Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sometimes We Just...Hang Out (Part One)

Photos By John Hoff

I had visitation with my son this weekend, and we spent a lot of time over at Jeff Skrenes' apartment, where Jeff made a stir fry with ant larvae and pork tongue, which was delicious. Well, Jeff wasn't willing to eat the ant larvae, so I had that all to myself. I was pretty disappointed because I couldn't get bamboo caterpillars. I learned from the store clerk they were a seasonal item. Who knew? (The clerk said some non-Hmong buy them to use as bait! GOOD TO KNOW!)

My kid and Jeff played "Star Wars Trivial Pursuit." I HAD NO IDEA my kid had so much Star Wars trivia locked in his head. They played until late at night, then finished early on Sunday morning. Jeff finally won, but the kid held his own. And, Jeff noted with approval, my kid "didn't argue to change the rules" when things didn't go his way.

The highlight of the evening was Jeff singing a song he wrote: "The Masters Of Star Wars" set to the tune of Bob Dylan's "The Masters Of War." JEFF HAS SO GOT TO PUT THIS ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!

We don't spend ALL our time suing CitiMortgage or calling 911 on blatant open air drug markets. Hey, sometimes we just...hang out.

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