Saturday, December 27, 2008

2222 4th St. N Body Found, More Info

Photo By John Hoff

So I've been in contact with somebody who is giving me information which I believe to be good info, but I'm not able to share it quite yet. I'm working to get more and to determine what I can share, because I do not post blog comments when people say "Don't post this."

This much I will say:

1.) The authorities have been doing a fine job and there is a rational reason for the delay, something which didn't occur to me but which makes perfect sense. I should have been watching more "CSI."

2.) Information will indeed come from the authorities in the near future.

3.) If the victim is who the authorities strongly suspect, this story may get very big in the media. Yes, it's ugly. It's really ugly. Wear mental seat belts, because when the news comes out, it will be shocking and horrific.

Do not click "Read More"


Anonymous said...

Keep it coming, Johnny Northside. Don't let this story die. This little girl needs some closure. And, if not her, at least the entire Hawthorne Neighborhood that's trying like hell to dig itself out of the reputation of being the arm pit of Minneapolis.

Johnny Northside said...

The story isn't going to die, and it won't need little ol' me to keep it alive. TRUST ME. Developments are coming.

Anonymous said...

I knew Annshalike when she was a little girl. She was a very sweet little girl, smiling all the time. She survived so much hardship in her young life. I pray that they find the person that brought her young life to an end.