I recently learned the Winner gas station at West Broadway and Lyndale Ave. N. is NOT AS BAD AS IT USED TO BE, even though things look rough there, sometimes. According to a source named Jim W., who is involved in the business operations at the gas station...
Nobody has been murdered there in "12 years." Jim told me the gas station used to have a "grease rack," and the hot food would attract a rough crowd. That is to say...rougher than the crowd which gasses up there now.
Police are always present because the business owners brought the police in, to keep the place secure. That is, of course, a never-ended battle since no-account chronic inebriates and blatant open-air drug dealers congregate near the mega-huge liquor store across the street. They make their way to the Winner gas station to buy Swisher Sweets, cheap Honey Buns or...whatever. Whatever it is thugs buy.
But nobody has been murdered at the gas station in 12 years, according to my source. Therefore, I will not refer to this place as the "Murder Station." I now dub it the "Secured Gas Station."
I will also add this: all gas stations are "murder stations." Read about the bad things which happen in Nigeria so Shell can extract oil. The gas we buy sends money to the Middle East, which ultimately funds terrorism. Fossil fuel consumption is murdering the earth itself.
Therefore all gas stations are murder stations.
ADDENDUM, PLEASE NOTE: This post was altered in late April, 2009, in response to a plea from individuals involved in the ownership of the station, and a favor or two which involved giving me information about 422 30th Ave. N.
Actually the original "murder station" was the Old Colony on Washington Avenue. But this one probably deserves that title, too. Also, check out how the McDonald's on W. Broadway charges extra for ketchup packets!
Extra for ketchup packets?! Good grief.
Most times, when I'm at a McDonalds or Burger King I have to tell them TWO KETCHUP PACKETS ONLY because they will always give me a handful, like it's easier to grab a whole bunch than pick out a reasonable number.
I always check my bag and then, if necessary, I'll toss back two or three of the packets. Charging EXTRA for packets is just ridiculous. But I suppose abuses by customers led to the policy. I suppose some customers order a small fries, then try to make off with enough ketchup for the week.
Not that I'm criticizing. When I'm at an Arby's, I always walk off with some extra "horsey sauce." Hey, it's THAT good.
Yes, I have also heard of this nick-named gas station. And the gas is bad as in watered down.
I think there was shootings at that gas station in the past. But your right about our gas and feeding terrorism.... But we have our own terrorists in the good ole usa called drug dealers, gang members...
I can't figure out how to comment with my name but I am MCullen NE in other forums. Keep up the good work that you do for your neighbors.
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