In the photo above, Johnny Northside says "buh bye" to Level Three sex offender Peter Rickmyer's long career as a frivolous litigant, while standing on the oh-so-public sidewalk in front of Pete's house. Really, I think it's the perfect spot for a some kind of demonstration against the concentration of Level Three sex offenders in North Minneapolis, contrary to a state statute.
In any case...
Word reaches me at my "NoMi warrior spiritual retreat" in the north woods of Minnesota that Peter Rickmyer's lawsuit against me, my blog, JACC, the Minneapolis Police Department, and assorted other citizens was resolved today in an admirably quick court order. This lawsuit was the subject of a front page story in the City Pages, click here.
The "Hillside Chronicles" blog managed to get word up on the internet first about the resolution of Pete's worthless legal paper, though the information has been circulating today on the JACC listserv.
The so-called lawsuit (expressed in a 90-plus page garbled "midnight manifesto" which, inter alia, failed to state a claim) was tossed out of court, and Peter Rickmyer has been declared a...
...frivolous litigant. Pete is no longer allowed to file anything with the courts UNLESS an attorney licensed in Minnesota files the lawsuit, and the chief judge signs off on accepting the lawsuit. Otherwise the clerk of court is ordered not to accept any more legal paper from Peter Rickmyer.
It seems that Peter Rickmyer's recent and rather expensive attempt to serve me and my blog "by publication" was just a waste of money but, hey, the guy appears to live off welfare so it's a case of "your tax dollars at work." After I've spent months of effort dodging service, (which is perfectly legal) it appears the game has ended and "Spanky Pete" lost. Now I can walk right into the law library on the 24th Floor of the County Building (where Pete hangs out all day) and not risk getting served.
And I will probably do just that. I think I will also send an email to his parole officer in the next few minutes. Now that Pete's lawsuit has been declared frivolous, I think I will complain about him filing it against me.
Fuck Yeah!
There is a perv named Pete,his papers he had to eat,and when he began to choke and cough,he knew he could not f*** with Johnny Hoff.
Thank GOD!
This was also covered in the City Pages, the same publication that declared the Johnny Northside blog the best local blog of the year in part for its coverage on sex offender issues.
Another enemy of NoMi revitalization goes down hard.
(Doing Spanky Pete voice)
Hard. Goes down. Down hard. It's not FAIR. I wasn't ready. I didn't have my computer.
City Pages blogged about this as well, here is the link to that blog post.
I love the part where it says John Hoff FAMOUSLY dodged being served.
john why are you repeating what jeff already linked to?
I was commenting while drunk. And I have a witness to that effect. Ha.
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