short time by Brian White, who, authorities said, served as a straw buyer for Boler and Newell.
That led investigators to Demetrius Winston, who bought five properties in two weeks. Prosecutors said Newell recruited buyers and Boler obtained loans from fraudulent applications. Newell, Boler and the buyers split the proceeds after obtaining mortgages greater than the value of the properties.
Eight of the properties were in Minneapolis and one each was in Richfield, St. Paul, Champlin and Brooklyn Center.
Rochelle Olson --612-673-1747
does any one know which DOC Susan is serving in?
I heard through the grapevine it would be Shakopee.
Thanks Johnny,
Has Ed Boler been sentenced yet? How much time is he serving for his part in this?
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