At about 2 p.m. yesterday, while I waited outside Room 655C in the Hennepin County Government Building to deal with a hearing in the Jerry Moore defamation lawsuit (see previous story) a bearded young "bike messenger" type dude was present wearing a tan stocking cap and black motorcycle jacket. He asked if I was John Hoff (I was) and then handed me papers.
It was a lawsuit. Sort of.
As anybody who reads this blog or City Pages is aware, last year notorious Level Three Sex Offender Peter "Spanky Pete" Rickmyer attempted to sue me and a host of other individuals (including prominent public officials like the Commander of the Fourth Precinct) with a nonsensical, rambling "midnight manifesto" of complaints which purported to be some kind of lawsuit alleging a "smear campaign." The lawsuit-like document was filed pro se, in forma pauperis and, incredibly, this Level Three Sex Offender actually had sheriff's deputies running around serving his worthless legal paper, including one who...
...waited outside the Chamber of the City Council but refused to enter and disrupt the hearing on the reappointment of Police Chief Dolan. This situation led to the infamous "John Hoff's Great Escape" as I went out a side door through council chambers and then left town for a good long while on other business. Indeed, Peter Rickmyer never managed to serve me with the lawsuit (until yesterday) and was declared a frivolous litigant by the judge, which means he is no longer allowed to file lawsuits on his own behalf. If Rickmyer is going to file a lawsuit, some lawyer (a real one) needs to do it for him. Click here for the judge's order.
But just as being sent away to the sexual deviant funny farm at Moose Lake didn't keep Spanky Pete from molesting minors once he got released, so did a judge's order not prevent him from defiantly serving his worthless legal paper. The document thrust into my hand by the reasonably polite young process server was the very lawsuit Peter Rickmyer had been trying to serve upon me last year, updated with some kind of statement dated February 24, 2011.
Well, it was a good long run--just over a year--but my dodging service days came to an end there at Room 655C. (Click here for a musical tribute)
After the hearing on the Jerry Moore matter I was busy with other matters pertaining to the defamation lawsuit so my girlfriend Megan Goodmundson called Peter's zoo keeper, Will McDonald, who came within a short while to the Hennepin County Law Library and obtained a copy of the crap Peter Rickmyer had served upon me.
(Spanky Pete touched the document I myself touched. Shudder)
According to Goodmundson, McDonald appeared to almost have smoke coming out of his ears and was stating something about how he would contact a judge about Pete's latest escapade. Furthermore, McDonald was quite interested in knowing if we had any idea who was the anonymous commenter using the moniker "DOC" and leaving remarks on this blog about Peter Rickmyer. The answer was no. We don't have a way to trace the identity of anonymous commenters. Oh, one can guess or speculate as to their identities, (we certainly did) but we don't know.
Somehow, I don't think this situation will work out so well for Spanky Pete, but I don't think he's alone in this little legal misadventure. I think somebody is putting him up to things, encouraging his self-destructive madness.
The photo above was taken a few hours ago at Farview Park, where I attended a meeting of the Hawthorne Neighborhood Council Housing Committee. It shows all or most of the L3SOs in North Minneapolis. Ask yourself if children who play in parks in Edina see a display like this?
Peter Rickmyer is in the lower right hand corner, front and side view.
For another picture of Rickmyer, click here. For an image of me, um, doing an imitation of Rickmyer, click here.
Blog post updated after publication to reflect the fact the date of Pete's summons was February 24, 2011.
It just seems like some form of a really heated, good game of tag going on the 5th grade playground. And Spanky Pete lost, never being able to tag you, the winner, John Hoff.
So the following school year, in the cafeteria, waiting in the lunch line, Spanky Pete runs up behind you and pushes you and says "tag, you're it!"
And you're like "WTF? The game was over last year, duh!!!"
A great comparison. Game was indeed already over and he's been declared a frivolous litigant and he's not supposed to be serving things that say "The State of Minnesota To The Above Named Defendant" and "You are required to...serve an answer" etc.
That authority has been stripped from him because he abused it.
But in regard to the playground...
It's disturbing to think of Spanky Pete in any way connected with a school playground. Even little Spanky Pete.
As a graduate of law school, and one learned in the law, you should know that the Dept. of Corrections can only impose certain restrictions on offenders. They cannot impose restrictions that violate their civil rights without just cause.
For example a sex offender can be prohibited from having contact with minors, but can't be prohibited from shopping at Wal-Mart because minors might there too.
An offender may be restricted from having access to the internet, but that does not prohibit them from having a librarian research information for them and provide them with printouts.
All offenders, even those locked away in our prison system have the right to file whatever court action they wish, criminal appeal or civil action.
Honestly, If Petey boy wants to spend his day filing frivolous lawsuits, there is not a thing Will McDonald can do about it because it is Pete's civil right, and not something McDonald can restrict.
While those frivolous lawsuits may bring sanctions from a Judge, because the suits have no merit and are a of waste the courts time, corrections is powerless to stop him because they cannot restrict civil rights not provided for by the criminal court.
