Facebook photo used under First Amendment Fair Comment
and Criticism, and JNS blog asserted public safety exception to copyright, blog post by John Hoff
Today Corey Davis, self-identified "big bro" of accused killer Devon Parker (who allegedly murdered a 69-year-old grandfather in his homestead in a ruse to seek help from a Good Samaritan) got on a crime watch Facebook forum and told concerned citizens to "shut the fuck up and mind yall motherfuckin business." (sic) Rather than adding analysis and commenter, I am simply sharing the entire conversation here verbatim...
Heather Eckman This is disgusting and ridiculous.... this is a perfect example of why Minnesota should have the death penalty...
Corey Davis Yall can shut the fuck up and mind yall motherfuckin buisness cause nobody kno wat the fuck happened there but my lil brother and the old man
Jean Marie And furthermore, we will NOT mind our own business when this bs is happening in our neighborhood.
North Minneapolis Crime Watch & Information Yeah, Corey Davis, looking at your profile you seem so upstanding and trustworthy, we're really going to listen to what you have to say...
Corey Davis Man shut the fuck up bitch yall probaly dont even live in OUR neighborhood and like I said nobody kno wtf happened in that house but my brother and that old fuckin man so till the truth comes out yall need to shut the FUCK up my brother is not a bad person like this so I don't think he did it
Jean Marie Corey, we DO live here. Let's say for argument's sake (eye-roll) that your brother didn't do it - look at the language you use to describe the deceased. Nice manners.
Corey Davis North Minneapolis crime watch im grown I can drink when I wanna bitch and I got a full time job so yea I do wat I wanna I work for mines y u all in my pics whoever the fuck u is...
Corey Davis Derek Petersen you a prime example for a needle and im praying for my family bitch mind yo buisness
Jean Marie So your brother was just once again in the wrong place at the wrong time? PLEASE. He's lucky he was free this long in the land of judges who look the other way.
Angela Anderson My deepest sympathy to his loved ones. I can't imagine reliving this in print over and over again. The devil is alive.
Corey Davis I don't care about no dead I care more about my brother tf u think everybody make mistakes when they young so his history has nothing to do with this yall all have made mistakes
Jean Marie Whatever Corey. Explain why he was there, then. YOU seem to know a lot about what happened that day. By your actions and your photos, you both live a life of crime. period.
Jean Marie (Yes, weed is still a crime. And "assault" is not a young-person's mistake. It's a crime.)
David Bailey We all make mistakes but most good citizens don't make ones like your brother is being accused of.
North Minneapolis Crime Watch & Information Your brother is NOT a bad person? Nah, he just shot some old guy in cold blood. Or is there justification for going into someone's house and murdering them? What a pathetic waste of human life. -D
Corey Davis Drinking aint a crime andu dont kno me or him so fuck you u live in the boondocks somewhere jean marie
Jean Marie The one thing I will agree with is that we need the justice system to work its course (which apparently hasn't work in the public's favor thus far when it comes to Devon Derrick Parker), but for his brother to come on here with his swearing rant with l...See More
North Minneapolis Crime Watch & Information Here's a fun article written up a little more locally pertaining to the upstanding citizen Devon Derrick Porter DOB 4/8/93. -D
adventuresofjohnnynorthside.bl ogspot.com
Being the amazing, true-to-life adventures and (very likely) misadventures of an... Afghan war vet who seeks to take his education, activism and seemingly boundless energy to North Minneapolis, (NoMi) to help with a process of turning a rapidly revitalizing neighborhood into something approaching Urban...See More
Jean Marie Shocking^^^ Several charges of assault and use of a firearm. Yeah, Corey, I'm sure he doesn't deserve any grief he's getting.
Jean Marie And once, again, Corey, I live in North Minneapolis, not the "boondocks." Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Carrie Hoppe Am hoping that this thread will be shared with the prosecuter who ends up with this case. It will be nice to see the compassion for the dead man so openly shared by the shooters brother....
North Minneapolis Crime Watch & Information Jean Marie - looks like he's truly an asset to the north side.
Jean Marie Why is it so impossible to believe I live here, Corey? (As if location has any bearing/justification on what a piece of crap you and your brother seem to be.)
