Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The "Irving Inquisition" Sets Up Shop In North Minneapolis! (This Is Actually A Good Thing)

Stock photo, blog post by John Hoff
All in all, it's just another brick in
the wall.

Yet another blog has been born in NoMi, but it's not a feel-good, happy, positive-thinking kind of blog.

Like this one.

(No, really)

The "Irving Inquisition" blog has announced its negative attitude from the very first post...that is to say, a negative attitude toward slumlords and other "bad actors" who are dragging down standards and livability in North Minneapolis. Click here to check out "The Irving Inquisition" blog.

Johnny Northside Dot Com is excited to welcome another "pro-revitalization" blog on the scene. In fact, we put the "Irving Inquisition" right on our blog roll along with stuff like "JACC Flash NoMi" and the "Hillside Chronicles."

And by the way...I recently tweaked my blog roll so the most recently active NoMi blog will always appear at the top spot. This is my sweet way of telling other NoMi bloggers: do not fall to the bottom, do not rest on your laurels. Put out an UNCEASING ARTILLERY BARRAGE of content, content, content. Tell the stories which must be told in order to expose the bad actors, and continue to help with the process of turning this place into an urban utopia.

(Do not click "Read More")

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