Mug shot, therefore in public domain, blog post by John Hoff
William Leon Lane, a.k.a. "Bit Bit" was briefly mentioned on this blog in a kind of "round up" blog post I wrote about various criminal indictments, click here for that blog post. A couple of months ago, somebody sent me an email defending "Bit Bit" and taking me to task for what I wrote.
It's only fair that I would print this substantive, detailed defense of the supposedly good character of William Leon Lane, so here is that email, unedited, exactly as I received it...
Aldelila Sadd to John Hoff
hello Mr. Hoff my name is Ellie and I wanna discuss with u about something u had posted a column on January 3rd 2010 about William Leon Lane aka Bit Bit and Because of your column a lot of people jumped on his case and his against him. with out knowing the facts and anything about him. I know for a fact that he did not do this and u should really recap the event and re post the story because william is a great man fiancee son brother and father because of ur article and other falsiflying gossip he is being charged with a hurrendous ackuasion. you helped take him away from his family and loved ones. instead of posted gossip about him u should really be looking for the one who did this. and u need to look at the facts which is public information and no that no evidence points to william. because of the media and gossip it has made him guilty. I believe that is called trail by media. And u played apart as well. but the FACTS say that he is innocent. But i guess media is stronger then the facts. your input on this e mail will be greatly appreciated. And your not the only one gettin this e mail all the all the media is, and there will be more to come. the medias ackuaisons are untrue and this is unjust. please feel free to respond
My response as follows:
I did nothing but print a link to the criminal complaint with a brief commentary. I didn't make anything happen, that was all the justice system working completely on its own, but the best of luck to the justice system.
Until today, there has been no other mention of William Leon Lane, a.k.a. "Bit Bit," on my blog. In fact, until today I never even assigned him a metatag to make it easier for search engines to find my info about William Leon Lane.
I am printing your ridiculous email as a public example of the shrill, insane and poorly written b.s. I have to put up with because I publish truthful information about the pressing issues in my neighborhood.
After reading this I can see why they tried to close that high school in North Minneapolis. Doesn't look like it was doing anything anyway.
The one thing I do not miss after moving from Mpls. is those like Ellie who cannot write and ALWAYS are defending idiots that should be scraped up off the streets like those they kill !!!
JNS wote, “ …I publish truthful information about the pressing issues in my neighborhood.”
Actually, you sensationalize a bunch of crap that you embellish with your ridiculous commentary and accusations. And when you are called out on your irresponsible behavior, you label those people as trolls. You rarely accept another person’s point of view, and have a condescending response for most comments. Journalism should have integrity, something you clearly lack. Sorry if the truth bothers you.
Troll comment rejected. I tell ya, trolls have it pretty rough around here these days. Not a whole lot is getting through the mesh.
Here's what was written in the original blog post:
WILLIAM LEON LANE, a.k.a. "BIT-BIT," is accused of shooting and killing a man in the alley behind 1411 Plymouth Ave. N. (The victim and car turned up at 1416 11th Ave. N.) Luckily, "Bit-Bit" had a unique nickname, and officers managed to find him and charge him with the murder, click here for the criminal complaint. Also, "Bit-Bit" is not from North Minneapolis, even though he shot a man here. (Allegedly) "Bit-Bit" came to North Minneapolis from his residence in Plymouth, Minnesota to do his nasty deeds. (Allegedly)
The info about the uniqueness of the nickname and how officers found the perp through the nickname is in the criminal complaint, linked in the original blog post.
Regardless of alleged gossip and whatnot, the dude is on the F.B.I's website. I find it hard to believe that there is not at least some validity to the "ackuasions". Furthermore, if others in the neighborhood would like to defend their perspective(s) of the truth with the "thuggy-integrity" it seemingly deserves they should create their own blog.
And please for the love of god stay in school. I have never mentioned anyone's grammar before (god knows mine is not perfect), but Jesus tap-dancing Christ buy a fucking dictionary. That email almost gave me an aneurysm while trying to read it. Social economic and stratification issues aside; if you're not Prince you should not be writing like that, let alone sending it to media sources without being embarrassed. Mpls. just got ranked as the 18th smartest city in the nation lets prove it!