Robert Charles La Croix This is the reason it will never change until these cowards are put where they belong, and all thse fuckin LIBERAL judges get their head out of there ass and inforce the fuckin laws, This little dink needs about 40 years to think about what he did, and...See More
Deb Osburn Hughes Ok then, Corey is not the guilty party and this person is his brother. I'm sure that in his heart if hearts he does feel bad about the victim but he is trying to be support for his brother. It is hard for family to believe that their loved in could do ...See More
Deb Osburn Hughes Also we pack people into one area with now money and a poor education system and leave them to kill each other off, then we move into the area and can't understand why there is crime here, we are mad because now we have to live in their world, society has created this problem so work on fixing societal problems instead of attacking the people who are the victims of society!
Deb Osburn Hughes No one cared when they lived in their safe suburban homes but now you want to live here and now it's alarming! Come on people!!!!
Jean Marie Deb, Deb, Deb. PEOPLE make up a society and have to start taking responsibility for their own actions. I'm not sure who you're speaking to when you say, "No one cared when they lived in their safe suburban homes but now you want to live here..." as m...See More
Jean Marie Corey is in illegal possession of drugs and is in bigger violation of all rules of grammar and couth.
Phillip I. Murphy ... The daily mail ... This info was given to kstp while I was there kstp seems to be selling the story
Deb Osburn Hughes Yes I understand your anger but do you realize that the north side has been left to rot for a very long time, I live here and I don't want to live in fear either, but I do realize that the prison system dumps everyone out here, not just general crimina...See More
Deb Osburn Hughes I see homemade signs in the corner stores that desperate families looking for there young lives ones, do you see that on the news. My point is that people do what they know and because this community is in a vicious cycle that takes people who care to help break the cycles.
Deb Osburn Hughes A lot of these people are victims of their environment. A lot of these young kids out her could be doctors, lawyers, nurses. They could one day save you or your family member. But only if they had opportunity. But only if someone cared. But only if they had been born to you.
Deb Osburn Hughes Sorry if I am misspelling, I just feel strongly about this. I have young adults spend time at my house all the time with my other kids. I know their not saints but for a little while I'm their mom and their my kids. Maybe just maybe my love and attention will one day mean something to them. Something they may not get at home or ever felt before. Live and guidance.
Deb Osburn Hughes Love and guidance. You see I'm not going to sit back and say oh how terrible they are. I am going to do what I can in my own little way. Something not everyone can say.
Deb Osburn Hughes Of course they should face consequences!!! But may be as a society we could do something in our own little way to make a difference and maybe prevent another wonderful gentlemen from being shot.
Nicole Boyles Olson Deb, I agree that most people are a product of their environments. I was born and raised on the northside and can tell you there are probably more kids that I grew up with dead or in prison than not. The point is that no one person can wave a magic wan...See More
Deb Osburn Hughes I agree Nicole, I had to scratch and fight to become who I am, I grew up in a very difficult neighborhood. I started down the wrong path but I had something that made me fight for better and that was the love of my mom and a very strong soul. Thank god that I am where I am.
Deb Osburn Hughes Anyway, I get off the soap box. I will pray for the gentlemen who was killed and his family! God bless!
Carey Joe Howell before this and maybe he wouldn't be in this mess. Making a mistake is not assaulting and hurting people. That's not a mistake, that's not an accident. That's intentional. And how many "mistakes" has this person made? At what point do you get a freaking clue?
Carey Joe Howell An innocent person is dead, that is our business. That is everyone's business. If you don't want people getting into your business then don't act like idiots so we have to be concerned about whatever the hell you're up to.
Lili Johnson And may I ask- where might these brothers, grand pillars of our community, be from originally? The Northside? No.
Heather Kittenheart This is not the first time that I've seen the family of those arrested on here starting arguments. The prosecution can and will use this against your family member that stands accused. You are not doing them any favors. Don't speak to the media, and don't speak about it on social media.
Peace be with the victim's family tonight.
Peace be with the victim's family tonight.
What really gets me is the argument that his brother is young, that young people make mistakes, that EVERYBODY makes mistakes. To call this cold-blooded murder a "mistake" simply boggles my mind. That he was out of custody and free to keep terrorizing our neighborhood makes me sick. We have to hold these judges accountable for their repeated refusal to uphold minimum sentencing guidelines.
My guess is that Corey's DOB is 01/31/1989. Per MN Criminals, he has three domestic assault convictions and one for weapons possession. Thug!
Would you just copy and paste the rap sheet?
