Annshalike Hamilton--the 15-year-old pregnant girl who was found murdered in a slumlord's garage in North Minneapolis, her body frozen, the crime still unsolved--had a family. She had friends. And those friends and family have been talking about who they suspect in her death:
Remaro C. Smith, the boyfriend of Annshalike's sister Anne Marie Leikas, who lived under their very roof.
Recently, the family provided me some documents which I summarized in this blog post, click here. I now have the documents in PDF form. Click here for the documents on the Johnny Northside PDF support site.
In summary: arrest record, very impressive, but reportedly not complete. Documents about the alleged raiding of the trust fund of Anthony "Boogie" Leikas, which Annshalike's mother blames on Remaro Smith and her daughter Anne Marie. A document purportedly from a probation officer. And, last but not least, an image of Remaro and Anne Marie.
A high-ranking police source says Remaro C. Smith is wanted on three warrants; one a felony gun warrant and two for misdemeanors.
This small selection of documents is reportedly not all the paperwork which exists in the hands of the family. I am working to get more information.
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