Hey Folwell Fox, if not for the efforts of "Ellie" and her fellow victims of "hurrendous ackuasion", we'd probably be the #1 smartest city in the US instead of the 18th. Just imagine, if we were to relocate Ellie and her chums to another state, say Missouri, for example, the collective IQ of both states would rise considerably.
ackuasion! HAHAHA! :-D
Trudrud, I don't know man. Mixing Ellie's colloquial with the Teabagger vernacular would only precipitate the inevitable vortex of stupid implosion MO. faces. Would you want that on your conscience?
Although, (for journalistic integrity) Missouri did do pretty well in the rankings considering... Kansas City #41 (I don't know if that included the MO. side or not, the list doesn't say), St. Louis #63, and (not so good) Springfield #124.
All I know is that they drive like shit, love Jesus, and do a double-take if you have long hair and are standing in front of a urinal.
One comment rejected which purports to be a thug talking in bad grammar but seems more like somebody doing an imitation which has unfortunate racist overtones.
One comment rejected which makes anonymous factual allegations.
R.I.P. Ellie!!!!! She was found murdered in an home on the 1700 block of Glenwood yesterday 7/14/12
Well I am here to say that the accusations against MR. Lane were in fact TRUE! I sat through the trial, and he even confessed only to recant his statement in hopes to recieve a lesser charge. This man deserved to spend the rest of his life in prison for the murder of Christopher Dozier. Who was a LOVING father, son, brother, fiance, and friend. Lane actually got off easy if you ask me!
Well, Im here to say that Wiliam Lane is a victim himself! CHRIS was no angel neither is William but they both were out doing things that they shouldn't have! They both were obviously toting guns that night! An LOVING CARING FATHER wouldn't or shall I say shouldn't sell drugs nor carry loaded pistols. A loving father wouldn't jeopardize his freedom or his life by being affiliated gangs with well known gangs! They both looked death in the face that night & one of them did what they had to do in order to survive. Now, if it was William who was killed that night it would be the same story but different names! God its the only one who decides a person's fate. So, honestly they BOTH got what they DESERVE!
Why haven't you blogged about the Adelaida Sadd-Lane murder? I'm curious because you blogged about her husband William, but she was murdered and her killer is on the run! She deserves justice as well as her children! Her alleged killer is Giovanni Mario Dotts. CrimeStoppers is offering $1000.00 for any information leading to how arrest!!
I must say let the man without sin cast the first stone. Everyone on here seems to be missing the point people are dying children are loosing their fathers and mothers to violent acts of ignorance, they are killing eachother off like animals to prove a point to people that regardless if their here or not will just keep living life. The whole time these children that fall victum to the system and end up repeating the same sad cycle are what we are raising to be our future. Its not a joking or funny matter at all if you have time to talk about it and laugh and joke about it take some time and really help in "YOUR" communities its serious out here. R.I.P. Ellie R.I.P. Chris and To the bro William Bit-Bit Lane Keep your head up if given a second chance thank god for it and dont waste anymore of your time and life No matter what God will forgive you and he is the only one that matters when its all said and done. I know these 3 young people all too well. Sad to see what has become of our generation...
"No matter what God will forgive you?"
Really? That's the standard? So a person can just sin and sin over and over, repeatedly, but if they just ask to be forgiven, then it's all OK? And none of the rest of us should have a judgmental thought in our heads?
By their works, ye shall know them. Take that and contrast it with your repetitive mantra of "he who is without sin." God cares about sin. He cares when people do terrible things. God's forgiveness is not a free ride that lets you do one terrible thing after another and ask for forgiveness repeatedly, only to sin repeatedly.
Also, REPENTANCE is necessary. Where is this guy's REPENTANCE? Where are his attempts to live a good life? Where are his attempts to make right what has been wrong?
Throwing around that whole "judge not" thing gets you nowhere. It's a stupid thing that thugs with no other defense say over and over to decent people who are at least TRYING to do right and meeting a fairly decent standard of doing right.
Who is your theological teacher, anyway? What god are you worshipping? "Thug Jezus?" Does Thug Jezus say it's cool and he will hook you up with the big man?
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