Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ceasefire In The NoMi Blog Wars Turns Into An Online Love Fest As Don Allen Of IBNN Publishes Guest Piece By Johnny Northside About A Lynching That Happened 132 Years Ago This Autumn, In Grand Forks, North Dakota...

Stock photo, historic cemetery, blog post by 
John Hoff

One hundred and thirty-two years ago this October, a black man was dragged out of jail and lynched by a mob in Grand Forks North Dakota. The man, Charles Thurber, was accused of a horrible crime by two women, one of whom reportedly recanted her story. Thurber died without the benefit of a trial to attempt to clear his name. 

No historic "truth and reconciliation" commission has ever been convened to examine the sordid facts of the Charles Thurber case. And no historic marker exists to acknowledge... 

...this great historic wrong. The lack of a suitable historic marker was a local issue I cared about and tried repeatedly to raise while I lived in North Dakota from 2000 to 2005. 

To read more details, check out the guest piece I wrote exclusively for blogger  Don Allen's IBNN, click here. 

I plan to write at least one more guest piece for Don Allen, maybe more if he will publish them. Peace and reconciliation is a good thing, even if it takes a long time to happen. 


Anonymous said...

There is no NoMi blog war. It's all in your head. No one really cares about your childish spats with Don Allen, who BTW is screwing you when your back is turned.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing that to our attention, Johnny. Horrifying.

Anonymous said...

You sorry ass bastards have to have a better game than this to prove all is okie dokie. How about REAL collaboration and quit telling each that you love the other because once you have sex it ruins the relationship. Excuse me while I throw up.

Anonymous said...

How does Don Allen from the suburbs have anything to do with NOMI blog wars?

Johnny Northside! said...

The image of North Minneapolis and its issues clearly belong to those who write about those issues and get involved, whether they own a home in North Minneapolis or not. One might question motive or legitimacy or connectedness or whatever, but at the end of the day it's the involved people who change the world and not those who sit on the sidelines and cheer or (in this case) jeer.

Anonymous said...

Here is a guy that cares about his community and get's razzed. The two of them are trying to atone for any perceived wrong doing and I think a lot of people should take notes on how to reconcile and get along. Is there ANYTHING wrong with that?
Is there something wrong with getting along? A lot more get's accomplished and I hope you and Don maintain what you have re-started. I love North Minneapolis and wish you guy's the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Grand Forks kicked you off their city council, correct? John, no one cares about the shit that people did to each other now or then and just admit this is a dig at Grand full of dorks.
I believe if the element that comes here truly want to work then they ought to keep going north to that fine state where they are begging for people that want to WORK! They stop in Moneysota where you ain't gotta work and just sit around babbling like a jerk'; waiting for your handout on every first of the month.
How's your new mayor working for you? I hear she is quite the mental load while trying to enhance your reputation as little Chicago.

Anonymous said...

North Talk admin has a problem.

Johnny Northside! said...

"North Talk admin has a problem?"

Not sure what that means. Elaborate.

Don Allen, Ed. S., M.A. Ed., MAT said...

I've put my olive branch out to work with Johnny in any way possible. To people putting out important news should have a better impact than letting the Star Tribune and Fox 9 soft peddle important information. Again,(publicly) - thank you Mr. Northside.

Anonymous said...

I think you and Don should unite and put your, obviously, distinct personalities together and create change. You two could be a force. Think about it, because I am. (Intelligent humans are a commodity ,work together, please)) I see two alpha folks who have the power to put to rest the legendary poverty pimps who have non- discreetly and openly brought down NoMi.. You fella's would have a lot of back.
Do what you got to do. I think you know what that is.