Comments are coming into this blog which speak in defense of Drew Heinkel, the man who died in a stabbing incident at 3823 Dupont Ave. N. One of the comments is particularly detailed and moving. Though anybody can go to the comments function and read the comments, I choose to highlight this particular comment...
the dead guy ....drew heinkel was my fiance and nicole was our friend so we thought drew went there to visit nicole with her invitation he had no weapons he arrived and was immediatly attacked by her sister katies bf drew fought back with his fists in self defense katies bf then pulled out a kitchen knife and stabbed my baby in the chest drew ran out the door and the murderer followed this was eyewitness from nicole sterling ............
my everything died and i recieved a phone call waking me at 1230 am from the med exam informing me my fiancee drew michael heinkel 25yrs old father of paytten 14 mths and friend son brother cousin and as i said my world please pray for us we lost a great man on my birthday so on my day of birth i lose my reason to breathe........
also i would like to add i did come to the front yard that very next day with a homemade wood cross that said ....EAGLE CHILD R.I.P .......LOVIN YOU ALWAYS FOREVER YOURS ...........YOUR MIMI ........THAT IS WHAT MY BABY CALED ME MY NAME IS MISTY
i am the one in his facebook profile pic i am devastated and lost i just needed to add his side my boo death has been ruled a homicide and justice will be served.............i love u drew
Star Tribune obituary here:
I appreciate your blog, but I worry that all the crime related coverage is helping to give NoMi more of a bad reputation.
So I google Drew Heinkels name and find this crap...Self-proclaimed Johnny Northside!!! Who do you think you are? First of all your not a true Northsider, none of "OUR" people know you. Your not a true Northsider, see real Northsider's don't post things like this about there brother's. A kid dies and you post his criminal record? Bad journalism is what your practicing. Your a heartless maggott, a coward that speaks out from the saftey of his home. There is so much more I want to say to you but I won't out of respect for the family, which is something you lack. Hope to see you soon in a dark alley. On behalf of the true original Northsider's.
Sincerely Terence...
Oh look... Dipshit posted here too.
Shouldn't you be trolling a dark alley? Violence begets violence.
Keep it up loser (Anonymous 1:11 AM), and you'll meet your own end.
Rather than making threats, perhaps you should reflect on the larger issues... Why did your friend get killed? Who killed him? AND HOW ARE YOU, Dipshit, GOING TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN?
You should start asking and answering those questions, or the citizens of North Minneapolis hereby ask you to LEAVE!
look I dont know who Johnny Northside is and to be honest I dont give a fuck. Drew was a wonderful person who always could bring a smile to anyones face. Anyone who knew him knew that. He may have made mistakes in the pasts, but who the fuck hasn't? How can people sit on a website and talk shit about someone who isn't even here to dedend himself.. not only that but he was taken from us in the worst possible way. Grow the fuck up, his family is going throguh enough right now. Put yourselves in their shoes and having to deal with this bullshit on top of it? Grow up and show some fucking respect. Rest in Peaxe Drew you will be loved and missed dearly
As a member of Drew's family, I have read much of the blogs since it was brought to my attention. Naturally, at first we were and some of us are still angry at some of the postings. But the reality is, we do have the freedom of speech in this country. I grew up on the Northside and understand the concerns of it's residents. Some of their concerns are the reason that various members of our family moved out of the Northside.
I want to address some of the postings; first of all Drew was not a criminal in the true sense of the word. He was a young man that made some wrong choices at certain times in his very short life. But, what we all need to understand is that these were minor mistakes. As you will see in viewing his record that was posted, there was not a "serious" offense.
Secondly, Drew made the decision two months ago to turn his life around. For that, we are extremely proud of him.
Third, I understand that his friends and family are upset and angry (I am as well)but PLEASE stop the negativity and the threats on this site. It is not helping. It is extremely painful. You are contributing to the reputation of the "Northside" and the demise of it's promise to revitalize.
The author of this site is trying to represent and relate to us all the events of the Northside. Does he make wrong choices in his blogs, possibly, but he has the freedom under the Constitution to do so.
What we all need to remember is that nobody, especially Drew deserves to be murdered. I need to have faith that justice will be served. I am asking those that witnessed what happened to be strong and think about my Nephew when making your choice to do what's right.
Latly, for those of you that suported my sister and the rest of Drew's family through the difficulty of sending him on his journey home, I thank you. I have never witnessed a wake or funeral like that before. There were over 400 people in attendance and there have been over 100 postings to his guestbook on the Star Tribune's obituary page. This speaks to the amount of people Drew touched in his short life. Fly high Eagle Child......your family loves you and knows the real you.
I was with Drew n personally witnessed his murder. It was Valentines weekend, our 3rd V-Day together. Drew owned my hart and always will! I know him inside n out n I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for Drew, just all the time I spent with him n all the things we shared n he thought me. My life will never be the same! His last few hrs alive he was Happy!!! He showed me sooo much love which was normal but that night he went above and beyond not only to tell me but to love allover me n physically show me how he truly felt. I couldn't of asked for our last few hrs to be better! Anyone who really knew Drew knows he was a beautiful man, one of a kind to say the least. "Drew, Baby I am so sorry for what happened n I promise I will make sure that piece of shit good for nothing bitch who took you from me n everyone who loved you so very much pays for what he did, you will NOT die in vane or without justice! I Love you!" Some of Drews family n maybe friends blame me. If u knew Drew u know that nobody made that man do anything he didn't want to n that night was no different, Drew was with me because he wanted to be. U guys who really know him know he would be pissed right now at anyone whos hating on me. He would want u guys to have my back cuz he did. Ride or Die! That was my thing and our thing. Unfortunately it was him, if I could of taken his place I would of in a hart beat! If certain people want to blame me, its nothin Drew n I know the truth n thats all that matters.
thanks for some of the history behind what happened that night,nicole. but as a close friend of Drew, let the truth be told! Misty is where Drew's heart and soul have been and always will be! she was his soulmate. they got in an lovers quaral and it looks like he must have went to his back-up plan. I feel as if you posted your comment to 'get back' at misty & Drew's love for her, rather then coping with the death of drew. sometimes we need to look at the overall picture & face reality.
and if you could provide Johnny with the name of the murderer that would be great. since it seems you know it. Drew..you will live on in a whole lot of peoples hearts! Peace for now!
This Nicole Sterling girl seems to know who killed Drew, but yet the guy who killed Drew still walks the streets. She claims the killer will get his, if you witnessed the murder Nicole, why don't you do the right thing by Drew and step up and get this threat to the safety of our community off the streets. Otherwise all of your words are just hollow promises Nicole. Do the right thing Nicole by bringing atleast a small amount of closure the family and friends of Drew.
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