Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Problem With Big Police Corruption STrib Stories In "Dead Tree Only" Format

Photo By John Hoff 

I hear people are buzzing about today's story in the STrib about a police corruption probe. I actually received an email from one guy who wanted to sit down and have a MEETING with me at Broadway Pizza JUST TO TALK ABOUT THIS BIG STORY.

Only one problem...

Where the heck am I supposed to get a copy of this bankrupt paper on its last legs? See, the newspaper rack in front of the building that I frequent on campus has FRIDAY'S paper in the rack. The one in front of Acadia Cafe--where I just concluded weekend visitation with my child a moment ago--has SATURDAY'S paper on the rack. If I walked to the little Somali-owned grocery store never Riverside Plaza, they don't sell the STrib. And the drugstore the OTHER way down the street is closed on Sunday.

I guess I'll have to wait until Housing Director Jeff Skrenes pawns off his newspaper recycling on me, or walk ALL THE WAY TO THE HARVARD MARKET EAST just to buy a freaking newspaper.

Great idea, Star Tribune. What's next, CARRIER PIGEONS?

Is it any wonder bloggers EAT YOUR LUNCH on a daily basis?


Unknown said...

carrier pigeons would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Buy a damn paper. they're only 50 cents.