Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mug Shot For Susan Newell, Mortgage Fraudster...

DOC mug shot, therefore public domain, blog post by John Hoff

Susan Elizabeth Newell won't end up doing very much time for mortgage fraud in North Minneapolis, a mere three years...all the more reason to make sure her DOC mug shot is permanently preserved in this public forum.

Readers may recall that Newell was a messy retrial-after-mistrial that required Hennepin County Prosecutor Brad Johnson to come in and clean up the legal mess, click here for previous story.

According to the Department of Corrections website, Newell will be eligible for release on April 23, 2013.

Oooooh, let's guess what The Future will be like when Newell finally walks free?

United States forces will be in Afghanistan, but there will be talk of the troops leaving in the not-so-distant future.

The Diane Hofstede staff turnover widget will be in...DOUBLE DIGITS.

And a blog called Johnny Northside Dot Com will be stirring the pot in North Minneapolis, but sometimes involved in legal battles.

Hope I haven't gone overboard in my imaginative speculation.

(Do Not Click "Read More")

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