Similarly, your frivolous complaints against Pete, and other offenders are well known within the corrections system. People respond because it's their job. That doesn't mean that the corrections system has any respect for you and your frivolous complaints that waste everyone's time. Just because you have corrections on "speed dial" doesn't mean your complaints don't go directly to the "circular file".
Professionals act professionally in public. But it private, you are considered a "chronic", and a joke.
I sincerely hope that you are the recipient of a long string of civil suits, as you are deserving of what you have caused.
There is a special place in Hell for people like you. The quicker you get there, the better off the rest of us will be.
So frivolous litigant Peter Rickmyer filing a lawsuit would be a frivolous complaint?
Spanky Pete Rickmyer has been declared a frivolous litigant. He has lost his right to file lawsuits UNLESS an attorney files them on his behalf. It's an extraordinarily rare thing, to have a status like that but then again so is being declared a psychopathic personality and getting locked up at Moose Lake, or being declared a Level Three Sex Offender and having a special website dedicated to informing the public about your pervy predilections.
As for my special place in Hell and how quick I get there...
Was that an actual physical threat? Or are you just being all metaphorical?
You want to talk about Hell, I will talk back to you. The Bible says that if anybody shall harm "one of these little ones" (minors) it would be better for him if a millstone were tied around his neck and he were cast into the ocean.
I'll be sure to get the Biblical citation for you. I have a sense you love to cite things.
Here it is. Matthew 18:6
But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.
So somebody who--let us say--causes a child to lose faith in God by turning them into a sexual victim. This verse applies to that person. Or even somebody who causes a person to fall and stumble into sin in their life, maybe by sexualizing that person...this verse applies to that person.
Now, anonymous commenter, you go and find the Bible verse that applies to MY special place in Hell.
Since Judge Blaeser is the one who declared Pete a 'frivoulous litigant', shouldn't anon.'s expert opinion be addressed to him?
When I was in court this morning, Will McDonald of HennCo. Corrections came and got my attention. He informed me that John does not need to respond to the regurgitated lawsuit, he doesn't need to answer, he doesn't need to do anything. Judge Blaser is handling everything directly with HennCo c/o Will McDonald.
Interesting. I wonder why Will McDonald would involve himself in a private civil matter. It is beyond the scope of his authority. Will could be treading on thin ice violating civil rights he has no authority over.
The situation involves John, Pete, and the Judge.
Maybe Will's supervisor needs to be involved here.
I think Will McDonald would love to know who you are so he can interact with you personally.
Perhaps Mr. McDonald's supervisoe is well aware and perhaps Mr. McDonald does have the aurhority to enforce an order of the Court or at least through an investigation of possible violations, confer with the Bench on such matters. I would even believe that all of you should pipe down and let Mr. McDonald do his job.
ANON at March 3, 2011 2:45 PM sounds like someone who may knew a little bit about the inside workings of the Hennepin County Probation. Now, what HCP insider wouldn't like what you write on your blog JNS? Bobbie Jones, perhaps? Is that who ANON at March 3, 2011 2:45 PM is? Her lack of response to complaints and long leash to Pete the Ped is the reason that L3SO thinks he can do what he is doing. I betcha Judge Blaeser doesn't see Pete's disobedence in the same light as Bobbie (who was removed from the case when she when on her "leave") did.
Anonymous @ March 3, 2011 5:10 PM is, in part, correct... the higher-up at Hennepin County Probation need to know that Spanky Pete is at it again. Of course, Anonymous is wrong about the other stuff. Pete lost his right to file law suits by himself so its not a "private civil matter" and since Pete harassing people is within "the scope of [probation's]authority" the thug-huggers should call and see what response they get. I'm sure they would love to hear from supports of spanky pete.
By nice try.
Yeah, everybody knows this blog has no love for Bobby Chevalier-Jones ("Bobby Jones" as you call her) who allowed Pete such a long leash the result was that front page City Pages story and Pete getting declared a frivolous litigant by the court...only after he wasted all those tax dollars and created a spectacular side show which included trying to serve me in city council chambers during the Dolan re-appointment hearing.
Seems like you've got two factions in DOC:
1. The "coddler" faction, which enables the sex offenders, gives them a long leash, weighs the rights of the sex offenders more heavily than the right of the community to be, gee, not killed and raped by incurable sexual deviants.
Bobbie Chevalier-Jones appears to be the epitome of this mindset as exemplified by the Spanky Pete fiasco.
2. The "zoo keeper" faction, who believe these freaks ought to be locked up for life, but since the freaks are running loose somebody needs to monitor them. One hopes somebody like Will McDonald represents the epitome of this faction.
Which reminds me. It's been a while since this blog promised to publish the address of every L3SO in North Minneapolis if I could get a list like that.
This might be a good time to restate my vow.
"There is a special place in Hell for people like you. The quicker you get there, the better off the rest of us will be."
Sounds like anon@245 is simply telling you to drop dead and go to hell. I second the motion.
Big bad John Hoff needs Will McDonald to run interference for him to keep Pete away from him. John Hoff is obviously terrified of old Pete. What are you so worried about John? Please tell us why you are so afraid of Pete that you need a deputy to escort you out of the court room.
