Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Resolution About Sex Offender Concentration Passes With Overwhelming Support, Details To Follow...

Photo, blog post by John Hoff

The resolution I wrote about earlier today, click here, about sex offender concentration in North Minneapolis and all of Minneapolis having more than its "fair share" of sex offenders from Minnesota and even other states, passed amid overwhelming support.

The resolution was so popular that council members besides Don Samuels wanted their names added as co-authors. Even ultra-progressive Cam Gordon, who is often a dissenting voice on many matters before the Public Safety Committee, signed on to the resolution.

More important than the fact our city council is able to perceive the injustice of sex offender concentration is the fact our Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights (which was involved in drafting and researching the resolution) has apparently been given a "green light" when it comes to...

...moving forward with any complaint by citizens of impacted neighborhoods in regard to the discriminatory impact of sex offender concentration in poor and disadvantaged neighborhoods, like the entire 55411 zip code.

JNS Blog says and editorializes as follows: If you are a resident of North Minneapolis, and you have felt the raw and primal fear associated with living in a neighborhood full of dangerous sex offenders (far, far more than our "fair share") then you need to file a complaint with the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights.

If you are a homeowner in North Minneapolis, and you know your property values have been impacted by the fact some three dozen Level Three Sex Offenders reside in your same zip code, and this has impacted your ability to sell your home, to obtain a second mortgage, possibly to get insurance on your home, you need to file a complaint with the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights. 

This "green light" given to the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights may represent the biggest opportunity North Minneapolis has had for a satisfactory resolution of this issue since, well, since this issue first began. The Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights in a legal battle royal with the Minnesota Department of Corrections? Oh, my god.


I don't know how else to express my overwhelming, almost giddy sense of happiness except to provide a YouTube embed to my song BALL CHOPPING AXES.


Anonymous said...

If everyone in the city council, etc. seems so supportive of this NOW, why in the mother loving FUCK did it take so long? Was it the constant complaining and threat of the guillotine by pissed-the-fuck-off Northside residents? Our city officials are still garbage and fuck them all, except Don of course.

Anonymous said...

I dont see this as a civil rights issue. A violation occurs when someone is discriminated against based on an enumerated protected class status. One would have to show some type of racial or other discrimination. It looks like sex offenders are being placed in impoverished areas because there is affordable housing.

Anonymous said...

So, is somebody or some legislation putting sexual offenders into North Minneapolis neighborhoods or has the Cities lack of foresight in community planning created the conditions for massive concentrations of deviants and their slumlords hosts?

Anonymous said...

First off, I will recruit everyone I possibly can to vote for Mr. Don Samuels for mayor. Cherryhomes can kiss her murderapolis chances good-bye.
I know a lot of people and I will be able to produce over two hundred votes by simply telling folks to vote for this man because he cares so deeply about this issue and our community. Thank you, Don, John, and everyone associated with this movement so our women and children lessen their chances of being attacked, raped, or killed. I love you guys and gals and I retain hope when I see your honest diligence. I will work behind the scenes to make sure that those who know little about this man, will find out that he is our guy. "Mayor Don Samuels".. the ring makes me sing...

Anonymous said...

After Don Fraser left office, Sayles-Belton and Cherryhomes commenced on rebranding this city a suburb of Chicago. In 1995 we were known as Murderapolis" with Sharon as the mayor and Jackie as the president of the city council. NUF SAID.

Anonymous said...

It is a crying shame that pedophiles will possibly get to live on the shores of Lake Calhoun. It is also very interesting who this lake was renamed after, after the white guys stole the land that is.
Check it out and you will realize that the majority of our institutions,avenues and landmarks are named after slaveholders and racists and pedophiles and white guys.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why can't similar resolutions be passed on concentrations of slumlorded properties? Hasn't the burden of proof been demonstrated on this very blog, that owners experience explicit difficulties (i.e. potential buyer testimonials passing on otherwise attractive properties in NoMi) selling properties next to shitholes owned by mofos like Khan? Not to diminish this WIN for NoMi (long time in coming) but a slumlord resolution seems a hell of a lot easier case to build than mere knowledge of L3SOs 'out there' directly affecting the sale of specific properties. Maybe such a proposal should be the next submission to the City Council.

