Once again filling in the cracks left in news stories by the major media, it falls on Johnny Northside Dot Com to publish the rather extensive criminal record of Decarieon Scurlock, accused of an attempted rape on a DFL activist following a meeting at Farview Park in the Hawthorne Neighborhood, click here for Star Tribune story.
First, a pressing question on the minds of more than a few: how does one say this guy's first name? I'm going to go with "dee carry on" and hope it's right.
And now for this man's rather notable criminal baggage...
- Hennepin Juvenile
Delinquency Felony (Age 16 and Older)
Assault-4th Deg-Correctional Employees; Probation Officer-Demonstrable Bodily Harm
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Ridgedale
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Escape From Custody-Held Pursuant to Lawful Arrest, While on Charge or Conviction or
- Hennepin Juvenile
Delinquency Felony (Age 16 and Older)
Terroristic Threats-Reckless Disregard Risk
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Obstruct Legal Process or Arrest
Motor Vehicle Tampering-Enter
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Warner, Teresa R.
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Burglary-2nd Degree-Dwelling
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation
Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation
Assault-4th Deg-Peace Officer-Physically Assaults-G
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Damage to Property-4th Deg-Intentional Damage-Other Circumstances
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Scurlock, Decarieon Dupra
Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction
Loiter with intent to solicit any act prohibited by law
The Hennepin County Jail Roster--a recent source of fascination for this blog, click here--lists 2210 N. 4th Street as Scurlock's home address. The property is owned by Mohammed Moghul, one of the names which seems to come up in association with the Bashir Moghul empire of slum and is believed to be directly linked to Bashir Moghul.
Moghul is the worst of the worst and needs to be shut down!!!
Seems he's got quite the collection going:
Adonis Tyrone Young, Accused Rapist, Lives In A Bashir Moghul Rental
Investigate the Chicago connection to these individuals and my hunch is there are multiple incidences. Our welfare curse for giving money to single adult males and females is the joke and aspiration of a desperate nation. Fuck me runnin'.
Actually, a single person on welfare in Hennepin County gets about $200 a month in cash benefits, and $137 in food stamps. If they meet the requirements they may be eligible for Minnesota Care health care.
If they go to job search they get a $20 bus card too.
It's a myth that welfare pays well in Minnesota.
Could you live on $350 a month?
Troll comment on an unrelated individual rejected.
7:58 is obviously ignorant to the workings of welfare and how a poor lazy fucking piece of shit that ROLLS in from out of town can collect your free money that is so hard to get by on. A five year contract to give fucking money away to conniving bitches and bastards that sell their groceries for drugs and liquor. The going rate is 50 to 60 percent on their so called benefits. Do not give me the bullshit about how hard it is to get by when you are a piece of unproductive lazy moochin' mother fucker who sells his shit for drugs, I am sick of you apolegetic BLIND liberal to a fault assholes who keep making excuses for these collective bunch of, yes folks, Flotsam and fucking jetsam. Drumroll to all of you stupid dumbasses who continuously defend these single childless parasites. One- Adam-12 see the gullible fools on the hill. Boathead's back from the land of the morning calm with jet lag and a serious case of kimchee breath. 30 days of streets full with guys in Darth Vader protective gear. The worlds going to hell in a grandmas' handbasket. Good Day.
I'm going with "de Carrion", translating roughly as "the Carrion" or "the Dead Animal Carcass" because the whole thing stinks.
Well Boathead, why don't you ask Todd Heintz to explain the welfare system to you. Maybe his calm rational personality can get a dunce like you to understand it. That is if you can put down your edibles long enough to sober up.
If you think welfare is such a good deal, give it a try.
The mysterious Boathead!
No way, were you really in Korea recently in the middle of political demonstrations? We are all about going nuts to figure out who you are, really, but I guess you like to be mysterious.
First things first. Don,t start shit and their will be no shit. I will respond to the somewhat confused and the drunken projectionist that has "done that, been there"... I haven't drank for over seven years nor did i partake in any Soju, Makali or even Captain Q. when i was surrounded by an all too familiar array of chingoes(Hangul for friends) while in The Republic of Korea. I will save that for some other time because it ainnot( and i MEAN ainnot) relevant to D.T.B.T. What might be relevant is i do not understand what the fuck you are saying, do not know or care who the schleprock Heintz may be, nor do i care that you are giving dunces a compliment grouping me with them. Where in my post did i even hint that i thought welfare was a good idea? I believe your drug of choice would leave you labeled as Herr Crackhead and tiny pieces of popcorn dictates that you smoke your edibles. Posting at 2:07 in the morning also leaves me to assume that you made last call before your wifes boyfriend kicked you out of the house(assuming that you are a man and,if not,probably look like one anyhow)Kundingi padada, chokeio, bungal halda, and you picked a fine time to burn me Miss Lee. Good Day..even to you,Done that Been there!
OK Boathead crosses the line dissing Todd. Time to ban this prick from JNS. He adds nothing of value to the discussion. If being substantive is the standard, he is nothing but nutspeak.
I don't think Boathead seriously dissed Todd, I think he just basically said he didn't care about Todd's opinion regarding the welfare system, which is way within the boundaries of the vigorous discussion I allow. I don't know if Boathead even KNOWS Todd.
I know this: most readers want more boathead. Some even wish he had his own blog.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. All of this blooming assuming has Boat wondering if anyone but John has any damn sense.Dunce? Prick? Did you read my fucking posts..? All i know is that the gentleman named Heintz is a t away from being a possible heir to the pokey ketchup throne. I am sure he is a Mensch and i know nothing else... and i'm a prick? Who anonameass 8:12 thinks should be banned like the chemicals Alar, D.D.T. etc,. I am what you in the computer world would call jurrasic, i guess. I would probably have a blog if i had the knowledge or motivation to put an honest effort into it. I could bring a hell of alot more SUBSTANCE that 8:12 opines about. Shoutout to anonameass 8:12- read the fucking post and try a little comprehension next time. It works wonders, shithead. They ought to ban people that post anonymously and talk crap when they don't have a clue. Somebody out there knows who the hell i am, i'm not stupid. Think i fucking care? I will tell you that i do not like the way North Minneapolis is being manipulated by the schuysters that are sucking the money out of the poor fools on the fucking hill. These guys are so goddamned amatuerish that i am thinking that there has got to be a plant on the school board convincing the other sitting members that Allen and Flowers are in the least bit honest in their fucking dubious intentions. Please give me a break because those crooks are an insult to the history of North Minneapolis and its Black leaders of the not too distant past. I want to cry just thinking about it..or laugh. Well,in the near future i may very well have to get involved in a more tangible manner. Misunderstood? Maybe by some. I have a feeling that certain folks consciously understand that Boat is anchored pretty well. I will make this perfectly clear and try to help those who lack the patience to utilize practicality in a comprehensive manner. I am on the side of the relatively new folks that actually reside in our wonderful area. One more time...Skin pigmentation is a childish like figmentation of most folkses imagination.Folkses? yes soaks, i mean folks. No matter what pigmentation,religion if you must believe in any particular one, gender or background, matters because i believe and know with TRUE conviction that WE ARE ALL EQUAL!!!! P.S.- Will whomever is in charge of the distribution of funds quit giving money to these fake ass crooks?!. INVESTIGATE the blatant chicanery and get down to the nitty gritty of these cons and their bullshit. Good Day.
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