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Scum living at 2207 6th Street North are believed to be responsible for a violent attack on a Hawthorne Neighborhood resident which happened tonight...
The resident, not named here, was sitting in her living room when this rock, pictured here, came crashing through two of her windows and hit her in the head. The rock is large, about 2 and 3/4 pounds. The resident was very shaken by the incident. Police came and filled out a report.
The very active and communicative 6th Street block club is confident this retaliation for neighborhood revitalization efforts came from the drug-dealing thug crowd associated with 2207 6th St. N. The dealers have once again been running into that house when chased from the corner of 22nd and Lyndale. Also, lately with the warm weather numerous aimless teens have been hanging out at 2207.
In fact, the young girls at 2207 made a point of walking by the resident's house right after the police left.
Oh NOOOO.... I am momentarily speechless.
Just say the word and we can have an army of neighbors roaming that street, patrolling, even with signs that say things like "down with dope, up with hope" etc etc.
Just say the word.
I also called the police when heard gun shots at about 12:30. I don't know if this was related, but I saw a group of young african americans standing at the corner of 6th and 23rd at about the same time.
Hope this is not a repeat of last summer.
The following comment was removed and then reposted without the poster's name, because the poster fears retaliation.
Thanks for posting this John. It should also be noted the person who was the victim of this attack is in her 70's.
I've notified our high ranking contact at the 4th Precinct and we're confident he will do whatever he can, but what do we do in the meantime? It should also be noted this is an owner occupied property and anyone can access that info via the Mpls Property Information look-up if you're interesting in finding out who this scumbag family is.
My husband & I just drove around that area this afternoon, we were able to spot that house right away,lots of people all over the place, & what looked like an Animal Control lady was getting into a yelling match with the "Mom" of the bunch. Real nice.
If the folks that we are talking about are reading the blog understand this, we are not going to tolerate drug dealing and all the attendant behaviors. I called animal control,not Crystal not Kevin.
I think what you don't understand is that there are a lot of block club members that live around you and we are all tired of illegal, rude and violent activity around here and we ALL CALL THE COPS and we all contact the city! Get a clue!!
It is so chickenshit to harass a woman in her 70's could you be more of a bunch of cowards!!!
This blog stands ready to do whatever needs to be done, including publishing pictures and detailed stories about these gang banger scum bags. If that's not fast enough, the comment threads are available, and it just takes hours or minutes for me to get to my blog and hit the "approve post" function.
The police have already raided this place at least once. I think it's about time for another raid.
As to say, I am a "Hawthornian" through and through. The way I figure it, just because you live in the hood, does not mean you have to act hood. With that being said, I am with all my neighbor when I say this, If I see you doing anything illegal, I will call the police, if you look like you are doing something illegal, I will call the cops, and if you look at me funny, I will call the cops... Oh, and if I don't call the cops my neighbor will. And, to top it all off... We tired, and we are not going to take it anymore!!!! ~BBEE
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