Folwell Neighbor said...

Why are there assumptions that these criminals will be relocated to posh neighborhoods? I didn't see anything like that. Many, many cities have areas with low-cost housing. It wouldn't take someone too long to come up with a pretty long list of places that are quite affordable. Then you scratch a few off that list that are right next to schools and parks, and you still have a sizable list.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I hate to pour cold water on your happy dance but how will this be enforced? Has the Dept of Corrections agreed to not allow offenders to move here? Who enforces it? I am glad they agree we have a problem, but I don't see solutions. Do the overabundance of offenders already in our midst have to move????

Naysayer said...

The Mpls Civil Rights Dept doesn't have much traction here, for reasons explained by Anony 9:20. The DOC doesn't take its marching orders sideways through it various local "partner" institutions, but only from the top down. This is a nice political gesture from a decent guy, who wants to be mayor, but the only way the situation is going to be remedied is by state statute as introduced in a bill by Champion-Dehn, and maybe Mullery. Even then, it will probably have to be tested in court, as the DOC will be caught between a rock and a hard place. However, it seems that these guys don't want to spend any political capital on this issue, which is disappointing. I'm not sure whether it is due to perceived constituent apathy, or their own, so that they don't even try.

Anonymous said...

What a horrible voice you have. I do think there is a place for that voice in the music industry though. The Village People could utilize your voice doing background lyrics.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Don Samuels, but if he's the opposite of Sharon Sayles Belton, that's a mark in his favor. She was the worst mayor in modern times.

Anonymous said...

Since the Northside is the highest density area of the State; and many communities of the Northside contain a ratio of 50% or more non-homestead properties - it stands to reason that we would have a few more sexual offenders.

Add to that mix the transient nature of the population that allows crooks and deviants of all sorts to retain anonymity and the focus of law enforcement away from prevention and we have the perfect environment for repeat sexual offenders.

We need to focus on measures that will reinforce homesteading of families who will be more vested in our community and away from creating an investor paradise.

Charmaine said...

Good work, John. Thanks for getting this the attention it deserves.

Anonymous said...

Once again, John ignores the fact that every study shows that sex offenders rarely commit crimes in the neightborhood in which they live. This proves that John really is not about keeping the neighborhood safer -- he's all about his bigotry. Actually, I think we are all more at risk with john in the neightborhood than any sex offender. As for Don Samuels for mayor: he would be the worst mayor this city would ever see. Luckily, it will never happen.

BeagleLeagle said...

The reality is that this is just a "feel good" resolution taken by the city council to appease those folks on the north side that have made this into an issue. It is totally unenforceable, and nothing more than an attempt to violate the civil liberties of citizens.
An offender, even a sex offender, who has completed his /her sentence and/or is no longer under court supervision (even if they are on the predatory offenders list), has the civil right to live in any neighborhood they choose. To prohibit that right would be a violation of their civil liberties.
This is NOT a civil rights issue. You are asking people who don't want criminals as neighbors to file a civil rights complaint. But there is no civil rights violation. You need to be a member of a protected class in order to claim a civil rights violation.
Simply being the neighbor of a sex offender does not make you a protected class.
Or more directly stated you, Johnny Northside, as a while male have no grounds to file a complaint for a civil rights violation because some criminal may move in next door to you. YOU are not a protected class.

