If anything good has ever come out of E & L Food Market, 1122 Lowry Ave. N., I'd sure love to see documented proof. As far as I can tell, this is a classic "inconvenience store," and the only reason it's not on everybody's radar is simply because it's too far from any homes which might be menaced by the...
...constant dubious "hanging around" outside.
This small, nasty store is apparently affiliated with somebody named Adil Albosaad, who is listed as a contact for the store in an online resource. His name also comes up with the spectacular crappy inconvenience store known as "Star Foods" at 818 Lowry Ave. N., which was the subject of a written agreement with the City of Minneapolis, click here to read the agreement. I think it would be a good thing for decent citizens in NoMi to check, now and then, to see if agreements like this are being enforced.
In the meantime, if something walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is best to call it a duck.
E & L Foods at 1122 Lowry Ave. N. is an inconvenience store. So is Star Foods.
That hasn't been my experience with this store at all. The owner and employees are always shooing off people who don't need to be there. They are kind to neighborhood kids and seem serious about making and keeping there store a safe place to shop. Have you talked to the staff there about your concerns? I am sure they'd be willing to listen...
How are their agreements any different than the thousands of repair agreements signed by homeowners with the city that go disregarded? Shouldn't all NOMI citizens and businesses be held to the same standard to hold up their end of agreements with the city?
I don't see a wide variety of Honey Buns, Hot Gheetos and blunt wrappers as 'inconvenient' at all.
Correction: There are a LOT of people who live near this hell-hole of an inconvenience store. Bremer condos, for starters, and I'm all the way over on Lowry & Girard and can hear the shots at night. Believe it or not, there are some really decent people that live near there. But that entire corner is sadly impassable now thanks to shoulder to shoulder thugs hanging at this store, and several others on both sides of Lowry. Wonder if it would be better if the police sub-station had stayed open in the space next to So-Low?!? I hate thugs.
There is another store(surprise) that lets thugs openly sell their wares right smack in front of Yaweh,God,Allah,Buddha,and all mythical magical characters that have been created through the years.Penn-Wood Market on Glenwood and Penn avenues North is the place to do your one-stop shopping for a miscellaneous array of unique contraband items of which no competition exists unlessyou count the thug market on Glenwood and Morgan avenues North.There used to be another one sandwiched in between called Rogers Market but a mysterious fire has allowed them to begin to rebuild and take back the crown of top dog,..dog,of champion thug store on the ave.There is also the never ending speculation of what kind of tenants besides chomos that live in the apartments that adorn Glenwood Avenue between Penn and Oliver.There is a mini playground with a colorful swing set and i will be damned if i ever see any kids out there...but that's not odd is it?I guess,no,i know,that the covert-notso covert action of stuffing all of North Minneapolis with Child Molesters is the status quo from the pathetic powers that be.To all of you that stuff our neighborhoods here all i will say is that your respective mothers have some explaining to do....oh,and fuck you also.To the owners of the stores i have referenced here,you do not want to hear what these thugs think of your respective mothers and if you think they are cool wicha' i guarantee that the joke is on you....and fuck you also.Boat wishes all, but previously stated no account societal rejects, a good day.
This store needs to be shut down ASAP. We cannot tolerate inconvenience stores in our community. When is the City going to step up and do its job and shut down this business?
"Hilary" is a fake troll voice.
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