Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feedback, "Don't all stampede at once"

This email response came from a person who is
rather prominent in Minneapolis. I won't reveal
their identity.
That's a pretty provocative piece - The aspiring Charles Bronson's and
Bernard Goetz's are loving this idea. [sic]

Not to over generalize the north side - there are good people over there
- but it is very hard to win a war against a population that has nothing
to lose.

The other thing is, there has been zero political will to actually
enforce the law in the North side for as long as I can remember. I am
not sure a bunch of (predominately white?) thrill-seeking rent-a-cops
and national guard members trying to impose some sort of citizens
martial-law will be received any better or have the resolve to win the
ground war.

The people who have the skill sets for this type of work are already in
Afghanistan, and are paid to do it.

My response to this person...and I can't seem
to find it in my emails at the moment, but
it was something along these lines:

It is overly-dramatic and hyperbole to say
the North Side needs war veterans from
Afghanistan. As my article made clear,
I think the job could be handled by
campus rent-a-cops.

Furthermore, I went out of my way to
avoid that whole "macho confrontation"
idea, even poking fun at my own
"security mentality" and making mention
of jelly dough nuts.

Yes, I advocate for an influx of
"security minded" folks and beefing
up neighborhood watch programs.

However, let's not go overboard and
make the situation sound worse than
it is. The situation on the North
Side isn't as bad as many cities,
and doesn't require an overblown

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