Monday, July 28, 2008

422 33rd Ave. N. (This House Is A Crispy Critter, Photo 1)

Photo by John Hoff

I stumbled upon this house at 422 33rd Ave. N. when I was going around the block to take a picture of a hooker on Lowry Avenue North. I've seen a lot of burned out houses on the North Side which need to be demolished, but for some reason--maybe because it's so close to my block--I found this one interesting.

(Do not click "Read More")


Anonymous said...

The burnt house and the white house to the left were built by my great-great-grandparents. My great-grandma and her two brothers grew up in the white house.

Johnny Northside! said...

Please, you need to tell us more than just THAT. How about some names, dates and what they did for a living?