For those who crave all JACC soap opera info, all the time, there is a new post on the Jordan Livability blog that tells the "back story" of hiring Executive Director Jerry Moore. Here is the URL, which is not live. You'll have to copy and paste.
Have I mentioned that I really dislike Apple computers?
Yeah, I think I have. Lots of times.
Also, this blog is open to publishing all sides of this conflict.
(Do not click "Read More")
On another note--are the police currently attempting to retrieve the stolen office equipment and arrest the thieves (since, even aside from Ben Myers's open admission to knowing the location of the stolen items, apparently staff at the New Life Church can verify who the the thieves are)? I would think that church staff would want cooperate with the police in order to avoid being viewed as accessories. And I would think that the value of the equipment would be great enough that the perpetrators can be charged with a felony.
Why do you hate apple computers and what does it have to do with this post?
What it has to do with this post: the link is not live because doing a live link in blogspot is not as easy in an Apple as it is with a Dell. Tell me how to do it, and maybe I could stop hating Apples. Maybe. I kind of doubt it, though.
Dear JNS,
Tell us more about the title of your blog "New JACC City". I am new reader/follower of the soap opera, and overall have found your articles to contain very cleaver references (like the one about Gabby's). I was wondering if you were trying to compare Jordan's neighborhood group to New York or to the movie or to both?
to the anon about computers: i don't know for sure, but it sort of seems as if the police or any investigation about the equipment is not really moving forward and seems to be completely up to the judge who is handling the TRO and lawsuit. That's not official info, just seems to be what I see or hear happening. But I would bet my paycheck on if/when the computers are forced by the judge to be returned the hard drives are cleared out. The removal of equipment, TRO, lawsuit, chaos at the press conference - it's all a desperate attempt to keep from exposing the severity of the mismanagement or corruption. Ben & board members have more to lose and to be held accountable for than Jerry - he was 'just' staff.
To J.K. Well, there is a "new Jacc" running the place, so in that sense Jordan is "New JACC City." But I don't think one can read into things any deeper than that. In "New Jack City" a crime boss rises to the top. I'm not trying to make any allusion to the plot of the movie. I was just grabbing for a headline and came up with this one.
If it doesn't work, my readers will be my judge. I don't want to go back and change it because, well, there it is.
i liked the new jacc city header - i got it in reference to a "NEW" jacc - it didn't make me think of crime boss - but perhaps that is because i don't associate the "NEW" jacc with crime/corruption.
Interesting news story from channel 5 about Jerry Moore's ex-girlfriend. Maybe this is why it is so dangerous for the "Old Majority" to have possession of the computers with all that confidential employee information on them.
Here is a story about Jerry Moore's ex-girlfriend. Funny thing is, one of the addresses they show is involved in a lawsuit & it says that Jerry received money from the scam!
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