Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Star Tribune Reporter: "If people will go on the record about Major Topps, I will talk to them..."

Stock photo and blog post by John Hoff

A few moments ago I spoke to Paul Walsh of the Star Tribune about his article regarding Major Topps, click here, who died of kidney failure in close proximity to a vicious beating which took place at New Bethel Baptist Church. (Another account of the incident says there was no beating, Topps was merely slapped) An online version of the article in the Star Tribune has been revised at least three times, however...

...Walsh stated this is normal for online stories. The online story matches the print version which will appear, and so these online stories get revised over and over due to--among other things--space considerations in the print version. Walsh said there was nothing out of the ordinary about these sorts of revisions and, in fact, offered to email me a copy of the original article.

When I told Walsh about concerns in the community over Major Topps and widespread, persistent rumors that Topps' interest in young boys wasn't entirely healthy, Walsh simply said this:

"If people will go on the record about Major Topps, I will talk to them."

Walsh's email at the Star Tribune is

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