Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Never Ending Graffiti Battle Along The Light Rail Line...

Photo and blog post by John Hoff

When I take the light rail line to pick up my 13-year-old son for visitation, meeting him at Mall of America, I make a point of racking up as many 311 calls as I can along my route. But once I see this building near Fort Snelling, I know I am beyond the jurisdiciton of the Minneapolis 311 system. All the same, the graffiti battle at this building fascinates me and has been the subject of a handful of blog postings, click here to pick up the virtual trail of writings.

Most recently, the building in question...

...has been the subject of repeated graffiti abatement efforts, but now the vandals have tried to hit the building with MUCH BIGGER LETTERS. If you look closely at the photo above, you can see where the paint-over took place at ground level, but the upper half of the building still bears graffiti scars.

Will the owners of the building literally rise to the challenge, and blot out this WHOLE NEW LEVEL of graffiti? I hope so. I will be observing their progress each time I pick up my son for weekend visitation.


Anonymous said...

"I make a point of racking up as many 311 calls as I can along my route."

Nothing like abusing the system racking up calls.
People like you are why our taxes are so high, having inspectors go out on every piddly little thing you see so you can continually be on some sort of an ego trip.

Johnny Northside! said...

Yeah, that's what they tell me every time I call 311...

No, wait. Actually they thank me profusely.

Also, I didn't know anonymous internet entities pay taxes. Do you pay anonymous taxes anonymously?

Johnny Northside! said...

One troll comment rejected. When trolls start making anonymous claims of fact, and then trying to make comparisons...I'm just sick of trolls. The troll crackdown has begun.

Anonymous said...

Graff will live forever.... Sorry johnny!
Looks like you will be racking up those calls for the the rest of your natural born life.... Have fun:) lol