When my son Alex sees me during visitation, it's always a question of how are we going to entertain ourselves BESIDES letting Alex play online video games all day long? Today part of the answer was: take down sign spam on Lyndale Ave. N.
We found these two signs advertising a...
...slummy 3-bedroom hovel for rent, so we removed the signs. Legitimate landlords advertise in legitimate ways, not by placing sign spam on utility poles. Sign on utility pole equals illegitimate business. We don't feel the need to inquire more deeply. We have more right to take the signs DOWN than shady operators have to put the signs UP.
The signs were made out of some kind of plastic, so we won't burn them. Since the back of the signs are blank, at some point we might re-purpose the signs to protest a slumlord. For now, the signs can rest in a big pile of political yard signs in some dark corner of a garage, but they WON'T be on Lyndale Ave. N.
Sign spammers should just give up on North Minneapolis. We will remove your crap from our utility poles, then mock you on the internet.
I still say you are engaging in THEFT and also robbing those looking for affordable housing from findin it. Hardly consistant with the green party you keep representing.
Theft, huh? No, the signs appear to be abandoned property owned by nobody. When the signs are nailed to the poles, their ownership is forfeited because they can be remove by the city for being illegal and, therefore, anybody else who removes them performs a public service.
That's like saying picking up litter is theft. Your argument is just STOOPID.
Then you do admit to working with the city. Someone's going to love this.
You are against the people plain and simple. Just because you got yours doesn't mean it's right to keep those needing affordable housing down.
The phone number can be seen in the second image. Just sayin'.
Actually, littering is punishable by a fine. So you are doing them a service!
11:20 is engaging in the theft of their legitmacy for the quest of sane reasoning by proving that they sniffed glue in art class...unfortunately the only class they didn't consistently skip. I obviously skipped typing class. Good Day.
I don't agree the number is decipherable in the second image.
To the person who asked me to email: My email is at the top of the blog if you want to email me.
Whatever you say, Butt Spam. I work for the City of Minneapolis as much as I can. If you want to name the City of Minneapolis in some crackpot lawsuit, what can I do about it?
My last comment was directed at the person who was all, like, aha! YOU WORK FOR THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, etc.
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