There are eight people on MN Criminals with that name. I think it is this one because the DOB is in the same range as his brother's.
Individual Detail
All Known Names and Aliases
Davis, Corey
All Reported Dates of Birth
Convictions and Sentencing
Conviction Number: 001
Case Number: 09150563
Court File Number: CR0925657
Disposition Date: 12/01/2009
Controlling Agency: Minneapolis Police Department
Court Agency: Hennepin County District Court
Assigned Custodial Agency: Hennepin County Workhouse - Adult Corrections
Assigned Probation Agency: Hennepin County Probation Off
Count Number: 001
General Offense:
Statute Description: Domestic Assault - By Strangulation
Statute Number: 609.2247.2
Disposition: Convicted
Pronounced Fine: $0
Stayed Fine: $0
Court Cost Amount: $0
Restitution Amount: $0
Assessment Amount: $0
Pronounced Sentence:
Probation Sentence: 3 Years
Conditional Confinement: 79 Days
Conviction Level: Felony
Conviction Number: 002
Case Number: 09080597
Court File Number: CR0963021
Disposition Date: 01/07/2010
Controlling Agency: Brooklyn Park Police Department
Court Agency: Hennepin County District Court-brookdale
Assigned Custodial Agency: Hennepin County Workhouse - Adult Corrections
Assigned Probation Agency: Hennepin County Dept Of Comm Corr Adult Field Srvs - Supv
Count Number: 001
General Offense:
Statute Description: Domestic Abuse; Violates no contact order within 10 years of previous conviction.
Statute Number: 518B.01.22(c)
Disposition: Convicted
Pronounced Fine: $0
Stayed Fine: $0
Court Cost Amount: $0
Restitution Amount: $0
Assessment Amount: $0
Pronounced Sentence: 365 Days
Probation Sentence: 2 Years
Conditional Confinement:
Conviction Level: Gross Misdemeanor
Conviction Number: 003
Case Number: 10073717
Court File Number: CR1024774
Disposition Date: 06/23/2010
Controlling Agency: Minneapolis Police Department
Court Agency: Hennepin County District Court
Assigned Custodial Agency: Hennepin County Workhouse - Adult Corrections
Assigned Probation Agency: Hennepin County District Court
Count Number: 001
General Offense:
Statute Description: Carry/Possess Pistol w/out Permit - Public Place -Gross Misdemeanor; Second or Subsequent - Felony
Statute Number: 624.714.1a
Disposition: Convicted
Pronounced Fine: $0
Stayed Fine: $0
Court Cost Amount: $0
Restitution Amount: $0
Assessment Amount: $0
Pronounced Sentence: 365 Days
Probation Sentence: 2 Years
Conditional Confinement:
Conviction Level: Gross Misdemeanor
Conviction Number: 004
Case Number: 10149739
Court File Number: CR1117406
Disposition Date: 09/20/2011
Controlling Agency: Minneapolis Police Department
Court Agency: Hennepin County District Court
Assigned Custodial Agency: MN Cor Fac St Cloud
Assigned Probation Agency: Hennepin County Dept Of Comm Corr Adult Field Srvs - Supv
Count Number: 001
General Offense:
Statute Description: Domestic Abuse - Violate Order for Protection
Statute Number: 518B.01.14(a)
Disposition: Convicted
Pronounced Fine: $0
Stayed Fine: $0
Court Cost Amount: $0
Restitution Amount: $0
Assessment Amount: $0
Pronounced Sentence: 18 Months
Probation Sentence: 3 Years
Conditional Confinement: 70 Days
Conviction Level: Felony
Well there was a Corey Davis Jr DOB 1/31/1989 subject of this previous JNS post:
Corey Davis, Jr., Arrested For Being A Prohibited Person In Possession Of A Gun IN HIS CROTCH...http://adventuresofjohnnynorthside.blogspot.com/2013/06/corey-davis-jr-arrested-for-being.html
There are some cases listed for that name with that date of birth:
Case No. 27-JV-06-10341
DOB: 01/31/1989
In the Matter of the Welfare of Corey Davis
Case Type: Delinquency Felony (Age 16 and Older
Charges: Davis, Corey
1. Terroristic Threats-Reckless Disregard Risk
Statute 609.713.1
Level Felony
Date 07/18/2006
2. Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Under 18 yrs Old
Statute 624.713.1(a)
Level Felony
Date 07/18/2006
1. Terroristic Threats-Reckless Disregard Risk
Not guilty
2. Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Under 18 yrs Old
Not guilty
Amended Plea Reason: Plea agreement
2. Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Under 18 yrs Old
1. Terroristic Threats-Reckless Disregard Risk
2. Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Under 18 yrs Old
Adjudicated delinquent
Case No. 27-CR-08-55329
DOB: 01/31/1989
State of Minnesota vs COREY DAVIS, Jr
Statute 385.90
Level Misdemeanor
Date 11/05/2008
Statute 609.50.1(2)
Level Misdemeanor
Date 11/05/2008
Case No. 27-CR-09-25657
DOB: 01/31/1989
State of Minnesota vs COREY DAVIS, Jr.
