Tuesday, August 21, 2012

During FBI Raid On 3851 Emerson Ave. N., Small Fussy Children Repeatedly Told To STFU By Their Mothers In A Scene My Source Sarcastically Describes As "Heartwarming"

Creative stock photo, this does NOT depict the address in question, blog post by John Hoff

Here is a bit more info on yesterday's dramatic raid at 3851 Emerson Ave. N....

I have scoured the jail roster and NOT found the two individuals reportedly arrested. This may mean they were detained at a facility other than the Hennepin County Jail or were released. Given the amount of evidence two witnesses observed to be seized, I'm guessing the arrestees are simply not in the Hennepin County jail or (another possibility) their addresses are not in North Minneapolis, so they escaped my search of the roster.

However, my source tells me (passing on info from more than one eyewitness given to my source) the two men the FBI showed "the most interest in" were men that hadn't been previously seen hanging around the property. Speculating freely (but why not?) my source thinks these may have been individuals involved in drug dealing who were too important to risk getting pinched for street level sales. Authorities were at the house two and a half hours and removed "boxes filled with manilla envelopes." Having observed these raids before, I know evidence is cleanly "bagged and tagged" with manilla envelopes so even though it LOOKS like records being seized, whatever is in the envelopes might be objects other than paper records. Like drugs. But who knows? I'm still hoping this was a counterfeiting operation, simply because that would be, um, cool.

During the raid, numerous small children and the "womenfolk," who seemed to be from the 3853 side of the duplex unit were hanging around and watching. The children fussed often and were told, just as often, to (this is a direct quote) "Shut the fuck up."

"Heartwarming," said my source, with obvious sarcasm.

A realtor who participates in the North Talk Facebook forum stated he had seen people moving freely between the two units at a time in the not-so-distant past (this spring) and, while showing a house nearby, was forced to admit 3851 Emerson Ave. N. was likely to present any new home buyer constant livability issues.

My source prays to whatever administrative gods may be listening to please, please, please cause some kind of property seizure to take place at this duplex, since this seems to be the only way any peace will come to that block.


Anonymous said...

A Jerlean Davis is a 2010 graduate of Edison High School.

Anonymous said...

"I have scoured the jail roster and NOT found the two individuals reportedly arrested. This may mean they were detained at a facility other than the Hennepin County Jail or were released."

Or turned to States Evidence.

Anonymous said...

Fedral prisoners are housed in Elk River.

Anonymous said...

I want my goddamn pink pony back! My babys mama is gunna be pist i sold it for a vapor.

Johnny Northside! said...

What is a vapor? I am always interested and fascinated to learn the street lingo.

boathead said...

Vapor- the best a crackhead who does not get ebt can do. It is similar to inhaling someones fart after they ate some sliders. It is akin to drinking someones backwash mixed with the puss from their herpes leakin' lips. It is basically the poor Fool on the Hill, just ash Sergio Mendes and the Brasil 66.

Anonymous said...

Hey the link is not right.

I laughed when it took me here instead of to info on the raid. Former JACC Executive Director Jerry Moore Hired By U of M, Neighborhood Leaders Are All, Like, WTF?!!!.

Johnny Northside! said...

HA!!!!! My bad for putting the wrong link. I will fix it in the morning.

Johnny Northside! said...

OK, it is morning and I fixed it. Thanks for pointing out I had the wrong link in there.

Anonymous said...

Michael darling, you have had your head in someone ass inhaling those vapors for way too long. You nose is starting to show brown stains.
Maybe you should go back to sniffing your own undies. A least you know the source is from your own "crack" supply. Sleep tight.