Friends and family of Annshalike Hamilton have spoken to me in the last couple days, sad and furious that Remaro C. Smith has been released from jail after the little episode of holding off a SWAT team for hours. June Leikas, the mother of Annshalike Hamilton, believes Remaro C. Smith murdered her daughter and has presented the reasons for her suspicions, in detail, exclusively on this blog. Smith is innocent until proven guilty and denies the allegations as "bulls**t."
Johnny Northside Dot Com needs to cut right to the editorial point, here: I am strongly urging police and court officials who may be reading this blog to take quick, urgent steps to place Remaro C. Smith in protective custody, whether Smith wishes to be in protective custody or not. That is all I will say about that, and Johnny Northside will protect his sources. I've done my duty, and if the police do not take heed, it's not on my head.
Yesterday would have been Hamilton's 17th birthday. It would have been her golden birthday, since...
...she was born on April 17. Instead of a birthday party, family members visited her grave, pictured above.
Word came through June Leikas that homicide detectives went to Remaro's court hearing and spoke to Remaro's attorney. But (reportedly) the police have not been able to interview Remaro about the Hamilton homicide.
June Leikas now has words to say to the police, as follows:
"You let him slip through your fingers again. What the hell is going on? Are you paying him or what? Is he some kind of informant that he keeps getting away?"
To this June adds, "How did he get out of (punishment for) a high speed chase. I would have been UNDER the jail. This is CRAZY."
This happens relatively rarely, but it does happen once in a blue moon: Johnny Northside is at a loss for words about this situation.
I hope you haven't been compromised by the stop snitching movement too. If you're aware that someone's life is in imminent danger, you need to tell authorities. Please don't worry more about your image than someone's life. There's nothing wrong with reporting information to authorities if you could save someone's life.
Why are you surprised. All kinds of people avoid going to court. Even if they know they are being summoned to court people will find all kinds of reasons to avoid their civic duty in reporting to court. Remaro is alot like another guy I know who shirks his duty to talk to the courts. duh?
justice in the court or justice in the streets either way it will be served. REST IN PIECES REMARO
I think Remaro is a snitch working for the f.b.i.or who ever because that's why he keeps getting off every time and if he is... that means he has a license to kill...get away with any thing and when the cops pull him over they can't do any thing to him because hes an informant and he has useful information so they need him for that even tho these corrupt officials know he killed a 15 year old girl and a baby inside the mother and so capital murder a life sentence or death is what he should have period!!!!and if these pigs would do their fucking jobs that tax payers pay for who shit all over the American people... because, they are a bunch of Cocaine corrupt dealing mother fuckers who at best are brain washed,jack boot thugs,evil to the core and give a shit about the good people they should protect and like fucking things like Remaro Smith......fucking snake..but ya this is disgusting and its pissing me off maybe what needs to be done is the people can make citizen's arrests on him or these jack boot thugs..who to their jobs maybe we will do the jobs for them following are oath to protect and serve...but ya this system is all back wards and needs to be fixed right now!!! o.k. you shit heads do your fucking jobs!!!! or we will do them for scum of the earth...
I feel for her. A child should NEVER die before the parent, There's a word for when a spouse looses their loved one, but there is no word for the incredible pain of loosing a child.
Thank you for keeping up on this story John.
You are just as bad as the stop snitching people if you don't immediately alert authorities to this crime. Threatening violence is the offense of terroristic threats in MN. You are just as bad as the thugs if you keep this information quiet.
Wow I guess I can't get my point across because some one must love censorship and can't stand the truth...I suppose I will go some were else sense some one such as your self likes to put up lame comments but yet wont keep mine up for people to read this is bull!!!! so whats up why you doing this to me this ain't fair if I had a site like your,s I would not erase anything or would I care or how offensive it is....but I bet that don't make no sense to you because your an idiot who thinks that... when you dam well know has a good message to it any ways... I give up on writeing any thing theirs no point in me comming here any more any done good luck with the case as if their,s going to be any kind of justice...I don't care any more im pissed off!!!!this is just real nazi like man can't say whats on his mind this is sad well you have a nice day im done careing....
I have approved these comments because I think it is better for the comments to be out in the open rather than buried. I do not condone threats to Remaro's life. In fact, I have urged the authorities to place him under protective custody.
In regard to some of the comments on this post: I have done my duty, both as a citizen and a journalist. Don't read into what I wrote so very much beyond what is there.
This just goes to show the terrorism al-qaida connection to the stop snitching movement. Obama cannot bless us with his Predator drones to solve this problem soon enough. RT Rybak, Betty McCollum, and President Obama all wisely support extrajudicial killings when they are required for the safety of the public. If this policy is good enough to export our precious freedom abroad, it is good enough for our precious homeland.
I'd consider cutting off the "fake Hilary voice" as a known troll, but I think it helps reveal his mindset when he talks in the Hilary voice so...for now, I'm approving this garbage.
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