Saturday, April 25, 2009

You See A Vacant Building, But Somebody Else Sees Advertising Space

Photo By John Hoff

About a week ago, I noticed a new development with vacant buildings in North Minneapolis. Somebody has posted paperwork which seems kind of like an "official notice," warning anybody who buys the property they will need "construction plans" to make any renovations.

Lately, the price of houses in North Minneapolis has dropped so irresistibly low, some folks are jumping into buying property with very little idea of the requirements--rather extensive requirements--required of non-owner-occupied properties. The new paperwork manifesting on doors appears to be...

...actually some kind of advertisement for services.

Normally, if I saw an advertisement tacked to the boards of a vacant house, I'd rip it down under my sensible interpretation of the "neighbors should adopt houses" mandate, wherein the City of Minneapolis has publicly told citizens to feel free to pick up litter, rake leaves, etc. and not worry those acts would be considered "trespassing" when it comes to these vacant and neglected houses.

However, since I believe these notices are actually doing some good--alerting possible buyers that some hoops must be hurdled in association with the purchase of property--I plan to just leave the notices alone when I encounter them in the course of keeping a wary eye on vacant houses.

What we REALLY need are notices that tell the story of Mr. Slummy and how--quite recently-- the Hawthorne Neighborhood put his BLOODY SEVERED HEAD ON A POLE, a thing of horror and an object of warning to all these oh-so-excited "property investors" who think North Minneapolis is their oyster.

Know this, and if the "property investors" don't like it, TOUGH:

There are smart and informed people in North Minneapolis neighborhoods systematically scrutinizing slummy rental property, and reporting every visible violation, every instance of non-permitted work, even forwarding PHOTOS to the 311 system. We are organized, and we will not only REPORT you, we will drag the matter through the internet in a very public way. We'll show up at your house in the suburbs and PICKET YOU IN FRONT OF YOUR NEIGHBORS.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was curious about what web site I could look up to check in permits. So I could also keep watch in the jordan neighborhood. I also have many auction homes poping up.