Johnny Northside citing the Bible to justify his views? That's different... Can open. Worms everywhere...
The motion for Johnny Northside to drop dead has been made and seconded.
All in favor?
The motion is denied. An angelic chorus of "nays" was so loud it actually broke windows. Wow, it's nice to know God is on my side.
I make a motion that somebody working inside DOC get a list of current addresses for all Level Three Sex Offenders in North Minneapolis and provide that information to Johnny Northside Dot Com for immediate publication.
And now, as a musical commentary on John Hoff quoting the Bible to justify his views, a musical homage.
Angles Watching Over Me By Amy Grant
This new nonsense about John, or anybody else, being so scared of Spanky Pete that we need Will McDonald, or a court bailiff or any other authority figure to protect us is just ridiculous.
You do realize it's not about being afraid of Spanky Pete. It is about being so fed up with his deviant, disgusting, deliberate disregard for 1) law 2) societal norms 3) decency 4)safety of children 5) direct orders from his corrections officials (zookeepers!) and court officials
that we are sick of him coming to functions he is not welcome and not allowed and we want to see him dealt with and we want him OUT OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!!!
Nobody is "scared" of Spanky Pete in the way you mean. Especially not John.
It's funny how you call him "old Pete."
You know, he's was 34 in 1991 according to this newspaper article.
So, sometime this year, he will be 54. That's really not THAT old. Yet people regard him as an "old man." This guy is NOT that old--though he almost seems to put on a show of being an "eccentric old man"--and he is still quite physically powerful. He is a danger to children and society and he is running around disobeying the authorities who have told him NOT to file lawsuits without an attorney.
What OTHER orders does Spanky Pete not obey?
My comment above was directed to Anonymous at 11:27 PM, not NoMi Passenger.
And, because I like to keep things light hearted around here, here's a musical homage to "zoo keepers" and the issues surrounding deviant sex offender Spanky Pete.
I give you...
The Bad Touch By Bloodhound Gang
And let me add...
I appreciate the input.
Hey Pete, quit humiliating your sister . Your brother M*** is only one nut cell short of being your twin even though you are five years apart. I KNOW YOU think you are a saint and your residence will soon be St. Peters which is known to house all peters who can't control their peters. Saltpeter's not an alternative although i bet you are getting mighty salty now that you know that the original peter,peter was quite a tossed salad eater. No, Mr.Chomo, you never had it in the department of common sense so you enlisted in the Department of Corrections which was foreseen by many of us in your old neighborhood where you grew up and suffered many ass kickings. You don't have a damn thing to worry about,anyone, because that man does not want his ass kicked worse than Miss Hunter kicked it at Lincoln Jr. High. That pervert should be put in a stock on the corner of Penn and Broadway and pelted with quart bottles of frozen M-D 20/20 because he deserves only the best. Good Day.
Boathead, please give me some names and specifics. Pete's brother? His name? Maybe we keep the sister out of it like you say, but tell me the name of the brother if he was in jail like you said before.
I mean, do it in rhyme if you like but GIVE ME THE INFO!
Tell me all about Miss Hunter and Pete. Tell. Tell.
His brothers name is Mark, who was arrested for lurking roughly three weeks ago. I have a ton of info about this perverts past and from all of the people that i know who know him could contribute many stories about the fuck. Pete, i still talk to alot of the people that remember you before you adopted your brother-in-laws last name. You were never rickmyer and you fucking know it! You were mentalpete who kept those same traits and added what was already manifesting in your putrid fucking head..chomoism. You will go down, you fucking pervert, and the ghost of boogerman bob is going to haunt you and larry the rest of your worthless fucking lives.FUCK OFF, FREAK, YOU BIT OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW AND I AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT YOU!! P.S.....P.S....P.S.... get it? Good Evening.
So Mark Stephenson? His brother's name is Mark Stephenson?
I am on it. I am looking...
Boat, I don't suppose you have any DOCUMENTS?
Is there some way we could talk on the phone? I know you love to be all mysterious, but is there some way we could talk?
I am going to contact you soon but i am out the door right now and will get back to you within a day or two.
Boat, I searched the jail roster.
No Stephenson.
2011003280 STEGER, BRADLEY.ROBERT 1/5/1977 1725 LILAC DR, GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 2/6/2011.23:20
2011004984 STELLMAN, KELLY.FRANCES 5/22/1984 2400 CASTO POINT RD, WAYZATA, MN 55391 2/24/2011.21:42
2011004861 STEVENSON-LAMPKINS, NICO.MAURICE 9/19/1990 4267 46TH AV NORTH, ROBBINSDALE, MN 55422 2/23/2011.14:40
2011005179 STEWARD, SILAS.NMN 7/5/1973 210 W 46TH ST, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 2/27/2011.02:12
2011005292 STEWART, ANTONIO.NMN 3/17/1982 1113 PLYMOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55411 2/28/2011.14:17
Help me out, here?
Anyone with an ass should be scared of spanky Pete and his idle hands. Especially, the young...
Spam comment about lakeshore real estate rejected.
Hey my name is on that jail roster comment and it comes up when I google my name, could you do me a favor and remove that post?
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