Facebook Page...or is it?
ADDENDUM, SEPTEMBER 24, 2011: This blog post was written before I learned a great deal of relevant information about Don Allen, including his involvement with a Ponzi scheme that was busted by the FBI and his record of stealing from a bedridden vet at the VA hospital. I now consider Don Allen an unsavory character but I will not remove or alter posts due to respect for an accurate historical record.
So, first of all, people who follow North Minneapolis issues intensely have (so I've heard) kind of wondered about what's the deal with Johnny Northside and Don Allen of the IBNN blog?
Though me and Don...
...have vast differences politically, we seem to get along great.
Of course, part of that is the fact Don Allen is trying to figure out a way to make money by marketing North Minneapolis, and he's all, like, "Johnny, if I can get something going, are you in?" And I'm all, like, "Dude, whatever, if there's decent money involved, I'm in."
(Decent money is not the same as a lot of money. Decent money is what you could hope to make by doing some good. A whole lot of money usually requires offshore oil drilling, deforestation, and animal cruelty, all before breakfast)
Some would say I'm living in a fantasy world, thinking I'd get PAID to BLOG.
And that's a fair critique. But consider this example. Which of the following do you think I'd prefer: riding in a cute red sports car driven by a hot girl in a miniskirt who, (apparently) has just shaved her impossibly-long legs but, at the current time, shows no romantic interest in me whatsoever...
Or walking?
WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO with Don Allen, Al McFarlane, and/or the FBI and CIA?
Um...well, OK, it might be a tangent. So let me just get to the pickle-y part of the pickled pig's knuckle of information nuggets, and here it is, in the form of an email Don Allen fired off to a bunch of folks, recently:
Dear Ms. Hyde, (and BCC's)
Contrary to popular belief, it is not my mission to distribute miss-information to the community. My goal is to distribute news and information that would otherwise never get out. With the ability to outreach any north side media outlet, you would think this would be a good tool. Yes, it becomes somewhat controversial but never the less, "if you throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one you hit will yelp."
On Friday, at Sunny Side Restaurant Mr. Al McFarlane publicly stated that he thought I worked for the FBI or CIA. This is the same thing said of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Of course this is not true, but yet another attempt to discredit me because of my political allegiances and the questions I ask are too hard to answer when it comes to the Minneapolis Urban League and alleged conflict of interests involving the Board, the process and individual financial gains versus "direct to MUL gains, bypassing a middleman."
I have multiple concerns about the operation at the Minneapolis Urban League including the obvious Conflict of Interest (COI) involving yourself, Al McFarlane and the CEO finalist from the Madison Urban League. Mr. McFarlane says, "Don is good for business," which means its easier for Mr. McFarlane to "backdoor" business and ask potential agencies to use him and ask these
agencies to have other potential collaborations go through him also.
(This happened at a National Association of Minority Contractors meeting. Those of us in the business know that one "skewed" media outlet cannot deliver all minority-ethnics, let alone the mainstream. Gross misrepresentation seems to be a norm here.)
Next week on the Independent Business News Network (www.ibnn.org) and in very public press releases, I will ask the questions about why is it that a board member who receives financial payments from the MUL for advertising is able to broadcast out of the MUL and how much does the agency receive for the use of the facility when it is apparent that Mr. McFarlane's radio show does have financial sponsors. (COI). We talk a lot these days about, "transparency," I would like full disclosure in an attempt to understand the process that makes some, activity at the MUL okay (including partisan politics).
Let me make it absolutely clear. Its okay to have a live radio show broadcast out of the MUL - but shouldn't it be about MUL programs and issues that affect the community versus promotion for Mr. McFarlane's sponsors and personal advertising agenda - I ask you to step back and see this clearly.