Charges: DAVIS, COREY, Jr.
1. Domestic Assault - By Strangulation
Statute 609.2247.2
Level Felony
Date 05/20/2009
1. Domestic Assault - By Strangulation
1. Domestic Assault - By Strangulation
Case No. 27-CR-09-63021
DOB: 01/31/1989
Charges: DAVIS, COREY, Jr. 1. Violates no contact order
Statute 518B.01.22(c)
Level Gross Misdemeanor
Date 12/29/2009
2. Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation Statute 609.2242.2
Level Gross Misdemeanor
Date 12/29/2009
Plea )
1. Violates no contact order
1. Violates no contact order
2. Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation
Case No. 27-CR-10-4224
DOB: 01/31/1989
Charges: DAVIS, COREY, Jr. 1.Domestic Assault
Statute 609.2242.2
Level Gross Misdemeanor
Date 11/27/2009
2. Domestic Assault
Statute 609.2242.2
Level Gross Misdemeanor
Date 11/27/2009
3. Violate Domestic Abuse No Contact Order
Statute 518B.01.22(c)
Level Gross Misdemeanor
Date 11/27/2009
3. Violate Domestic Abuse No Contact Order
1. Domestic Assault
2. Domestic Assault
3. Violate Domestic Abuse No Contact Order
Case No. 27-CR-10-24774
DOB: 01/31/1989
Charges: DAVIS, COREY, Jr.
1. Carry/Possess Pistol w/out Permit - Public Place - Gross Misdemeanor; Second or Subsequent - Felony
Statute 624.714.1a
Level Gross Misdemeanor
Date 03/18/2010
1. Carry/Possess Pistol w/out Permit - Public Place - Gross Misdemeanor; Second or Subsequent - Felony
1. Carry/Possess Pistol w/out Permit - Public Place - Gross Misdemeanor; Second or Subsequent - Felony
Case No. 27-CR-11-17406
DOB: 01/31/1989
Charges: DAVIS, COREY, Jr.
1. Violation of Order for Protection
Statute 518B.01.14(a)
Level Felony
Date 06/24/2010
1. Violation of Order for Protection (Not applicable - GOC)
1. Violation of Order for Protection (Not applicable - GOC)
Case No. 27-CR-12-2548
DOB: 01/31/1989
Charges: DAVIS, COREY, Jr.
1. Burglary-3rd Deg-Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misd
Statute 609.582.3
Level Felony
Date 08/24/2011
1. Burglary-3rd Deg-Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misd
1. Burglary-3rd Deg-Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misd
E-democracy thread about the crime and Devon Parker's previous arrests:
This fucker better pray for his own safety.
keep on blaming other people for your own problems sounds like you're very scared paranoidI could never imagine my life hurting another person what's wrong with you people
I read that entire conversation on that thread and found 99 percent of it disgusting. It was like High School mean girls attack little street punk. Everyone looked silly and ugly. So you're a weed smoker and you drink which makes you horrible ,unless you live in Colorado. Teens get on facebook and argue with teens and call them names. Way to shut down any REAL information that Cory might have spilled, had they acted like adults. On top of that the page admin says''He killed some old man.'' Really? If It was my Dad murdered, YOU BETTER call him his NAME, gentleman or SIR!!
Oh and who does Lili think she is? She ordered you to remove her comments so chop,chop.
Looks like they keep charging him only for "pistol without a permit" when they could charge him with "prohibited person in possession of a firearm" which carries up to a 10 year sentence. This guy should be in prison. What the fuck is wrong with the prosecutors that they keep letting him off on a lesser charge? Perhaps you should investigate who the prosecutor was in those cases.
