If there's another McDonalds in the world that won't take credit cards, I haven't caught wind of it. Heck, I hear there are places in Texas willing to accept MEXICAN PESOS and up near...
...the Canadian border, even while still on the "American side" I've been able to buy gasoline and other products with "loonies." But the McDonalds in Dinkytown won't take credit cards. Why? It's because they have a "contract" with their ATM provider.
So, yeah, if it's 2 in the morning, and you're a drunk college student--which is who patronizes the place in droves at that hour--there's an ATM right in the corner, and you can get cash. For a small fee. And all those small fees add up quickly, ka-ching.
I thought it would be difficult to get somebody with management to admit this was the situation...that I'd have to entice a disgruntled worker to give me information on the sly, or file a complaint with some state authority, or...something.
But one night about a month ago, while eating McNuggets or whatever, I just casually asked the Peter-Brady-Looking manager boy, "Hey, why won't this place take credit cards?"
So Peter Brady told me, quiet casually, as he mopped the floor. He said it's because there is a contract with the ATM provider, which specifies this establishment won't take credit cards.
Huh. And that's LEGAL? That isn't, like, um...NOT LEGAL?
Well, it sucks. And I have a blog, so I'm saying something.
Yeah, that does suck. It also sucks that they close at 3AM. (Don't they open again at like 5 or 6 for breakfast? Is that efficient? Doesn't seem so.)
You know what else sucks? When it's after 3AM and you have to go to the stupid Burger King.
And then Burger King is out of fries.
I only know this because I got a once-in-a-decade craving for fries this weekend as I was waiting for my better half to get checked out of ER after having the side of his head bashed up by an angry pimp who thinks he owns our 'hood.
That was lame. The fries and the pimp both, that is.
So carry cash for your fries Johnny... and be careful who you confront out there on the street too.
I need more details, Connie. Send the story. Send pictures. I'll put it up here, if you like.
You need to watch out at THAT Burger King, though. The wretched refuse from the blood bank hang out there. Read the entry I wrote for August 31, I think it was, about one thug's pathetic little attempt to "embezzle" a hamburger.
Oh no, Ranty, say it ain't so! I am so sorry to hear about the head-bashing pimp! :( yikes. I don't even know what to say.
I think it was the hamburglar!
It's okay Megs, I think this incident actually made my heretofore reticent partner WAY more committed to changing our neighborhood.
His purple face and punctured eardrum will heal just fine in no time. What will take longer to dissipate is the primal RAGE that he now harbors against not only this guy, but indeed the whole cadre of slimy jerks who work our streets and think they OWN them.
PS @ Johnny - I'll tell you details if you're interested, but I don't think my "good scientist" would appreciate those being blogged, and certainly not with pics.
Another thing I have noticed. Not in the city, but in suburbs there is a phenomenon of Mc Donalds having nice new TV's in them. And do you know what they are almost always turned to? Fox News. Just have to wonder.
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