If someone like the MUL current outreach coordinator had the platform that McFarlane Media is using at the MUL, issues could be addressed across the Twin Cities while building capacity for the agency. (I would assist in setting up a radio show on a local radio station for the MUL to be broadcast live from the MUL. The same sponsors that MM has would jump on board due to the "dual benefits:" outreach, and community engagement with an established flagship non-profit. Ms. Hyde, how can the MUL operate by sending money, sponsors and private sector collaborations "out the door?"
It seems to me that KMOJ would be the best "fit" for a live broadcast at the MUL - but we know that's a whole other story.
Mr. McFarlane has told me that he has signed a Conflict of Interest statement, can it be produced along with the Board minutes that allow Mr. McFarlane to walk in and broadcast without any benefits to the MUL - if there are financial benefits, what are they? Contrary to what you or the MUL's been told, there is a funding stream.
In the MUL's board attempt to "close" board meetings even for members, this is an action that will be fought by the community due to the amazing amount of current corruption that has not been addressed.
COI #2: Ms. Hyde, aren't you a member of the search committee and have ties to the Madison Urban League where dollars were paid to someone you know to speak there recently? Also, is it public information on the amount you have been paid to plan the MUL annual dinner (also in 2008), furthermore questioning the integrity of your collaborations that seem to be very close with the agency?
In closing, I would ask that on Saturday, April 25 at 1pm when the MUL presents the finalist to the community for the CEO position, you have someone other than Mr. McFarlane host this event. This will stop the continued Conflict of Interests that seem to occur weekly at the agency.
After several request for information sent to David at the MUL, he has refused to answer or supply requested information. Furthermore, what does the MUL do? I would love the opportunity to sit down with someone with the facts and discuss a mutual middle ground.
If you have any questions - or answers to any of the above, please contact me
at (612) 986-0010.
Very best regards,
Donald W.R. Allen,II - V.P./GM
Email: donny@donny-allen.com
Office: (612) 332-6025
Direct: (612) 986-0010
JNS says: I confess I'm not following some of this. However, I really like the part about Don Allen being--reportedly--accused of working for the CIA and the FBI. That's just too funny! Especially since *I* am the one working for the CIA.
Well, actually the NSA and army psy-ops but I ask you...what's the difference?
Point is, if Don Allen were working for the CIA or FBI I'm pretty sure I'd have read it in my daily briefings, duh. Yes, I confess to skimming intel reports, sometimes--especially the tedious rehashing of EVERY LITTLE NUGGET printed in Insight News, right down to the ADVERTISERS, I mean GEEZ!!!!--but if Don Allen worked for the CIA, I"m sure I'd have caught mention of THAT.
ADDENDUM: February 6, 2011. This blog post was written before I and many others in North Minneapolis discovered what a disreputable con man character Don Allen is. I would advise anybody: Do not trust Don Allen. Seek further information about Don Allen from various online sources before having any contact with him.
Is the Urban League a non-profit 501c3 organization? If so and if they allow one political pundit to use their facility, then they have to make their facility available to all other political pundits or candidates running for the same position at the same rates (IRS rules). If they do not do this, they can loose their non-profit, tax exempt status. Check it out.
This also carries over to Mr. Al Flowers and his TV show. It needs to be renamed "OFF THE AIR" or else R.T. gets to be on there the same amount of time as Al. And if Al goes on one of his buddies show (Ron Edwards, Zack M, etc) that goes the same there. And let us not forget Kenya McKnight (still can't believe that girl is dumb enought o hook up with Ben and Jerry). Don Samuels gets equal face time on any shows she is on. IT'S THE LAW, kidlinks.
As far as Don Allen working for the CIA or the FBI, get real. The problem with most of the guys making these accusations is that they are suffering from delusions of adequacy. Like, the FBI and CIA give a rat's patoot what they are doing.
"On Friday, at Sunny Side Restaurant Mr. Al McFarlane publicly stated that he thought I worked for the FBI or CIA."
OK, I knew Al was corrupt, but I didn't know he was actually crazy.