Devon Parker is a piece of hoodie trash. I hope he rots in hell for taking that elderly man's life. And as for Devon's brother,Corey,the apple does not fall far from the tree now, does it?
So let me get this right more at least 5 gun charges and most SHOULD be a felon inmisde possession of a handgun charge which should be a mandatory minimum 5 years BUT all of them were gross misdemeanor. I are it back I see one is a felony yet he never gets locked up... We wonder why we have a crime problem.. Fuck these judges!! They are the reason we have crime problems, THEY are the reason this innocent man died..We live in this nightmare because of the courts. Why would people stop breaking the law when they're not enforced
The Worm has turned! Time for the Thugs to leave the Northside. The question is - where will they go? Who will have these criminals?
People learn by example. If this culture isn't willing to modify their behaviors and start setting better examples for the children, then the LAW needs to make examples of them.
Don't we usually get a bit of a break from this violence in the cold season? Our new mayor better give us at least 200 more police officers in NOMI to get some control of these thugs moving here from Chicago for our welfare assistance. And again I say,neuter them!
Where is our city leadership? Where is their response and solution? Everyone should get on the phone on Monday and raise holy hell. Scratch that, start leaving messages now and clog their voice mail until they produce results.
Is there an attorney out there that knows if it would be possible, or is willing, to file a class action lawsuit against the city regarding the ongoing violence in North? Perhaps citing quality of life or livability concerns and issues? Maybe even suing the judges who put these people back out on our streets prematurely? Lawsuits are seemingly the only thing the city responds to and addresses in a timely manner.
I think the victims family would definitely have a case.. The judge released this POS without bail even though he was in jail for 7 violent crimes four of which were felonies 7 days before this happend with only 7 days until his court date.. That is the main reason this man is dead. Charge the damn Judge with manslaughter..
The Judge has blood on his/her hands.
charge the judge manslaughter!! By him choosing to let Devon go without bail even though he was in custody on 7 charges all violent crimes and 4 of them being felony level, He is partially responsible for this. If they cant charge the judge the family should at the very least have a lawsuit of some sort.
Here is this "person's" mother's facebook page. Someone should congratulate her on doing such a great job raising these predators then unleashing them on the world. Thanks a pant load mom.
Bad judgement by the judges. But they're too full of themselves to admit it.
hey man don't post this but I was the one who said I was never going to come to your site again because you censored me but I seen that you posted some of my other comments I just want to say thank you keep up the good work and you should just post at it you should just post what everybody says irregardless of whatever that is because it'll bring more attention to the website which in turn will help North Minneapolis take care thank you
the judges don't care they don't have to live in a poor neighborhood most judges get in office by taking bribes and then repaying them later
I think that when you go to court it should be like a restaurant menu with no circumstances involved you do the crime you have to do the time simple easy fair I also think the prisons should be safe and they shouldn't be privately owned they should be government owned so they can get rid of the corruption with on unlawful convictions
I'm wondering if there is some other history to this family.
I guess the courts feel that by letting these thugs go back into the hood the likelihood is that they will just victimize another thug.
Wakeup CAll--- The Northside is full of good respectable people who don't need to be victimized. A classic case of lowered expectations from our own government.
BTW...Was there a Psych evaluation done on this guy while he was in custody? Why not?
please tell me where this guy lives,johnny. address is necessary to TCOB, all addresses of these thugs pleased to do my version of chucky b. (will anyhoo)
To the "chucky" commenter, first of all, I don't take your comment seriously. Secondly, I abhor it. Third, the police monitor this thread. Fourth, as bad as this situation may be, comments like yours only make it worse, which puts me in an awkward position when I have to publish such a comment not only for free speech considerations but evidentiary considerations as well.
I think the cops are more concerned about you stoking the flames of hatred and violence as opposed to someone that sends a desire about being reincarnated as a movie star in jest. What a fool!
So in the words
of Devon Parker so eloquently stated "Shut the fuck up and mind y'all motherfuckin business.
If the cops were concerned about something like that then they have every opportunity to tell me. They haven't. So here's your Devon Parker (oh, wait, that was actually COREY DAVIS who is Parker's BROTHER and you're WRONG) quote right back at you.
You take yourself way too seriously Mr. Hoff. I am sure the Minneapolis Police Department would survive without your keen wit and ability to make their jobs easier and the community embracing your skills of uniting people(sarcasm font).
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