Regular readers know I throw the term "no account" around pretty freely as a label to describe individuals who appear to move civilization backward rather than forward through a variety of destructive or (at the least) non-productive behavior.
Lots of people are "no accounts" in my book. The pitiable prostitutes whose very presence drags down Penn Ave. N. are "no accounts." So are drug dealers, litterbugs, chronic inebriates, and pretty much anybody who continues to hang around at the bus stop instead of actually getting on the bus.
But Johnnie B. Riggins might be described as the "King of The No Accounts," sitting in his wheelchair throne near bus stops or Mickey's Liquor, where he has been "trespassed" but gets others to buy his booze. (Works out pretty well for Mickey's, wouldn't you say? They still get Johnnie's money but they don't have to put up with Johnnie in the store)
Recently, I received an email from the 4th Precinct, gathering victim impact statements from the decent people who live in North Minneapolis and are impacted by Riggins' behavior. Try as I might...
I couldn't get the impact statement form to download. For that matter, I couldn't get a picture of Riggins to UPLOAD for this blog post. Arg.
When frustrating technical obstacles interfere with the pure, expressive joy of blogging I get frustrated for a moment, but then I remind myself it's a miracle to get internet inside a fortress of sun baked mud in Afghanistan. So I just dropped an email to the 4th Precinct, asking them to forward my impact statement under these trying circumstances.
In the meantime, here's a little insight into the life of a micro celebrity: Johnnie B. Riggins, King of the North Minneapolis Bus Stop No Accounts.
Public Information Report Minneapolis Police Department CCN: MP-11-130409
Report Details
Reported Date: May 11, 2011 00:45 Reporting Officer: 000324: Brandon Bartholomew
Last Uploaded: May 11, 2011 Date Printed: Aug 10, 2011
Related CCN : --
Precinct: 04
Incident Details
Offense1: CONSME Desc: Consuming In Public Statute: 340A.503 Attempted:
Offense2: LITTER Desc: Littering Statute: 427.30 Attempted:
Offense3: BEGGAR Desc: Begging/panhandling Statute: 385.60 Attempted:
Address: Broadway AV W
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Intersection: Penn AV N
Occurred From: 05/10/2011 17:47 Occurred To: 05/10/2011 17:47
Public Data
Officers observed a repeat offender sitting in his wheel chair at the bus stopping people as they were trying to get on the bus. Officers observed A1 block the entrance to the bus as people were trying to get on the bus. Officers then observed the A1 drinking alcohol in public and he threw the bottle on the ground and did not pick it up. We believed a1 was begging for money so he was stopped and he admitted he was trying to get money. A1 was cited for begging, consuming and litter and released.
case closed with tag
Role / Role #: A001 MPD#:
Name: Riggins, Johnnie B
Residence: 2320 Mcnair AV
Minneapolis, MN 55443
Telephone: N:none
Date of Birth: 10/22/1959 Event Age: 51 Est. Age: 51 - 51
Race: Black Medical Treatment: No
Sex: Male Prior Injury: No
Arrest Information
Arrest Address: Precinct:
Arrest Date: May 10, 2011 18:09
Arrest Location:
Disposition: cited released
Arresting Officer: 000324: Bartholomew, Brandon Michael Call/Sqd: 494
Arresting Officer: 007856: Tucker, Christopher D Call/Sqd: 494
Status Type Charge Code Statute Citation Related CCN
Misdemeanor Misdemeanor BEGGAR - Begging/panhandling 385.60 111201552
End of report for case MP-11-130409. Print ID: dc74f065-90db-4f07-9bcb-30dcfaf76187
Report Details
Reported Date: Jun 2, 2011 09:30 Reporting Officer: 004156: Bret Lindback
Last Uploaded: Jun 2, 2011 Date Printed: Aug 10, 2011
Related CCN : --
Precinct: 04
Incident Details
Offense1: TRSPAS Desc: Trespassing Statute: 609.605 Attempted:
Address: Emerson AV N
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Intersection: Plymouth AV N
Occurred From: 05/25/2011 12:45 Occurred To: 05/25/2011 12:55
Public Data
I observed Suspect Riggins sitting at the Bus Stop on Emerson at Plymouth Av N. From previous contact I know he is Trespassed from MTC Bus Stopped for drinking and Loitering.
I stopped and tried to send him as I was on my way to another call he became argumentative and started to swear. He was drunk. His friend told me that he would take him home. As I was on the way to a call I left his friend in charge of him.
Suspect Ringgins is a continuing problem at the bus stops around this intersection. He his been trespassed from Micky's Liquor and must get others to buy his liquor for him. Then he and his friends sit in the bus stop and drink.
Victim Business
Business Number: B001
Name: Mtc
Address: 560 6 AV N
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Telephone Number:
Victim of: TRSPAS
Alarm Co.:
Safe Vault:
Security Camera:
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