Dear Community - I apologize for my harsh criticism of Black agencies and accountability issues in Minneapolis (especially North Minneapolis). I can’t believe I am the only person concerned about a community’s fate and will publically address the poverty-pimps and hoes.
It was very hurtful to be at a Friday morning meeting and the focus is on Don Allen, rather than the issues that are bringing our community to its knees. This has been the norm at McFarlane’s Friday morning meetings. It’s never been about Don Allen and it never will be. The “smokescreen” presented is not address the issues – but to side-step questions of importance that I contend will expose corrupt business practices.
I work as a part of society interested in why Black men cannot work, raise families and have a wonderful life while living in North Minneapolis.
I wonder what has happened to Congressman Keith Ellison and why he would approach me and state, “I’m going to sue you Don!” Its public knowledge about his issues as posted in the Wright County Republican and Minnesota Majority as it pertains with your relationship with Amy Alexander. What happened – did you suddenly decided to start following the Muslim rules again? (I don’t think so.) You see Keith; I’m not a Congressman….YET. I really don’t care what you do in your bedroom(s) if the community could somehow benefit! (Yes I believe in small government.)
I wonder why if a woman is dying of cancer, she cannot go to the Minneapolis Urban League and get help for her 6 children and to get her furnace fixed in the cold of winter, but some staff at the MUL is allegedly able to take advantage of programs that fix furnaces.
I wonder why the University of Minnesota/School of Medicine had their Stop Smoking Program and the staff of the Minneapolis Urban League's social wellness cluster received Target Gift cards that were meant for community outreach. Was this a “pilot” program beta test? What ever happen to the Covenant for after school programming?
What did the MUL do with the $103,000 from the Minneapolis Public Schools?
I have questions - I am nobody, but I do have a voice and a concern that is truly mine and I will continue under God to "ask the questions!"
The fact of the matter – I haven’t even started working on them yet. (Agencies & Questions
Usually I agree with Mr. McFarlane, but in this case I have to side with Don Allen.
Could McFarlane answer this? How much money did you receive from NRRC and why?
I don't agree with what Don Allen writes but his issues are true concerns. When was the last time McFarlane Media gave out "hams" to the community?
Has Al McFarlane every stuck up a Steak House?
We have seen these hush tactics many times here on the northside. Seems they all borrow pages from each other's play book:
cable access shows with hatred and calls for 'killings'
law suits for defamation of character
disruptive meetings with race baiting tactics
a University wanting to invest and improve the neighborhood turns into scientific experiments like Tuskegee.
Now we have a vocal community member turning up the heat and he must be working for the Fed's?? Really? Why can't he just want transperency and functional community organizations?
See, because Don Allen is the same race, it can't be the race card that is used. Because he has a different political affiliation, let's use that to cast fear and suspicion over this good man's name and try to get him to shut up.
Don if they can smear your reputation maybe you will go away.
And they can be comfortable in their position of unquestioned and unaccountable 'power'.
Alfred Flowers ("Genuine, Consistent, Honest, and Transparent") is running for Mayor! And he needs you to go to his website!!!
On 4/19/2009 it lists "Paid for by Truth to the People, Committee to Elect Al Flowers - 5800 Knox Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55419"
Public Figure, right?
Al apparently does not own this address. Perhaps it's a place he has been renting and living at for a long long time? According to Minneapolis property records this is a Rental/Investment property owned by:
Parviz Mirzamohammadi
6850 Cambridge Rd Shakopee Mn 55379
So Alfred "Al" Flowers is a long-time resident of "SOUTH" (not North? Really?) Minneapolis? Rumor is that particular property is in the process of being condemned by the City of Minneapolis. But that is just an unconfirmed rumor so far...
Warrants further investigation perhaps?
Well, on April 16th, (2009) the City of Minneapolis "Property Info" website lists the address of "5800 Knox Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419" as "Lint - Lack Of Utility (Hsng)" - The first step towards condemnation of a property according to my sources! Salute!
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