Here are images from the "Rybak/Kaplan Shindig," which featured a constellation of DFL political heavyweights and took place at the luxurious home of fundraiser (and political kingmakers) Sam and Sylvia Kaplan.
From top to bottom: Dolls in the likenesses of Sam and Sylvia Kaplan. City Councilman Don Samuels to the right of some cool artwork in the Kaplan house. No sign of Don's opponent, JACC Executive Director Jerry Moore.
Possible and Presumed Senator-Elect Al Franken, with Hawthorne Housing Director Jeff Skrenes.
The wine flowed like, well, wine. Next, they say it isn't a party until something gets broken. These two china figurines were apparently sacrificed to the saying, knocked over in the coatroom because, as one of the coat room helpers put it, "There were just too many people packed in here, and some guy bumped them."
In an urn by the front door, actual swords co-exist with a pink Care Bear umbrella. Can peace between Israel and Hamas be far off?
Last, numerous ice globes with lit candles inside stole the show before guests even got inside the Kaplan house. Somebody spent A LOT of time making those. But the effect of the ice globes was magical.
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Don's opponent Jerry Moore?? What makes you say that? Jerry doesn't even live in the city, never mind northside.
Read this article:
It says Moore is running for City Council against Don Samuels. So apparently Moore does have a residence not only in the city but somewhere northside.
If the article is wrong or you know more details, or contrary details, please keep commenting.
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