Below is a snippet from the link you direct readers to in order to file a civil rights complaint. It lists the criteria needed to file a civil rights complaint. Please tell us, from that list, which class you fall in:
Area/Basis for Claim of Discrimination

In what area do you feel you were discriminated?
(Definition of Terms)

What is the basis for your claim? (Check all that apply & give specifics in the related textbox)

Gender Identity
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Harassment
Marital Status
Public Assistance
National Origin
Familial Status
Registered Domestic Partner
Clearly, you do not fall into any of those protested classes, and have no basis to file a civil rights complaint.
HOWEVER, if you harass and file a bogus civil rights complaint on your criminal neighbor, you could be charged with a hate crime IF that neighbor IS a protected class.
I will be curious to see how this plays out. I'll personally forward your blog and the city council's action to the MN-ACLU, as I really don't like it when our civil liberties and threatened.
If we can create a resolution to exile sex offenders, who will be next? Gang members? Blacks? Jews?
Maybe you can explain to your readers how this is a civil rights issue?
Wonder if the MN-ACLU will weigh in on this?

Anonymous said...

Hey BeagleLeagle, go stroke a dick.

Anonymous said...

Thank you beagleeagle, great post! This is absolutely not a civil rights issue. Telling people to file frivolous complaints is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Hi Beagleleagle. To address your statement as to why John isn't in a protested class has me confused; I will try.
Race- He is white and you are claiming that white's can't win discrimination cases, I guess you have never heard of Alan Bakke but you will Google his name and spew a bunch of shit anyhow about him being white so who cares , right?
Color- read the above, shithead.
Religion- fuck you, goddammit.
Age- He's an old bastard so I don't understand. Disability- some say he's retarded. Ancestry- Everybody hates fucking Norwegians.
Creed- see religion, you stupid fuck.
Sex?- he catches hell because he's a guppy. Gender identity? See Alan Bakke, bitch. Sexual orientation? See sex and see Alan Bakke you repetitious slut. Sexual harassment? Only when called a guppy. Marital Status? Life's a bitch and then one posts under the name of Leaglefuckingeagle,er... I mean, marries one. Public Assistance- He assisted the public while in FUCK all of you. National Origin- He has none, he is fucking Norwegian I said. Familial status- He has a family and he doesn't care that they think he should get a second job. Finally, registered domestic partner- John is going to move to Iowa to make it official that he will be marrying an ear of corn. This man can file a discrimination lawsuit under every category but Leagleeagle it won't fly until you say it to be legitimate. I beg you please not to discriminate in the name of fairness and John Barleycorn.

Anonymous said...

Typical ACLU, protect criminals (rapists and gang bangers) and not law abiding citizens.

Anonymous said...

Screw civil liberties BeagleLeagle, we just need the DEATH penalty back in MN. to clean out all of your friends.

Anonymous said...

It can be argued that this resolution is nothing more than a publicity stunt that is designed to help its authors further their political aspirations. For example, studies have shown that most sex-offenders are committed by first time offenders. The real threat to public safety (public health) is the person who has no criminal record (unknown and future offender). In addition, there is no gene or set of genes that determines whether a person is a sex offender. As a result, a sex offender is simply a person who has made incorrect choices. Let it be known that there are no supporters of this resolution that can truthfully claim that they have never made a mistake. This is why sex offender treatment programs help people learn how to detect an irrational thought. Now, once the irrational thought has been identified it is promptly replaced with a rational thought. Lastly, this resolution is merely a political tool because it further stigmatizes and isolates sex offenders. In other words, when political leaders use fear to bring people together, hate becomes the tool to shape society instead of truthful education and rational thinking.

Anonymous said...

I have a revolutionary idea. Instead of drafting and passing a resolution that breeds hate and fear, draft and pass a resolution that challenges the northside businesses for not adequately employing the Black people that live on the northside. The resolution can also address the enormous amounts northside taxes being spent on police to occupy the northside instead of bringing liveable wage/salaried jobs to the northside. This wont happen because the leaders of the northside are part of the problem since they pander to the establishemnt.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't live in North Anonymous 6:28 PM. We're simply trying to get the concentration levels more equal so they too will be in your neighborhood. It sounds as though you're prepared for them though!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:29 March 28 doesn't realize that a certain type of culture is averse to any kind of legitimate work and the proof is without doubt. I believe these people are lazy and despicable. They blame others for their problems and are overtly racist themselves. They are called white bloggers who harass minorities.